Kai Wido Meyer


Hayat has come to Berlin with her husband Harun to provide a better life for their unborn child. All they have is a small suitcase and Hayat’s nightmares of her life in Syria.
Hotel Auschwitz
The director of a theatre play about the holocaust takes some of his actors to Auschwitzt to get in the right mood...
Fast Nacht
Boy in Park 1
Two young women arrive in a town at a scenic lake, the day after carnival. On the shore lays the body of a man in a wig, with a shark fin attached to his back. A folkloristic ritual is set in motion, evoking a sacred place.
Чудо святой Анны
Karl Lessner
История 92-й дивизии американской армии, состоявшей целиком из чернокожих солдат. В 1944 году подразделение этой дивизии, ведомое некомпетентными командирами-расистами, попало в ловушку в районе одной из итальянских деревень в Тоскане.