Daniel Ernst


Багажник: Запертая
Малина просыпается дезориентированной в багажнике мчащейся машины и к своему ужасу обнаруживает, что она ничего не помнит. Имея мобильный телефон в качестве единственной связи с внешним миром, она ведет отчаянную борьбу за выживание.
Among Us
The story revolves around a crew member of a spaceship who is murdered. The remaining crew-mates lock themselves in the cafeteria after the murder to figure out who the murder is. The tension in the room is like crazy as everyone becomes suspicious. Apparently a mysterious virus would turn people into killers.
Among Us
Color Grading
The story revolves around a crew member of a spaceship who is murdered. The remaining crew-mates lock themselves in the cafeteria after the murder to figure out who the murder is. The tension in the room is like crazy as everyone becomes suspicious. Apparently a mysterious virus would turn people into killers.
Camera Supervisor