Katharina Bergfeld


Everything Will Change
In a dystopian 2054, three young rebels go on a journey to find traces of the long lost beauty of nature, hoping to discover what happened to their planet.
Walchensee Forever
If there is such a thing as a family memory that carries forward over the course of history, then it determines the actions of every generation. The director tells the story of the women in her family, set amongst Walchensee, hippie dreams and the commune surrounding Rainer Langhans.
Glitter and Dust
Four girls living in the lonely vastness of the USA share one passion: The wild world of rodeo. Although they move about in the powerful imagery of the American prairie and the myths of the Wild West, they give it new resonance and break free of it. In a world which used to belong to their fathers and brothers, they prove that "you ride like a girl" is not an insult but a compliment.
Берлинский фейсконтрольщик
Свен Марквардт, Смайли Болдуин и Фрэнк Кюнстер стояли у истоков ночной жизни Берлина в 80-е, прославились в Berghain, Delicious Donuts и King Size в конце 90-х и каким-то чудом не растратили запал, чтобы и сегодня охранять подступы к самым знаменитым клубам города.