Eshaq Khanzadi


Sound Recordist
The story of two youngsters who one night meet a woman Khatoon who has take refuge in a billiard club. This put them on many challenges.
The Boss
Sound Mixer
A young guy Siamak has a list of 25 youngsters in his pocket. He has to deliver drugs to them but his father Reza is coming from abroad after many years. He was a runaway but now wants to be a good father for his son.
The Boss
Sound Recordist
A young guy Siamak has a list of 25 youngsters in his pocket. He has to deliver drugs to them but his father Reza is coming from abroad after many years. He was a runaway but now wants to be a good father for his son.
Friday's Soldiers
Sound Recordist
The story of four soldiers who on a Friday go to the city with their commander. But this Friday is different and brings many troubles for them which changes them forever.
Sound Recordist
Donya is a young, attractive single woman who has just returned to Tehran from abroad. She seeks the help of Hadji Reza Enayat, the conservative and stern owner of a real estate agency, to look for a house. We sense that she has an ulterior motive but that motive will not surface until the end of the movie. She puts on the charm and Hadji falls head over heels in love with her and proposes marriage despite being already married to a loving and pious wife. Awkward and funny situations develop as he tries to keep his affair secret from his family.
Sound Mixer
In south of Iran Farough who has a garage is not letting Sohrab to has his own job. They fight each other and in the fight Farough dies of an heart attack. His brothers are going after ...
Sound Mixer
In his last moments Mr. Baheri gives his janitor Mr. Koohsari a small piece of land but his sons are after that piece of land. Soltan who is a thief, pick pocketing the janitor's daughter ...
Вода, ветер, пыль
Sound Mixer
Это история человека, умирающего от жажды в пустыне. Юноша, уехав на заработки в город, через какое-то время, не получая вестей от родных, возвращается. Оказывается, что озеро, средоточие жизни в пустынной местности, пересохло и его родные ушли неизвестно куда. Он отправляется на их поиски. У героя удивительно бережное отношение к любым проявлениям жизни в этих тяжёлых условиях постоянного ветра, песка в воздухе и недостатка воды. В пустыне, как нигде в другом месте, обострённо видны сестринские отношения жизни-смерти.
Легенда о Таре
Sound Mixer
Тара, молодая и красивая вдова, возвращается с двумя маленькими детьми из деревни в маленький городок. По дороге домой она узнает, что умер ее дед. Тара раздает дедово имущество между соседями. Все, кроме старого меча, которого никто не захотел принимать. Однажды на дороге она встречает старого воина. Он рассказывает ей, что был послан своим кланом в настоящее время забрать старый меч. Тара отдает ему меч и он исчезает, но спустя некоторое время возвращается и говорит, что влюбился в нее….
Простое событие
Sound Recordist
Маленький школьник живет строгой жизнью со своей семьей на северном побережье Ирана.
Hassan Dynamite
A private detective Hassan Dynamite and his assistant are informed about a murder case. They go to discover the truce and face the challenges to reveal the secret behind this case.