Assistant Costume Designer
Элено де Фрейтас — величайший бразильский футболист конца 1940-х, его называли белым Пеле, белым бриллиантом и принцем проклятым. В динамичном черно-белом фильме Жозе Энрике Фонсеки заносчивый, самовлюбленный, помешанный на женщинах Элено проходит путь от звезды мирового масштаба до инвалида — и обратно, благодаря многочисленным флэшбэкам.
Assistant Costume Designer
Alice is a thirty-something woman married to João, has a son and is very successful professionally. Alice is the typical workaholic, whose work is her largest and only pleasure. On the other hand her personal life does not exist: no sexual activity, zero libido, zero personal life. The lack of a sex life in Alice's life is overflowing in Marcela's, her stunning neighbor. A true expert on the subject, Marcela is the owner of a sex shop and knows everything when the theme is the search for pleasure. Like in the typical comedy of errors, the lives of Alice and Marcela will cross and both will undergo huge transformations after this encounter.