Jack Aaron


Albert Zack is a struggling, bumbling, advertising salesman hired to save the Beaver Bra Company from impending doom. He is charged with signing five specific, world-famous, busty woman as endorsers for the bra line. Silly antics and situations occur as he tries, mostly in various costumes, to get close enough to these women to make his pitch for their signature. Working against him are two board members who stand to gain if the company fails. As he circles the globe in search of these signatures, he is faced with a variety of challenges, one of which is a relationship with his own secretary.
Fat Angels
An overweight man and woman become penpals but are too embarrassed to send each other photographs of themselves and instead exchange pictures of two thinner people. Comedic complications arise when the two penpals finally arrange to meet in person.
Леди Свобода
Steward (uncredited)
Мадлена и Майкл познакомились в Италии, когда вместе работали на мясокомбинате и принимали участие в забастовке рабочих. Однако их связь была обречена, ведь в Италии разводы запрещены, и женатый Майкл никак не мог расторгнуть свой брак. Спустя четыре года Мадлена отправляется в США, взяв в подарок любимому «мортаделлу», особый сорт колбасы. Но в аэропорту ее задерживают, так как в Америку запрещен ввоз мяса. Итальянка не готова так просто сдаться, но ее ждет еще немало открытий, касающихся странной жизни в Новом Свете и самого Майкла.
Made For Each Other
An eccentric woman meets an equally odd man at a group therapy session and they begin a relationship.