Pentti Siimes

Pentti Siimes

Рождение : 1929-09-10, Helsinki, Finland

Смерть : 2016-10-27


Pentti Siimes


Thomas, a former doctor, a widower, lives alone in a basement apartment in Helsinki. His routine becomes even more limited when his misanthropic brother dies, reducing Thomas' human contact to practically nil. As with many seniors, he's basically invisible to passersby, though Thomas in particular avoids engaging with those around him. When he runs into his estranged daughter Marie, he tries to create a bridge.
Man Exposed
Emerituspiispa, Tuulan isä
A story of a priest, who considers himself as a rebel is suddenly asked to run for bishop of Turku.
Uuno Turhapuro – This Is My Life
Uuno disguises as an old man and infiltrates a nursing home for rich old people, where his father-in-law also lives. The ever-hungry Uuno is seduced by the table groaning with food, but as it happens, he never manages to be there at dinnertime. Meanwhile Sörsselssön enters Uuno for a TV competition named This Is My Life, where contestants tell about their life as viewers vote them either to continue or out of the show. The nursing home elderly watch on TV as Uuno tells the show's host his life story.
Vääpeli Körmy – taisteluni
eversti Oskari Tossavainen
Relations between Sweden and Finland come to near breaking point. When further negotiations led by President Mara fail, Sergeant Körmy interferes in the course of events.
Play It All
Harald Ekholm
A film group is making movie in the little town. Writer Pentti Töysä interrupts film group's press conference and claims that script is written by him and it is based on true story. Töysä also says that he has written a new ending to the movie and that it reveals an old murder. Not everyone is happy about the new twist.
Vääpeli Körmy ja etelän hetelmät
Eversti Tossavainen
The Minister of Defence asks sergeant Körmy to take part in operation, where the United States and Russia are to hand over their nuclear weapons launch equipment and codes to neutral Finland.
Vääpeli Körmy ja vetenalaiset vehkeet
Eversti Tossavainen
Sergeant Friman is developing an automatic submarine detector that piques the interest of both, Swedish and Russian spies.
Vääpeli Körmy ja marsalkan sauva
Oskari Tossavainen
The colonel's wife's tin pints need to be cleaned up, and Sergeant First Class Körmy tasks two privates to do so.
Liian iso keikka
Komisario Koistinen
Uuno Turhapuro menettää muistinsa
Uuno Turhapuro hits his head and loses his memory. Meanwhile, his friend Härski Hartikainen founds a new peace movement with unorthodox methods.
Uuno Turhapuron aviokriisi
Uuno's nose is proved to be so good, that he can smell behind the display window what goods are on the other side. With this fabulous smell talent Uuno is chosen to Police's police-dog school as a student among the other dogs. Meanwhile Director Tuura, Uuno's father-in-law has been chosen to a very high office and thinks that Uuno is just gaining bad reputation for him, so he decides to broake Uuno's and Elisabet's marriage.
Viu-hah hah-taja
Hajamielinen professori
Meiltähän tämä käy
Kurt von Brunkenfeldt
Звёзды расскажут, комиссар Палму
Убийство астронома-любителя на холме возле обсерватории приводит комиссара Палму и его бригаду в усадьбу буйного майора Ваденблика.
A manager of a company has made an embezzlement just to make the sweet life possible with his lover. An office manager promises to take the blame if the manager promises to behave better.
Прибавь газу, комиссар Пальму!
Kurt Kuurna
Альма Скроф - жадная злая старуха. Её муж застрелился в припадке белой горячки. У него была дочь Кирсти, оставшаяся от первого брака. Госпожа Скроф воспитывала Кирсти очень строго, ребёнок был лишён всех радостей детства. И вот миллионерша Скроф погибла. Она отравилась газом при весьма подозрительных обстоятельствах. Расследование поручено комиссару Палму. Подозрение падает на нескольких персонажей, в том числе и на юную Кирсти.
Ошибка комиссара Палму
Aimo Rykämö
Хельсинки, 1930-е годы. Экстравагантный денди после странной вечеринки найден мёртвым в своей ванной. Убийство или несчастный случай? Знаменитый сыщик Палму не спеша начинает расследование. В поле его подозрений - декадентские круги крупной буржуазии…
