Ранвир Сингх Рана — крутой начальник специальной тюрьмы для особо опасных преступников внезапно лишается своего теплого местечка. Виной всему — побег из тюрьмы опасного бандита Багира. Вырвавшись на волю преступник начинает вселять ужас на близлежащие деревни. Власти объявляют особо ценный приз тому, кто сможет поймать бандита и засадить его обратно в тюрьму. Привлеченные большими деньгами на поиски Багира отправляются сотни авантюристов, не подозревающих во что они ввязались…
A grieving policeman and a rickshaw driver are brought together by a dark, tragic secret that will change their lives forever.
A man is resurrected from the dead as a shape-shifting snake and exacts vengeance on those who killed him and his father.
Mr. Gomes
The movie revolves around Sunny, a fifteen-year-old boy who is obsessed with his teacher, Payal. At school, the sex-crazed headmaster Mr. Gomes flirts with the female teachers and at home, his Casanova father is involved in love games with his secretary Sophia. Caught between these two, Sunny becomes crazy about sex at his tender age.
Inspector Prakash
Ajay gets married to his childhood friend Durga; who is illiterate unable to differentiate between the style of these days and that of long time ago. When Ajay is given the post as police inspector he re-locates to Bombay and later on encourages Durga to move into there new home. In this new environment Durga will meet with some women who are subjected to injustice by some influential people, the police and corrupt politicians. Watch when Durga attempts to defend the rights of these women how she will be maligned and what impact it will cause on her marriage life.
Young, attractive, and compassionate Janki Deshmukh lives in a small flat with her elderly mom, Basanti; her disabled father who is awaiting a Court decision for compensation for losing his left arm; brother Mangesh who is busy looking for a job; younger sister, Sharuvir alias Sharu; and a physically handicapped brother, Banthu. She works as a Receptionist, with an employer, Jagdish, who secretly adores her.
Friday the 13th is the night when the dead come back to earth. On one such night, Chander Sharma's son gets a call informing him of the murder of each of his father's four associates on the 13th of every month. Chander Sharma's son is in love with Shilpa (Tabu) and his rival is Raja (Sunil Shetty), who also becomes embroiled in the mystery. The only clue they have is a pair of gloves, leaving the police baffled. Meanwhile, the murders continue...
После свадьбы Радха переезжает в дом мужа Гопала. В то же время она продолжает общаться с другом детства Сураджем. Именно ему она доверяет все свои тайны. Это вызывает раздражение и ревность молодого супруга. Он становится все более подозрительным. Гопал хочет, чтобы Радха оказывала внимание только ему, любила только его и была для него одной единственной…
Laxman D. Bhatnagar
Под крышей одного дома живет многочисленная семья: родители с тремя взрослыми сыновьями, их женами и детьми. Двое сыновей уже давно женаты, а младший Бхарат только объявил о своем желании привести в дом жену. Мать ждет не дождется, когда, наконец, родится внук, однако невестки как назло производят на свет одних дочерей. Неужели и Прия, жена младшего сына, не оправдает надежд свекрови, и она так и не увидит законного наследника?..
Bobby is a young lad, who lives with his Engineer dad, Jai Prakash, and mom, Pooja. Bobby always brags to everyone as to how brave and macho his dad is. But only Jai knows that he is quite the opposite - mousy, submissive, and afraid of any confrontation. To make matters worse, Jai falls in the bad books of local gangster Villain Kaka, who is out to crush him, as he had crushed a police inspector. Jai is all for running away to Delhi or as far as he can possibly get from Kaka. Before he could do anything, their lives are turned upside down by the appearance of a gangster named Biharilal - who forcibly invites himself in Jai's house - and refuses to go away. Watch how Jai, Bobby, and Pooja deal with this new threat.
Two friends, Laxya and Bharat, run a detective agency. They face several challenges when they are asked to nab a serial killer.
Ram Dulare Sinha
У живущих в любви и согласии супругов Ананда и Кавиты нет детей и они берут из приюта маленькую девочку Неху. Малышка становится смыслом из жизни. Но вскоре выясняется, что жива родная мать Нехи. Когда она приезжает в их дом и встречается с Анандом, он узнает в ней незнакомку, которую несколько лет тому назад в поезде защитил от бандитов, а затем и провел с ней ночь. А значит Неха может быть его родной дочерью.
Kishan, an orphan, is a career thief on the run from the police in Bombay. He decides to go to a place where he is not known to the police. He makes Jamalpur in Uttar Pradesh his new home.
