Mies puistossa
Matti and Liisa are two farmers who become curious to see the first railroads in Lapinlahti, Finland.
Jalmar "Jalli" Riivatsalo works in an ad agency and tries to find success both in love and business.
Sheriff of New York
Väinö Kokki
Комиссар Палму наслаждается загородной жизнью на пенсии, опекаемый молодой женой. Вирта делает карьеру в МВД, а Кокки обзавёлся ресторанным бизнесом. Случайная встреча старых товарищей в аэропорту, где таможня прихватила Палму за контрабанду водки из Москвы, оказалась отправным пунктом для событий, в которых замешана большая политика, экономические интересы, женщины и масс-медиа. Вскоре после этого происходит убийство известного тележурналиста, многим перешедшего дорогу. Телекомпания решает произвести собственное расследование и обращается за помощью к комиссару Палму, у которого появляется возможность отвлечься от загородной идиллии и показать, что есть ещё порох в пороховницах.
etsivä Sirpaleaho
Two Finnish toy manufacturers Jim King (Spede Pasanen) and Krakström (Juhani Kumpulainen) compete for toys. King's business is far too successful and he is trying to tax fraud with the help of his chamberlain (Vesa-Matti Loiri). Both toy manufacturers hire gangster chief Niitti (Risto Aaltonen) to handle their twilight jobs, but not everything goes according to plan.
patruuna Iivari Päreistöniemi, Mikon manageri
Herra keskivertosuomalainen
Pähkähullu Suomi (1967) (Crazy Finland) is a film that pushes every stereotype imaginable about Finland, and then some. Indeed, coming in the same year as Finland’s 50th anniversary, the film’s whole premise is about presenting Finland in hilarious fashion to foreigners and perhaps also making fun of some of the myths of Finnish culture for Finns themselves.
Jalmari Härmä
Poliisimestari Mäkinen
A western set in the "Wild North".
Nurse Sinikka (Pirkko Peltonen) wants to help a prisoner (Toivo Lehkonen) who crosses the border from the Soviet Union. She and her fiancé (Ville-Veikko Salminen) plan a flight via Finland with the help of her mother (Irma Seikkula). Ruth (Maija Karhi), the girlfriend of Sinikka's brother (Antti Litja), happens to witness the escape, which puts them all in danger.
Väinö Kokki
Убийство астронома-любителя на холме возле обсерватории приводит комиссара Палму и его бригаду в усадьбу буйного майора Ваденблика.
Jaakko Järvi 'Jack Lake'
Два приятеля, работающие на бензоколонке, решили выдать себя за миллионеров из Техаса и выгодно жениться. Однако после ряда забавных приключений они потерпели крах.
Блестящий дебют Мауно в опере, где он заменяет заболевшего певца. Обладая исключительной музыкальностью и голосом редкой красоты, он делает большие успехи. Его приглашают выступить с песней "Расскажите это ей..." в Хельсинки. Другая героиня Хелена тоже мечтает о музыке, её призвание-скрипка. Но пока это её досуг, потому что тётя Хелены заставляет её учиться на медсестру. Занятия музыкой проходят у того же профессора Косонена, у которого тоже занимается Мауно. Профессор больше занят своим талантливым учеником и Хелена немного ревнует профессора. Мауно-это тот солдат, который спас ей жизнь во время войны. Лишь выступление Мауно по радио с песней "Край мой родимый" напомнит ей военное детство, Хелена узнает в певце военного солдата.
Встречаются они в Хельсинки, на концерте, Хелена аккомпанирует Мауно и находят друг друга, музыка сроднила их.
Shop Assistant
Finnish period comedy set to the times of WW I. Based on a play by Maria Jotuni.
