Gyeong Yun-su


A Bride on the Second Floor
A young bride moves into her husband's family and tries to modernize their lifestyle. Her plans, though, often get discouraged by her mother-in-law, a conservative lady who stresses traditional values. But the bride's father-in-law who understands the charms of her daughter-in-law's modern lifestyle, helps her to get what she wants. Eventually, they become one happy family living a modern lifestyle.
A Male Housekeeper
A woman hires a male cook, being afraid that her lewd husband may have an affair with a female cook. Hyeong-gu who thinks about how to collect money for his brother's research starts working in her house. While he serves as a cook there, a lot of funny episodes happen. Finally, his brother finishes his research successfully and he gets out of the house to work for his brother's company as a managing director. He also gets married to a cook maid of the neighbor at the next door. It turns out that the maid is the daughter of the land lore, not a hired servant.
In So Long
"A Long Goodbye" - Taken in by an elderly woman and raised as her own, a boy spends all his days dreaming of the time when he can be reunited with his lost parents.
Тиран Ёнсан
Принц Ён Сан Ын превращается в тирана из-за смерти своей матери. Он приказывает обезглавить всех чиновников, которые не нравятся ему или которые посоветовали предыдущему королю свергнуть королеву. Он становится жестче с каждым днем. Но на 10-м году своего правления он срывается с престола и умирает трагической смертью.
Iljimae the Chivalrous Robber
Iljimae's parents were killed due to a conspiracy when he was young. Many years later he became a chivalrous robber, robbing corrupt officials and helping the poor. He eventually manages in taking revenge for his parents' deaths. But the police start to chase him, and he hides himself at a gisaeng's house. The gisaeng was his ex-fiancee. She also lost her parents to a conspiracy. She begs Iljimae to stay with her, but he leaves to do what he has to.
Heo Seung, who states that he was “born from soil, will live in soil, and die in soil”, becomes a lawyer in Seoul. However when villagers in his hometown are imprisoned for protesting against Japanese oppression, he decides to return to his village and rediscovers the true way to help his country.
A Skinny and a Fatty Go to Camp Nonsan
Main proprietor
A Skinny and a Fatty go to Nonsan army training camp, but they soon find camp life is too hard for them. A nonsensical comedy filled with funny episodes that will make you smile broadly.
Hyperbola of Youth
Myeong-ho (Hwang Hae), a middle school teacher who had grown up in poverty, and Bu-nam (Yang Hun), the first son of the president of a trading company, attend the same university. A doctor suggests that Bu-nam, who is sick due to overeating, and Myeong-ho, who suffers from malnutrition, should switch life styles for two weeks. While living in each other's house, they fall in love with each other's younger sister and get married at a joint wedding ceremony.