Two close friends, Yash and Raja, share a passion for cars and beautiful women. Both come from different backgrounds, while Yash is wealthy, Raja comes from a poor family. Raja meets with Reshma, who is attending a nearby college, and falls in love with her. Reshma eventually also falls in love with him. When Yash meets Reshma, he also instantly falls in love with her. When Yash finds out that Reshma loves Raja, he has both of them tragically separated.
Варун и Сурадж - лучшие друзья. Но когда инспектор полиции Варун арестовывает Сураджа за преступление, которого он не совершал, Сурадж чувствует себя преданным. Вскоре Варуна тоже подставляют и сажают в тюрьму.
Bhaaji Rao
Руп - фольклорный певец из штата пустынь Раджастхан, привозит своего отца Шамбху Ратхода в Бомбей на лечение, где и влюбляется в медсестру Пуджу, которая, по счастливому совпадению, без труда завоевывает сердце отца Рупа. Приехав в чужой город, Руп отправляется в ресторан, где прислуживает его земляк, и тут, на беду попадается на глаза сестре хозяина отеля Аджая Наранга - Решме. Не подозревая по простоте душевной о зародившейся страсти в душе Решмы, Руп с радостью соглашается работать певцом в ресторане при отеле ее брата.
Популярный эстрадный певец Сагар всегда окружен толпам! фанаток и поклонниц. На одном из концертов в Шринагаре он знакомится с мечтательной Сапной и без памяти влюбляется в нее. Однако у ее отца другие виды на судьбу своей дочери и влюбленные были вынуждены расстаться. Новая их встреча состоялась спустя несколько лет, и они открывают друг другу немало тайн..
After witnessing the sudden death of a woman, who was unable to afford hospital treatment, Dr. Ajay Kumar cancels his immigration to America and instead sets out to build a hospital that will cater to people who cannot afford treatment. Soon a hospital is built and is named "Amma People's Hospital". This attracts everyone's attention, and he becomes popular, especially with two women, Shweta and Sub-Inspector Ramya, and decides to marry Shweta. It was inspired by The Fugitive.
Shri Bhramma is unhappy with Yamraj and his assistant, Chitragupt, as they have misplaced a book or prophecy called "Bhavishya Vani", and asks them to go down to Earth and find the book within 30 days or else they will lose their status in heaven and will be forced to live as mortals on Earth. The two descend to Earth, and find out that the book is in the possession of a man named Suraj, who is unwilling to give up the book as he has read the prophecy about his mother's dying. This refusal is catastrophic as Yamraj cannot plan anyone's death, and no one will be permitted to die unless and until the book comes in his possession. At the same time there is an evil man named Chota Ravan who is trying to possess the book in order to spread his control over Bombay.
Помощник комиссара полиции, Сурадж Чоухан- серьезный и честный полицейский. Он расследует дело коррумпированных политиков, таких как министр внутренних дел Бхавани Шанкар. Брата Сураджа, Аруна, который работает криминальным репортером, безжалостно убивает Чакку Пандей. Сурадж клянется отомстить за его смерть.
A father does not want to give his sons a share from his property. However, both brothers outsmart him and decide to fake their marriages in order to be entitled to receive their inheritance.
Vijay runs a small business and is also a master thief who is wanted by the cops. But, his motive for committing theft is to build a school where students can get free education and become professionals in their field.
Художник Сурадж Кумар по просьбе Джанакраджа соглашается нарисовать портрет взрослой Аши, пропавшей в детстве. Но служанка в доме Джанакраджа просит его этого не делать, поскольку присутствует мотив убийства. Сурадж отдаёт Джанакраджу вместо портрета Аши портрет своей погибшей жены Чанды.
Lalloo Prasad
Према и Ниши знакомятся на свадьбе Раджеша, старшего брата Према, и Пуджи, старшей сестры Ниши. У молодых людей с первого взгляда возникает симпатия друг к другу, и вскоре они объясняются в любви. Однако судьба распоряжается по-другому – трагически погибает Пуджа, и недавно родившийся малыш остается без мамы. На семейном совете принимается решение, что Ниша должна стать супругой Раджеша и заменить малышу мать.
fight from honest police officer against rural thugs..
Young Adi's life changes completely when he comes to Bombay with his mother, but ends up getting kidnapped. He manages to escape from the kidnappers but is all alone in the city.
A town is terrorized by Danger Don who kidnaps children,Lakshya a police constable poses as Danger Don and kidnaps children and leaves them back to their loved ones posing as a cop to get famous, Lakshya is blessed by powers of Bhajrangbali (Lord Hanuman) later he uses his powers to free children from real Danger Don.
