Uwe Janson

Рождение : 1959-11-06, Königswinter, Germany


Der Usedom-Krimi: Mutterliebe
How a revolutionary priest named Martin Luther changed the face of Christendom and the path of European civilization forever.
Der Urbino-Krimi: Mord im Olivenhain
Der Urbino-Krimi: Die Tote im Palazzo
Die Udo Honig Story
An insight view on the life of Udo Honig, successful football manager with a gambling addiction (similarities to a successful football manager in real life being purely coincidental).
Die Udo Honig Story
An insight view on the life of Udo Honig, successful football manager with a gambling addiction (similarities to a successful football manager in real life being purely coincidental).
Sechse kommen durch die ganze Welt
Gaspard is menestrel at the court of King Wilbur. He and Princess Ella love each other and want to get married and discover the world together. But Ella's father King Wilbur does not accept it. He traps Gaspard in a dungeon and makes his daughter believe that he has gone around the world. In prison, Gaspard meets Lucas "The Strong", who is stronger than 10 men, and Flora "The Witch", who orders plants. Thanks to Lucas, they escape from prison, and on their way they meet Marcus "The Runner", who carries an anvil in his bag to prevent himself from running faster than the wind; Benjamin "The Marksman", who has a view that carries further than that of an eagle; and Lisa "The Icy", who has a breath of ice.
За жизнь!
Судьба связала нестареющую шансонье Рут и молодого, но смертельно больного Джонаса. Тем не менее, несмотря на их большую разницу в возрасте и их полностью противоположный жизненный опыт, они образуют интенсивную связь и дают друг другу причину и цель, чтобы жить.
Die Schlikkerfrauen
Das Mädchen mit den Schwefelhölzern
On a cold Christmas Eve, a little girl is shivering in the streets. She has a bundle of matches to sell. She decides to not returns the orphanage, and ran away, in the rundown family home . "If I could light at least one, to have a little warm. Just one to warm me up." This heartbreaking version of Hans Christian Andersen's tale tells how her parents' visions gently accompanied her to death.
Der Minister
Franz Ferdinand von und zu Donnersberg is a charismatic, well-bred and handsome young man from a very wealthy family who sees his future in politics. His childhood friend Max Drexel is quick-witted, ambitious, quick-witted, but comes from a humble background and doesn't like to be in the foreground. But together they make an unbeatable team, as Max runs his office and writes him the tangled and grandiose speeches that Franz Ferdinand gets so much applause and recognition for. But Chancellor Angela Murkel eyes the young MP with great skepticism. Franz Ferdinand realizes that he could improve his reputation with the chancellor with a doctorate
Hänsel und Gretel
Once upon a time, there was a brother and sister named Hansel and Gretel who get lost in the forest. The father searches actively his children with the help of the Herb Fairy Marie. The lost siblings wander around for a while, and then they find a house of gingerbread, biscuit and chocolate. A witch kindly invites the children, but behind the sweet temptation lurks danger ...
Die Schuld der Erben
По мотивам сказки братьев Гримм. Родители Золушки давно умерли, и она живет в доме злой мачехи, выполняя работу прислуги. Поплакаться о своей тяжелой судьбе Золушка приходит на могилу матери. Однажды Золушку отправляют в деревню продавать поросят. В лесу повозка с поросятами опрокидывается. Молодой человек, виновник этой ситуации, помогает Золушке поймать разбежавшихся поросят. Но девушка не знает, что это был принц...
On the Inside
Script Editor
On the Inside
On the Inside
Am Kreuzweg
Lichtblau - Neues Leben Mexiko
When a dormant volcano suddenly erupts into activity beneath Laach Lake in the Eiffel mountains, panic breaks out among the 500.000 residents.
With the Next Dance, Everything Becomes Different
Leo is a dance instructor conqueror who wins the heart of all students. One day, his boss, dissatisfied with the attitude of the teacher decides to give a lesson to Leo and sends him away. After losing his job and be unable to pay its debts, his only chance is to teach at a school dance that only selects older women to teach. Desperate, Leo asks for help to a friend and makeup artist becomes "Leonore" to get the job. There, he meets Sandra, a sweet single mom who is secretly in love with Marco, an instructor hunky not notice its presence. By figuring out how Sandra is good dancer, Leo decides to be your partner in a competition, where he finally understands the true feelings he has for her.
Peer Gynt
Young Peer Gynt returns home once again after unsuccessfully looking for work. His mother already goes to meet him and he describes his alleged adventures to her. In his imagination, he sees himself as a king and escapes reality with his stories. His mother would have liked him to marry Ingrid, with whose dowry they would be well provided for, but Ingrid is promised to Mats and will marry him the very next day. While Peer once again escapes into his world of thoughts while lying in the grass, he is laughed at by the others of the village. They warn him to come to Ingrid's wedding feast, where the whole village is celebrating. But he does not care and there he meets Solvejg, whom he likes very much, but she initially turns away from him. So he kidnaps the bride Ingrid, incurring the wrath of the groom and the rest of the village youth.
Ein Koala-Bär allein zu Haus
Eine Liebe in Saigon
Dramatic TV two-parter about a married doctor, who falls in love with a mine deterrent in Vietnam.
Wo bleibst du, Baby?
Für immer verloren
Jagd auf den Flammenmann
"Inspector Susanne Beckert doesn't make it easy to be liked. Thanks to her tenacity to follow through on her ""intuition"", she soon has the entire precinct on her back. Her first case involves a fire in which the mother and daughters escape but the father dies. Susanne is convinced the man was murdered. Though she still has the support of her partner Weber, she puts everything on the line when she begins to investigate into similar cases that occurred in the past - against the will of her colleagues. With the help of former pathologist Gerit, Susanne discovers a trail of cover-ups and irregularities that ultimately lead her and Weber to the serial killer's lair. Before they can seize him, however, Susanne is knocked unconscious and Weber is shot with Susanne's gun. Suspected of attempted murder, she must now prove her innocence and catch the killer - the only way to prove to her colleagues that her instinct was dead right.
Weihnachtsmann gesucht
Ein Albtraum von 3 1/2 Kilo
Nachts im Park
Mein Vater die Tunte
Twenty years ago, Dietrich discovered (Jan-Gregor Kremp) that he is gay. Wife and son he left behind in the country and opened a travesty Club in Berlin. He and his lover Max (Pasquale Aleardi) can adopt a child, Dietrich now requires a "testimony" of his son Jan (Matthias Schweighofer). In his postcards he has for years fooled him a "real men live" on mounting - but the moment of truth draws near: An accident leads Jan, the aspiring professional quarterback and homophobic macho, to Dietrich's desk ... gays are stylish hold French Schneider and turned pink piglets - the figure of Dietrich serves all clichés. Through the Eyes of Jan we discover the people behind them. Despite weaknesses in the structure of an amusing search for the father, in the comedy legend Walter Giller occurs as Alt-queen Wanda.
Babykram ist Männersache
Die Geiseln von Costa Rica
Ben & Maria - Liebe auf den zweiten Blick
Holstein Lovers
Annas Fluch-Tödliche Gedanken
Single sucht Nachwuchs
Koma - Lebendig begraben
Lauras Entscheidung
Gefährliche Verbindung
Neues Deutschland
Compilation film.
Herz in der Hand
Verfolgte Wege
Post-war Germany in 1946 while people are struggling to make ends meet, the film follows Hermann, a war veteran who finds employment at a train station. As he falls in love with an agricultural worker and starts comitting thefts, his fragile psyche seems to fall more and more out of balance.