Verta käsissämme
Raul Bergas
After returning home from being a prisoner of war Viktor gets a job from his friend Rolf with whom he had served. The men trust each other until Viktor meets Rolf’s wife Astrid.
Autuas eversti
Carolus von Haestman
Hans Wytycky
Hans Allnes
After her aunts death, young Miriam gets a position with the Allnes family. They have a son, Hans. Miriam and Hans fall in love. But the Hans mother is jealous and disapprove.
Vihdoinkin hääyö…
Pentti Salonen
Herra sotaministeri
Kalle Järvinen
Rakas varkaani
Leopold Tisdall
Pikku Ilona ja hänen karitsansa
Pentti Orpana
Tyttö lähtee kasarmiin
Heikki Vuori
A girl joins the army instead of her brother, who has been injured in a car accident and cannot join the army in time. She is then disguised as a male conscript to save the brother from troubles.
Silja - nuorena nukkunut
In the 1910s, beautiful young Silja loses both parents and ends up working as a maid at wealthier farms around her village. She is courted by a number of bachelors, ranging from simple farmhand Väinö to sophisticated young student Armas whom she meets when working for a charming old professor. However, Silja's health starts to deteriorate, and when the Finnish Civil War breaks up in 1918, she is inadvertently involved in a small incident after which her loyalties are questioned by both the Reds and the Whites.
Неизвестный солдат
1941 год. Подразделение Финской армии наступает на Ленинград. Главная финская киноэпопея о войне с русскими. Фильм снят по повести Вайно Линна . После Второй Мировой войны эта книга имела в Финляндии и за ее пределами большой успех. Фильм рассказывает о судьбах финских солдат, участвующих в войне против России на стороне Германии. События фильма начинают разворачиваться летом 1941 года, и зритель находится, как бы в центре событий с самых первых дней войны, видит подготовку к войне в финских частях, их искреннюю радость по этому поводу.
Rakkaus kahleissa
Martti Kuusi
A lock factory worker Pertti would like to marry his girlfriend Verna, but fears they don't have enough money. His brother Martti is a member of a youth gang that is planning a robbery with three other young men. When the boys have to flee at the time of the robbery, Pertti who secretly shadowed them sees an opportunity to solve his money problem.
Oswald Haggren
Kasarmin tytär
Mä oksalla ylimmällä
A fictional love story between famous composer Gabriel Linsén and opera singer Maria Sawina in 19th century Finland.
Senni ja Savon sulttaani
Jälkeen syntiinlankeemuksen
Schoolboy Klaus is convicted of theft and sent to prison. At his release Klaus feels that his life has changed a lot. Despite all his hardship and difficulties he keeps up his studies under the supervision of the grim Master Kahari.
Varsovan laulu
A cynical tale of two liquor smugglers, who struggle with life, love and lust. A seedy love triangle is unavoidable.
Ночь длинная
A Man In Restaurant (uncredited)
Оке Страндбергу удалось получить прекрасное образование и хорошую работу в банке, но он хочет большего. Он хочет разбогатеть во что бы то ни стало. После отпуска, проведённого со своей девушкой Ритой он возвращается в Хельсинки совершенно разбитым и встречается в баре со своим приятелем Юсси. В течение нескольких месяцев они присваивают деньги из банка, но в конце концов понимают, что должны покрыть недостающую сумму, организовав и совершив ограбление, которое затем вызовет интерес полиции. Затем они пытаются пробиться за границу, но за ними уже охотятся полицейские и им предстоит скрываться.
Komppanian neropatit
Mitäs me taiteilijat
Rion yö
Radio tekee murron
Eager young radio reporter Teräsvuori stages a one-man burglary into the Helsinki Art Museum, recorded on tape for a later broadcast by his friend Laakso. Things go awry when a gang of real criminals overhear their plans and book their heist to coincide. Teräsvuori gets caught but escapes from police custody to start his private investigations together with female radio colleague Eila.
Nuoruus sumussa
"Youth Astray" - About three young men trying to find a place in society after the war.