Начало XV-го века, по всей Европе пылают костры инквизиции на которых горят неугодные Риму еретики. Одним из таких отступников оказался магистр Ян Гус, восставший против власти церкви в процветающей Праге… Но иногда смерть одного человека может пошатнуть основы религии и могущество целой империи.
Восставший после смерти Гуса народ несколько десятилетий вел в сердце Европы кровопролитную войну за веру своего учителя. И даже римский император Сигизмунд со всей армией крестоносцев не мог одолеть в битве полки, идущие в бой под знаменем с чашей — символом Гуситов. Бесстрашные воины бились с рыцарями императора, пока не остался лежать на поле брани последний повстанец. Эта кровопролитная война стала настоящей легендой, а о её героях народ слагает песни уже много веков.
Inspector Cadek from the 13th police station should keep an eye on the released safe-cracker nicknamed The Cat. He rightly suspects that Cat will go and pick up his last loot which the police didn't manage to find and that he will want revenge on Karta who helped get him behind bars. At the hospital, Cat's ex-lover Fróny hopelessly falls for doctor Chrudimský and decides to start a new life. She still refuses to help the inspector in his search for The Cat and Karta.
A writer of pulp crime novels is drawn into a series of real crimes. This film was one of the first Czech attempts on a genre parody.
Venice Film Festival 1941
Venice Film Festival 1941
Adam Kavalír returns from abroad to take over the family factory from his father. But as a consequence of his father's bohemian lifestyle the business is so far in debt that the Kavalírs even lose their villa and must find a place to sublet. Mrs. Trojanová is no longer up to managing her pension, the co-owner of which is none other than her peevish daughter Eva, and she is looking for a capable manager. Adam applies for the position and is accepted.
Venice Film Festival 1938
The White Plague, a leprosy-like disease, ravages the world during a war. Based on a play by Karel Čapek.
host v hospodě
The doomed love of a city girl caught in the vise of poverty is detailed in Vavra’s fluid, romantic work, one of the most elegant creations of the Czech Modernist era... The film lingers over its characters’ habitats and haunts, finding psychological truths in what each owns or desires, and countering every Hollywood-ready scene of gleaming restaurants and dazzling penthouses with realist moments of employment lines and crammed flats. Vavra’s classical camerawork and aura of romantic defeatism give Virginity a force comparable to the master of this genre, Hollywood’s Frank Borzage. (BAM/PFA)
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