Roshni Chadha makes her living, singing in various places and this makes her the breadwinner of her home. She soon gets to meet the handsome and wealthy Rahul Malhotra, who finds out that she can actually sing professionally and he helps her to attain this goal, which soon became a success and Roshni falls in love with Rahul and finds out that he has the same feelings for her. On a foreign trip, Roshni is arrested by the police for having in her possession cocaine, Rahul disappears leaving Roshni in hot-soup and now she must prepare to undergo her prison terms as there is no one to help her.
Врач Мадан, его жена Ганга, их дочь Гудди и младший брат Мадана Шарад — семья, принадлежащая среднему классу, — живут дружно и счастливо. Шарад любит и почитает брата и его жену как собственных родителей. В округе же все любят и уважают Гангу за жертвы, которые она принесла во имя счастья семьи..
Rajnandini, a rich girl, appoints Rama, a simpleton, as her bodyguard. She soon falls in love with him, which creates havoc in his life.
Mohan Murli
Перед смертью отец рассказывает своему сыну, что у него есть сводный брат от женщины, с которой он расстался много лет назад, и просит искупить свою вину, отыскать брата и его мать и поделить с ними наследство.
Laxmilkant (Lakshya) Bolke
Inspector Mahesh kills a gangster but his spirit enters into a near by doll. Later, a puppetry master receives this doll as a gift but this doll will turn his good life into hell.
Dr Ramchandra Sare has achieved everything in his life.But his family doesn't have time for him his wife Janaki is busy attending kitty parties where as is son Lakshya and daughter Kishori are only spending his hard earned money.Chandu is best friend of Ramchandra who earns his living by driving an auto rickshaw but lives a peaceful life with his wife Chandini and son Rahul.Chandu and Ramchandra once go for boating where Ramchandra drowns in the lake.
Sarech Sajjan is a movie directed by Arun Karnatki featuring Priya Arun, Kishori Ambiye.
Neha is employ by Hari Saxena as a dancer and singer and has many fans. One night Hari attempts to sexually molest her but is unsuccessful; this perturbs him to mix a poisonous substance in one of Neha's eatable which damages her vocal chord resulting in the null of her voice making her unable to sing. She relocates to a distant village for solace and gets to meet one of her die-hard fan who also paints her hoardings for her shows Rajesh Tripathi alias Raja; who is reluctant to be friends with her but Neha is least interested and wants nothing to do with him. He continues to pursue her only to be belittle; then situations turn violent forcing her to finally accept his friendship. She confides her story to him and he arranges to have her career restore to her by risking his own life so that she can seek medical treatment to return her voice as well as arranges show to popularize her once again.
In Dhangao village Jeeva and Sakha are inseparable brothers living with their widowed mother when Sakha gets a job as police inspector he is posted at other place hence brothers get separated.Jeeva is in love with Paro.Nagya is a spoil brat who tries to bluff village people by asking them to sell their land to DK for Dhangao Industrial Zone but villager's support Jeeva which irks him after Paro gets married to Jeeva,Nagya threatens to kill her brother and makes her father sign the property papers and does so with many villagers when Jeeva takes action DK kills his person and puts blame on Jeeva,Jeeva now hides in jungle and whereabouts are only known to his friend Baadshah,Nagya kills Jeeva 's mother when she refuses to sign on papers.Sakha returns to the village to perform final rights of his mother and is unaware about things happening in his village and thinks Jeeva should be punished for taking law in his hand.
Ананд сын богатого промышленника. Однажды парень знакомится с девушкой по имени Сапна. Их первая встреча происходит на свадьбе общих знакомых. Ананд влюбляется с первого взгляда. Но вот Сапна не особо горит желанием отвечать ему взаимностью. Девушка живет в другом городе, и Ананд недолго думая, отправляется в след за ней. Встретившись с Сапной Ананду, все же, удается добиться ее расположения, и они решают пожениться. Но мать девушки, как только узнает, кто отец Ананда тут же отказывает молодым в благословении.
Отец Раджу богат. У мальчика есть все, кроме матери. Чувствуя как страдает его ребенок, отец женится во второй раз. Но мачеха оказалась нечестной женщиной. Ее интересуют только деньги. Она заранее обдумала, как завладеть состоянием своего мужа и приемного сына... Но сын влюбляется, и любовь молодых разрушает ее коварные планы..
