Ashwin Varde


Double XL
Rajshri wants to be a sports presenter on TV but is promptly told that she is 'too healthy' for it. Saira, a fashion designer also has hit rock bottom in her life after she is cheated on by her boyfriend. A chance encounter between the two leads them to London to discover themselves and challenge the norms of who's a 'normal woman'.
Satellite Shankar
Indian Army soldier Shankar gets injured in cross-firing at the border. Senior Officer suggests he take 8 days to rest after consultation with doctors. Shankar requests for leave instead of rest, officers agree and tell him to report to duty on the morning of the 8th day. While traveling, he helps citizens and ends up missing his train. Online news reporter covers his story without acknowledging him. The story later revolves around how he reaches his home and then back to duty in a short span of time.
Кабир Сингх
Кабир выучился на хирурга и теперь пытается совладать со своим вспыльчивым характером. Именно вздорный нрав мешает Кабиру достигать успехов. Ему не раз приходилось участвовать в стычках в медицинском колледже, и несколько раз он даже оказывался на грани исключения. Жизнь главного героя меняется после того, как отец его девушки не даёт своё согласие на их свадьбу. Кабир не собирается переубеждать главу семьи своей невесты. Он находит утешение на дне бутылки и даже начинает употреблять наркотики. Что может спасти Кабира от окончательного падения в пропасть?
An ex-army officer, Kabir, becomes a teacher in Kashmir in a school that is in a miserable condition. Things take a turn when Kabir finds a notebook, left behind by the previous year's teacher Firdaus.
Singleton Kartar Singh is left with the responsibility of raising his two orphaned nephews. He asks his brother in Punjab to raise Charan and his sister in London to raise Karan. When the twins cross continents, they leave behind a trail of confusion.