Väinö Kokki
Альма Скроф - жадная злая старуха. Её муж застрелился в припадке белой горячки. У него была дочь Кирсти, оставшаяся от первого брака. Госпожа Скроф воспитывала Кирсти очень строго, ребёнок был лишён всех радостей детства. И вот миллионерша Скроф погибла. Она отравилась газом при весьма подозрительных обстоятельствах. Расследование поручено комиссару Палму. Подозрение падает на нескольких персонажей, в том числе и на юную Кирсти.
Uolevi Helske
While living separated, Mr. Kaski finds out that her wife has written a book about their marriage. And the book is not very flattering in tone towards Mr. Kaski and his abilities as a man.
Фильм о популярной финской книге песен.
A story of a mink coat passing from one owner to another binding their fates.
Two competing hair care companies demonstrate their products on stage at a Helsinki amusement park, using celebrities from television, the hottest new media of the early 1960s.
В финской женской школе преподаёт вредная молодая училка - по прозвищу «Крыса », которая ненавидит учениц за их любовные интрижки. Однажды, поехав с классом на экскурсию на «необитаемый » остров, училка, волею случая и благодаря мелкопакостности своих учениц, остаётся на острове на несколько дней в компании молодого художника, который решил там уединиться для работы. Через некоторое время в школе должна состояться выставка работ молодого художника, имя которого не так известно публике, как известно вредной училке. При подготовке выставочного зала, среди картин училка с ужасом замечает свой портрет неглиже... Что же будет с её репутацией??? «Крыса » в отчаянии решается на кражу...
Underaged girls hitch-hike across Finland.
Väinö Kokki
Хельсинки, 1930-е годы. Экстравагантный денди после странной вечеринки найден мёртвым в своей ванной. Убийство или несчастный случай? Знаменитый сыщик Палму не спеша начинает расследование. В поле его подозрений - декадентские круги крупной буржуазии…
Directed by Ville Salminen and written by Reino Helismaa, the musical comedy film Kaks tavallista Lahtista (1960) tells the story of two friends about Usko (Tommi Rinne) and Toivo (Leif Wager), both of whom happen to have same surname, Lahtinen.
Pete and Runt misinterpret the messages of a career choice machine and try to create a career as African dancers.
Makeup Artist
Comedic musical film in which Iskelmä OY's manager has to deal with rising stars and old seniors.
A famous glass artist escapes his busy city life and takes to the road.
2. Roisto
Makeup Artist
The story of the first elections in Finland
Guy #2
The story of the first elections in Finland
Two Finnish PI:s are hunted by a gang specialized to counterfeit banknotes from Malaga to Finland and Mallorca and back. The counterfeit money printing plates are desperately searched by the gang and our heroes try to hide from them by travelling to Mallorca, where some of the local hoods try to kill them and retake the missing plates.
An ex-finnish army officer Kari Kivi returns to Finland after 12 years of absence. He is quickly hired by a businessman named Östermalm to be his stand-in to escape the ring of spies threatening his life. Many beautiful women cross Kivi's path before the spy ring is eventually crushed.
For six hundred years Sweden had controlled most of Finland until the war with Russia that ended in 1809, when Finland became a Grand Duchy of the Russian Czar. This period drama is set during that early 19th-century war and focuses on one of its heroes, Sven Tuuva. Sven is a decent yet not too brilliant soldier, and his exploits are partly balanced here by the charms of a compatriot.
Julle (uncredited)
Makeup Artist
A military farce from a rookie with over a hundred female pen pals.
A military farce from a rookie with over a hundred female pen pals.
Makeup Artist
A man dreaming of becoming a private detective gets suck into an investigation of a crime involving the theft of a secret chemical formula.
Makeup Artist
After the death of his long-time housekeeper, a meticulous assessor has trouble finding a new one.
After the death of his long-time housekeeper, a meticulous assessor has trouble finding a new one.
Makeup Artist
A story about vagabond named Paul and his journeys in the countryside. He is a real charmer and many women will fall in his lap.
Makeup Artist
"Mussu" Koikkalainen, a country boy moves to town to find a job. He finds it and is even promoted to head of complaints department. But little he knows.
