Tokushi Suzuki


Лунная тень
Line Producer
Сацуки не может смириться с внезапной смертью любимого человека и пребывает в глубокой печали. Она продолжает думать о феномене лунной тени, о котором она когда-то слышала, - загадочном событии, которое позволяет человеку встретить мертвых в конце полнолуния. По одноименной повести Ёсимото Бананы.
A Girl on the Shore
Line Producer
In a seaside town where very little happens, middle school students Keisuke Isobe and Koume Satou live a rather dull life. But when Koume's crush breaks her heart, their situation becomes quite unordinary. She starts a "no-strings-attached" relationship with Keisuke, whom she had previously rejected, both finding solace in the other in order to fill the emotional voids in their lives. However, being "friends with benefits" becomes complicated when real feelings begin to develop, as the consequences of their relationship start to take their toll on those around them and themselves. A Girl on the Shore takes a harsh look at love, relationships, and the emotional price that will be paid as the result of a decision made between two teenagers.
Lust in a Karaoke Box
When members of a student club gather at a karaoke box, events don’t unfold in predictable ways, leading to a uniquely absurd ending when dawn breaks.
East of Jefferson
One rainy night, somewhere in the corner of the city, uncanny memories meet on a motel bed.
Sweating the Small Stuff
Ryutaro Ninomiya, 27 years old, lives a fairly simple life. He works at an auto-repair shop, reads books and drinks a few beers. One day, he receives a phone call from Yusuke, his childhood friend whose mother, Ryuko, is dying from Hepatitis C. Despite knowing for a while that Ryuko was sick, Ryutaro hasn’t visited her, but today he decides to go.
A group of college students staying in a hostel close to a beach, practice their dance routine in a training camp for an upcoming dance competition.