Kaala Bhairava


Bhaag Saale
Playback Singer
Bhaag Saale
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
Dr. Rajkumar, a plastic surgeon marries Mahati, a shy & traditional village girl , leaving his his childhood love Maya Fernandez heartbroken. A tragedy strikes the couple, months after their marraige, which leads to a plastic surgery later, Maya 'becomes' Mahati.
Gurtunda Seetakalam
Original Music Composer
Dev, a software employee traveling to Mangalore, meets a talkative girl named Divya en route, and both strike a chord. Dev offers a ride to the coastal town and shares his life story during the journey, filled with three love stories. .
Dongalunnaru Jagratha
Original Music Composer
Raju a small time thief breaks into a customized car. As an unexpected scenario, the doors do not open and the control panel does not respond and will be trapped in it. He is in a bind as a series of unanticipated twists and turns change his life forever.
Karthikeya 2
Original Music Composer
Before the Kalyug begins, Lord Krishna hands over an anklet that holds the answer to all of world’s miseries. Years later a doctor finds himself in the thick of things when the pursuit for the anklet carries on. A doctor with a curious mind, Karthikeya, aka Karthik, believes in pursuing the truth. The quest leads Karthik to discover the power of the ancient Indian belief system and the essence of Krishna.
Happy Birthday
Original Music Composer
A motley crew congregates at an upscale hotel for various reasons right after a bill is passed, allowing citizens to carry firearms. A madcap journey reveals everyone’s hidden motives.
Bloody Mary
Original Music Composer
Three best friends Mary, Raju and Basha come close to making their dreams come true. In an unexpected turn of events, the three of them have evidence to a murder and make enemies with some vicious people. Will Mary be able to escape her enemies while keeping her best friends safe?
RRR: Рядом ревёт революция
Playback Singer
Британская Индия. Рама — преданный полицейский на службе у колониального правительства, способный расправиться с толпой в одиночку, и местные считают его предателем. Бхим — парень из племени гондов, который вынужден отправиться в Дели на поиски похищенной губернатором маленькой соплеменницы. Узнав об этом, губернатор объявляет награду за его поимку, и, чтобы продвинуться по службе, Рама берётся за это задание. Спасая упавшего в реку мальчика, Рама и Бхим становятся друзьями. Они не знают ни настоящих личностей, ни скрытых мотивов друг друга, но это знакомство положит начало большим переменам.
Playback Singer
Abhimanyu, a police officer solving the mystery behind the attack on Subba Lakshmi, a self-taught IAS officer.
Original Music Composer
Pardhu is an archer who wants to represent India at the World Championships. How does he bounce back and achieve what he wants after losing track?
Playback Singer
In the ancient dance village Natyam, Sitara attempts to resurrect her Guru's forgotten masterpiece choreography and discovers the true power and purpose of Indian Classical Dance. To dance is to tell a story that can change our world.
Pelli SandaD
Playback Singer
Is a young man's will power and a young woman's destiny enough for them to be together?
Playback Singer
A tribal hamlet oppressed by a Dora is yet to discover the joys of modern technology. What happens when they find a radio in their midst?
Original Music Composer
A tribal hamlet oppressed by a Dora is yet to discover the joys of modern technology. What happens when they find a radio in their midst?
Thellavarithe Guruvaram
Original Music Composer
A couple that’s about to the tie the knot hardly knows anything about each other. When they decide to run away from the wedding and are forced to spend the night together, will they realise they are in fact made for each other?
Colour Photo
Original Music Composer
Jayakrishna is a dark-skinned guy who falls head over heels on Deepu but keeps his feelings to himself. As time passes by, a gang in his college beats him up and this issue brings Deepu closer to him. Slowly the friendship turns into love and this does not go well with Deepu’s brother Rama Raju. The rest of the story is as to how the couple reunites after facing several problems.
Playback Singer
An anthology of 4 stories of people struggling to make their lives better and how those plans are thrown into disarray when a politician decides to divert welfare funds to satiate his ego.
Mathu Vadalara
Music Director
Babu is a delivery boy living with his friends Yesu and Abhi. Due to his meagre salary, he decides to quit, but then Yesu gives him an idea. The idea, however, soon spirals out of control and Babu finds himself deep in trouble. Will he survive the circumstances of his own actions?
Mathu Vadalara
Playback Singer
Babu is a delivery boy living with his friends Yesu and Abhi. Due to his meagre salary, he decides to quit, but then Yesu gives him an idea. The idea, however, soon spirals out of control and Babu finds himself deep in trouble. Will he survive the circumstances of his own actions?
Dear Comrade
Playback Singer
A hot-blooded student union leader falls for a state-level cricketer but his anger management issues and violent streak threatens to derail their love story .
Playback Singer
The film focus especially on the period from 1999-2004 when YSR undertook his famous Padayatra which ultimately proved instrumental in catapulting him to a comprehensive victory in the 2004 polls.
Mr. Majnu
Playback Singer
A playboy finds himself in a spot of bother when he falls in love with the right girl.
Original Music Composer