A Finnish military farce about an elderly man who is commanded back to service.
Makeup Artist
Police chief Olavi, health nurse Liisa Niemi and photo reporter Takola are investigating the disappearance of a local girl.
Police chief Olavi, health nurse Liisa Niemi and photo reporter Takola are investigating the disappearance of a local girl.
Makeup Artist
Aging professor of mathematics completes his life's work, a research project that has taken him decades, and climbs up from the boiler room (his study) and back to real life. He can hardly recognize his rebellious teenage kids and materialistic wife who hardly seem to notice his existence. The only person who is interested in the professor's work is Marja, his son's girlfriend and freshman at the university. An innocent infatuation flares up between the old man and the young girl, while the professor's family is only interested in the prize money awarded to the professor by an international jury for his academic achievements.
Hubert, "Husu"
Aging professor of mathematics completes his life's work, a research project that has taken him decades, and climbs up from the boiler room (his study) and back to real life. He can hardly recognize his rebellious teenage kids and materialistic wife who hardly seem to notice his existence. The only person who is interested in the professor's work is Marja, his son's girlfriend and freshman at the university. An innocent infatuation flares up between the old man and the young girl, while the professor's family is only interested in the prize money awarded to the professor by an international jury for his academic achievements.
Makeup Artist
Irma has been sent to the front immediately after her marriage to Erik Vuori. Irma and her new "Lotta" companions find themselves in many dangerous situations during the fighting of the Continuation War. Irma is also concerned about Erik's loyalty.
Irma has been sent to the front immediately after her marriage to Erik Vuori. Irma and her new "Lotta" companions find themselves in many dangerous situations during the fighting of the Continuation War. Irma is also concerned about Erik's loyalty.
The title of the Finnish film Elokuu translates to August. Directed by Matti Kassila, one of Finland's premiere filmmakers, Elokuu was adapted from a novel by Nobel prize winning finnish author F.E. Sillanpää. Simply put, the story concerns the decline and fall of a once-proud family, thanks to the alcoholism of its paterfamilias. Toivo Makela delivers a powerfully effective performance as the inebriated protagonist, avoiding the usual "drunken" cliches. The overlong running time, coupled with the downbeat nature of the subject, limited the film's worldwide appeal.
sgt Jokela
A girl joins the army instead of her brother, who has been injured in a car accident and cannot join the army in time. She is then disguised as a male conscript to save the brother from troubles.
Makeup Artist
Pitch-noir melodrama about young Kauko's endless obsession and love-hate-relationship with Osmi, a girl he has known since childhood. Standing at her death bed, Kauko reminisces his years spent as a sailor, prisoner, smuggler, and a soldier in the Second World War, while Osmi manages to evolve from prostitution to a seemingly happy family life with someone else.
Pitch-noir melodrama about young Kauko's endless obsession and love-hate-relationship with Osmi, a girl he has known since childhood. Standing at her death bed, Kauko reminisces his years spent as a sailor, prisoner, smuggler, and a soldier in the Second World War, while Osmi manages to evolve from prostitution to a seemingly happy family life with someone else.
Экранизация одноимённой повести Минны Кант, в которой рассказана история красивой, но бедной молодой женщины, которая, не сумев устоять перед соблазном, становится любовницей богатого старика.
Makeup Artist
Экранизация одноимённой повести Минны Кант, в которой рассказана история красивой, но бедной молодой женщины, которая, не сумев устоять перед соблазном, становится любовницей богатого старика.
Makeup Artist
A Western comedy about the adventures of Tundra-Tauno in Pohjola and in the village of Utopila which ruled by a greedy mayor.
Card cheat
A Western comedy about the adventures of Tundra-Tauno in Pohjola and in the village of Utopila which ruled by a greedy mayor.
Sankarialokas is a parody about military life from year 1955.
