Ricardo Hill

Ricardo Hill


Ricardo Hill


Escándalo Secreto En Plena Cuarentena
El Hill
Due to the mandatory isolation because of COVID-19, a taxicab driver, in one of his moments of despair, tired and bored with his wife, decides to start an adventure that would change his life forever. Thanks to his friend, one of the most wanted hackers in Mexico, by the CIA. The adventure consists of the incredible hack to enter as the first infiltrated agent of the CIA in Colombia. This is how this ex-taxicab driver becomes Agent 009. The CIA puts him to the test in various missions. Through his contacts, he must successfully fulfill each of his tasks until he manages to dismantle the CIA's most dangerous and most wanted criminal organization. "Secret Scandal: In Quarantine" is a very peculiar film, a comedy that will have you laughing from beginning to end— a story based on the historical time we lived in today, quarantine due to Covid-19. The movie is an original production and is available for free exclusively on DistroTV.
Martians vs Mexicans
El Teacher (voice)
A group of martian aliens invade earth, but they never expected mexicans to be immune to their multiple attacks.
El sexo me da risa 2
The Yerbero
Naughty and sexy stories with beautiful women.
El día de los Albañiles IV
Just arriving from his town to the capital, Roberto asks for accommodation to his ambitious relatives. As he does not bring money, he is forced to work as a bricklayer in a construction in which he lives an endless number of dangerous adventures.
Планета Арракис, также известная под названием Дюна, год 10991. Это арена борьбы между злом и благородством, мир тончайших и опаснейших интриг. Гигантские песчаные черви длиной в целую милю сторожат бесценное сокровище - меланжевую пряность, позволяющую путешествовать сквозь Пространство и Время. Тот, кто контролирует пряность, контролирует Вселенную. Народ Дюны ожидает пришествия Мессии, который поведет их на священную войну против династии злобных Харконненов. И Мессия является. Им становится юный Пол Атрейдес, сын герцога Лито, предательски убитого Харконненами с одобрения Императора. Полу предстоит великая миссия, которая навсегда изменит судьбу всей галактической империи…
El tahúr
Three childhood friends; when they grow up, the poor boy is shut out from the possibility of romancing the girl because of class issues. He leaves town, learns to play pro-level poker, wins a fortune, then goes home to ruin his rival's life.