Makeup Department Head
Пять сестер Макалузо живут без родителей на окраине Палермо. Несмотря на трудности, их детство наполнено надеждами на будущее, пока внезапное происшествие не меняет размеренный уклад их жизни. Теперь сестер объединяет общая тайна.
Makeup Department Head
Шестеро мальчишек мчатся на скутерах по узким улочкам неаполитанского района Санита. Бесстрашные смельчаки жаждут заработать деньги, чтобы носить дизайнерскую одежду и брендовые кроссовки. Эти 15-летние дети используют крыши города для стрельбы из штурмовой винтовки. Они торгуют наркотиками и без колебаний используют оружие, чтобы взять под контроль окрестности. Их умный лидер, Никола, знает правила: для того чтобы вывести свою банду на вершину, он бросает вызов одному из старых боссов. Но тот, кто сегодня главный, завтра может умереть... И когда из-за своей девушки Никола попадает в переделку, ему приходится делать выбор.
Makeup Department Head
During the evaluation of a plot of land, surveyor and distressed single mother Lucia meets a woman who claims to be Mary, the Mother of God.
Makeup Designer
In the theater of a small village, rehersals are taking place for a show based on the opera I Pagliacci. There is no orchestra, just a piano and the singers. Amongs the few people in the audience there is the mother of the singer, a rich local lady and financer of the project, the sister, and a few other people involved in the show. During a dinner party at this rich lady’s house, a hiposis session takes place, where rancor and pain emerge from the brother and sister towards their mother and their impossibility of overcoming them.
Makeup Artist
Action Reaction - when a Russian patron collapses at the bar, poison is suspected and Vittoria closes them down until the source is found.
Makeup Artist
Chinese Whispers - a dead psychic is found in the trunk of a car and the uncles find briefcase full of dough ($).
Makeup Artist
After finish his work Marchino finds the body of a teenager girl and goes to BarLume to call the police who don't believe him after his infamous past. Massimo goes to check and here starts a new story of BarLume.
Makeup Artist
A child is in the park playing with his plasticine figures, that he modeled himself. His favorite character is Isaac. Isaac is a little boy just like he is, who dreams, hopes and confides in the world. Isaac is happy because this is the day he will accompany his father on the mountains to help him out. Isaac's father is named Abraham.
Key Makeup Artist
On a boat at night, the secret journey of a man returning home.
Assistant Makeup Artist