Heather Morris

Heather Morris

Рождение : 1987-02-01, Thousand Oaks, Ventura County, California, USA


Heather Elizabeth Morris (born February 1, 1987) is an American actress, dancer, singer, and model. She played the role of Brittany S. Pierce in the Fox musical comedy-drama series Glee.


Heather Morris
Heather Morris
Heather Morris


Cora Bora
Cora senses her open relationship is on the rocks. When the struggling musician and messy millennial goes home to Portland to win her girlfriend back, she realizes it’s much more than her love life that needs salvaging.
Prophets of Change
Can music overcome borders and walls and bring people together? Prophets of Change tracks musicians, both Israeli and Palestinian, through their unique journeys and commitment to inspire change.
Fatal Fandom
Addison Bright
When famous pop star Eden Chase is almost kidnapped by a crazed fan, she enlists the help of handsome, brooding bodyguard Jackson Reed to move into her home and become her security full-time. But when Jackson develops an unhealthy attachment to Eden, she soon realizes the man she’d called her protector–has now become a predator harboring a dark secret from the past–and that she must outwit him or become prey.
Психушка: ужасающие и фантастические истории
Комик Брендон готовится дать свое последнее шоу. Во время выступления он понимает, что его истории связаны с его прошлым гораздо больше, чем ему кажется.
Ненастоящий Санта
Простой парень Пат Кили уезжает из родной Ирландии в Америку. Невероятный поворот событий забрасывает его из Нью-Йорка в маленький городок Фанта-Фе прямо в канун Рождества.
Опасность позитивного мышления
Автор книг по психологической самопомощи и её семья становятся жертвами нездорового увлечения неуравновешенной девушки.
All Styles
Struggling In his freshman year of college, Brandon tries to focus intently on his studies but keeps coming to the same conclusion: dance is his passion. His geeky roommate Nate proposes they start a dance crew, but their search for other freestyle dancers proves fruitless. So they expand their search across town, finding a break-dancer, a performance artist, a Bhangra dancer, an animator, a ballerina, and a ballroom dance mom willing to join the new crew. A national dance battle headlined by Brandon's previous crew, Levelz, provides the first opportunity for Brandon to prove to himself and his family that he and his crew have what it takes to make it as dancers.
Смерть, мрак и отчаяние
Heather (The Cleansing Hour)
Набор веселых (и не очень) короткометражных фильмов ужасов от множества талантливых режиссеров.
Psycho Wedding Crasher
Jenna Kravitz
Since she started working as a dressmaker for her Aunt Daisy, Jenna has seen dozens of brides getting happily married in her gorgeous wedding gowns. Jenna longs to have a white wedding of her own and to find a handsome man who will take her away from her abusive Aunt.
Рубаха-парень и весельчак
Успешный музыкант пытается помочь другу-комику, страдающему от неразделенной любви, и нанимает его для своего сольного турне.
The Cleansing Hour
Two failed filmmakers have found success running a webcast that streams LIVE exorcisms. However, every episode is an elaborately staged hoax, created to dupe their global audience. But, when their latest subject turns out to actually be demon-possessed, Lance and Drew are forced to reckon with their online charade- live in front of millions viewers.
Скорее всего ты умрёшь
9 друзей, 2 дня, 1 убийца. Группа бывших одноклассников собираются на встречу в одном из своих домов, чтоб отпраздновать 10 лет с окончания школы и один за другим начинают умирать в жестоких мучения.
Romantically Speaking
A young lady who has grown up with her father being a radio DJ, becomes one herself. Falls in love and hosts a 'Romantically Speaking' show.
Отвязные каникулы
Брит, Кенди, Котти и Фэйт- лучшие подруги с начальной школы. Они скучно живут вместе в общежитии колледжа и жаждут приключений. Все, что им нужно - найти достаточно денег на весенние каникулы, чтобы реально оторваться. Неожиданная встреча с таинственным незнакомцем обещает обеспечить их всем, на что они могли надеяться. Но как далеко девушки готовы пойти, чтобы заполучить весенние каникулы, которые они никогда не забудут?
Ледниковый период 4: Континентальный дрейф
Katie (voice)
После приключений под землей прошло семь лет. Случился дрейф континентов. Главные герои мультфильма, отделённые от стада, вынуждены использовать айсберг в качестве плота. Они пересекают океан и попадают в неизвестные им ранее земли с экзотическими животными и пиратами, враждебно настроенными к ним. Скрэту удаётся получить свой жёлудь, но он перемещается в новые для него земли.
Glee: The Concert Movie
Brittany S. Pierce
A concert documentary shot during the Glee Live! In Concert! summer 2011 tour, featuring song performances and Glee fans' life stories and how the show influenced them.
A Sense of Humor
Laura was born without the ability to laugh. When she meets and falls for Charlie, a struggling stand-up comedian, he makes it his life purpose to get her to crack up. A short film written an directed by Nathan Larkin-Connolly starring Heather Morris and John Weselcouch
Andy Made a Friend
Narcolepsy and an uncontrollable bladder collide in a meeting only the universe could orchestrate. Kate and Andy have something in common as their problems guide them through lifes biggest mysteries. Love, happiness and a rare bond help them escape the harsh realities of life and open them up to the world of the imperfect.
The Elevator
Nate only takes the stairs. One day, he sees the girl of his dreams but the only problem is... she takes the elevator. Nate recruits the help of his best friend, Louise, to help him try to overcome his fears and get this mysterious elevator girl.
The Elevator
Nate only takes the stairs. One day, he sees the girl of his dreams but the only problem is... she takes the elevator. Nate recruits the help of his best friend, Louise, to help him try to overcome his fears and get this mysterious elevator girl.
The Elevator
Nate only takes the stairs. One day, he sees the girl of his dreams but the only problem is... she takes the elevator. Nate recruits the help of his best friend, Louise, to help him try to overcome his fears and get this mysterious elevator girl.
Nuthin' But a Glee Thang
Heather Morris and the cast of GLEE put their own stamp on the Dr. Dre classic NUTHIN' BUT A 'G' THANG.
Nuthin' But a Glee Thang
Heather Morris and the cast of GLEE put their own stamp on the Dr. Dre classic NUTHIN' BUT A 'G' THANG.
Сказки на ночь
Dancer (uncredited)
В жизни главного героя Скитера Бронсона никогда не случалось ничего удивительного. Но однажды сестра попросила его присмотреть за двумя очаровательными и неугомонными племянниками и одной симпатичной морской свинкой по имени Плаксик. Все трое привыкли засыпать под мамины сказки, и Скитеру пришлось каждый вечер придумывать невероятные истории для своей веселой семейки. И вдруг происходит чудо: события сказки, рассказанной детям на ночь, начали сбываться на следующий день в жизни самого Скитера!
The Beyoncé Experience Live
Herself - Dancer
"The Beyoncé Experience Live" is a show by American R&B singer Beyoncé Knowles. It was shot in Staples Center, Los Angeles, California, on September 2, 2007, during her worldwide tour The Beyoncé Experience. The show features guest appearances from rapper Jay-Z on "Upgrade U" and former Destiny's Child mates Michelle Williams and Kelly Rowland on "Survivor". For one night only on November 19, 2007, the show was shown in theaters across the U.S.