Holopainen's son
Poor orphan coffee delivery girl loves a poor painter who can't sell his artworks. Painter likes delivery girl, but has stuck in a friend zone. Delivery girl tries to help the painter to get forward in his career, but meanwhile a rich woman becomes too interested towards the painter.
Makeup Artist
Фильм реалистично изображает жизнь финского деревенского пролетариата эпохи Сухого закона в начале 1920-х годов. Чтобы спасти свою большую семью от голода, Йосеппи Кенккунен был вынужден нарушить закон. Он тайно создавал и продавал алкоголь. Некоторое время он преуспевал. Его худшие времена были в прошлом, но его незаконные действия не принесли ему счастья; корова Кенккунена умерла, а женщина преждевременно родила больного ребёнка, который вскоре умер. В конце концов, Йосеппи был пойман на продаже бренди сотрудником муниципальной полиции и доставлен в суд. На первый раз он отделался условным сроком и был освобождён…
Shop assistant
Фильм реалистично изображает жизнь финского деревенского пролетариата эпохи Сухого закона в начале 1920-х годов. Чтобы спасти свою большую семью от голода, Йосеппи Кенккунен был вынужден нарушить закон. Он тайно создавал и продавал алкоголь. Некоторое время он преуспевал. Его худшие времена были в прошлом, но его незаконные действия не принесли ему счастья; корова Кенккунена умерла, а женщина преждевременно родила больного ребёнка, который вскоре умер. В конце концов, Йосеппи был пойман на продаже бренди сотрудником муниципальной полиции и доставлен в суд. На первый раз он отделался условным сроком и был освобождён…
Makeup Artist
Ossi, apteekkarin poika
В киноленте «Дерзкая девчонка» (в оригинале — «Лина») в комедийной форме показана история молодой бедной девушки, связанной с воровской шайкой.
Makeup Artist
A psychological drama of a young student who is haunted by the nightmares of the past: he has witnessed his parents committing a double-suicide. He starts to date a girl with fateful consequences.
A psychological drama of a young student who is haunted by the nightmares of the past: he has witnessed his parents committing a double-suicide. He starts to date a girl with fateful consequences.
The everyday life of the small village is mixed when a fire breaks out the night after the party. The cooperative manager and fire manager alerts the young judge Heiki to the extinguishing work, but due to the confusion, extinguishing the fire turns out to be more complicated than expected.
Lasse Pöysti plays a young reporter named Esko Pekuri who thinks he's got a front-page story. But every article he writes goes in press as minor news. He gets a fantastic idea to impersonate a gangster and write an article about prison life.
Pursimies Pokka - 'Pikku Torpedo'
Sailor is brought by the police as a recruit to the navy.
Usko's 3rd Pal
After a weekend of dancing and camping on a recreation island near the city, a young factory worker decides to stay and cut work for a day. Walking around the now deserted island, he meets a beautiful woman camping alone and sunbathing in the nude on the beach. A hot romance flares up between the worker and the more upper-class married lady, lasting through the light-filled nights of the whole summer week until the woman's much older husband returns to the island the next weekend.
Hired Hand (uncredited)
An archaeological team unearths a body of a young woman, who was told to be a witch buried in the bog some 300 years ago. Soon a naked woman appears and drives the men of the village crazy...
Makeup Artist
Taavetti (uncredited)
A comedy about a social studies professor opposing a dockworkers strike ending up working at the docks by mistake and having his worldview turn upside down.
Two children get involved in the adventure as the bustling caretaker Mrs. Aaltoska and crime reporter "Hawkeye" Lipponen start chasing the mysterious criminal league.
Sailor (uncredited)
The S/S Vellamo heads to Alexandria with Kaarina, the daughter of the ship's owner Hallerman, on board. As Kaarina trades places with the family's housekeeper Marja, first mate Yrjö takes a liking to Marja whom he believes to be miss Hallerman. Meanwhile Kaarina, pretending to be a member of the cleaning staff, starts getting close with lower ranking officer Kalle Aaltonen.