Jaya and Suman, two college mates, once best of friends, are today's sworn enemies. Jaya is in love with Rajesh, who also uses to study in the same college, and who leaves no opportunity to praise Suman just to annoy Jaya although he does reciprocate her feelings. But seeing them together infuriates Rakesh, who also loves Jaya deeply. Jaya and Rajesh get married and Jaya's mother gives her some 'tips' on post marriage behavior, little knowing how much problems the same is going to create for her.
Shalini Saxena lives a wealthy life-style with her brother Rajesh. She attends college and writes a few poems under the name Seema as part time activity, she meets her fellow collegian an orphan called Arun Kumar who sings for important occasions usually following the words of her poem. Shalini loves Arun wholeheartedly but is unable to express her feelings to him and thus she secretly helps Arun to not only become a popular singer but also rich. And then Arun gets married to the college principal daughter Meena; this breaks Shalini's heart and to make matters worse she is diagnosed with throat cancer and does not have any longer to live.
Aburao, the son of a troupe dancer, has grown-up to become a brilliant clown. His talent brings him fame but also alienates him from his ideals and his loved ones.
Аман пишет и издает стихи под псевдонимом Сагар. Об этом не знает даже его лучший друг Акаш. Все обнаруживается, когда Пуджа, девушка, в которую влюблен Акаш, признается ему, что полюбила Сагара за его прекрасные стихи. Аман готов пожертвовать своими чувствами ради дружбы. Но примет ли эту жертву Акаш?
Malti witnesses a physical altercation between her husband and Rai Bahadur Brijbhushan Sharma, as a result of which her husband gets knifed and killed. As she tries to take the knife out, the Police arrive, arrest her, and hold her in a cell. It is here that Brijbhushan visits her and warns her not to testify against him as he will kill her son, Raju. Malti accepts full responsibility of her husband's death, is found guilty, and sentenced to 14 years in jail. After her discharge, she is released and finds out that Raju is now known as Raja is very popular dancer and singer. She also gets to meet Radha and her brother, Dattu, who are looking after Raju, and hopes that her son will eventually marry Radha. She subsequently comes to know that Raju loves Priya, who is the daughter of none other than Brijbhushan. Malti is not ready to expose Brijbhushan as her husband's killer - she has other plans for him, and none of her plans include Priya as her future daughter-in-law.
Деви обладает даром экстрасенсорного восприятия. Впервые она понимает это, когда во время игры в теннис «видит» картину убийства своей сестры Рамы, которую убивает человек в чёрном плаще..
Preeti's marriage is on the rocks at the same time she comes to know that she can get hold of her property only if she has good relations with her husband.
Mumbai Te Mauritius (1991) starring Ashok Saraf, Laxmikant Berde, Varsha Usgaonkar, Jayshree Gadkar, Sudhir Dalvi & Bal Dhuri. Directed by Satish Randive.
Ram / Laxman / Bhalu / Shantanu
Three sets of twins navigate ambition, betrayal, and love, one set meeting with tragedy, the others finding their happily-ever-after.
Ajit / Akbar / Anthony / Amar
Раджа — честолюбивый певец. Мистер Сангхания предлагает ему петь в Дюбае. Этому предприятию очень рада и беременная жена Раджи. Но прежде чем все удается, Раджа обнаруживает, что Сингхания собирается использовать его в качестве перевозчика контрабандных лекарств, упакованных в его чемодан. Раджа пытается протестовать, но его зверски убивают на глазах собственной жены, которой хитростью удается бежать от налетчиков. Обессиленная, она останавливается у порога дома священника и рожает мальчика. Холостой и бездетный Мариа Фернандес обнаруживший ребенка и, как ему показалось, мертвую Симу, забирает мальчика к себе. Сима, очнувшись, обезумела от потери ребенка..
Shyam returns from London and Rao Saheb hands him all the business.Janradhan and employee of Raosaheb who eyes his chair creates a rift between the the two as Shyam considers his employee at the top.He loves Kiran whose daughter of Bhau Kasbe an old rival of Raosaheb ,Janardhan tells him that she is the reason behind Shyam's change.Kiran and Shyam get married with blessings of her cousin Raja but Raosaheb disowns them and they start living separately and Janardhan takes advantage of the rift and kills Shyam.But Kiran soon delivers a baby boy named Deepak years later Raosaheb comes across him and wants to take his custody.
When two friends with disabilities are convicted for a crime they did not commit, it becomes a task for them to prove their innocence.
Lakshya finds a bottle, which has Gangaram trapped in it who is his lookalike. He promises to make everything possible with the sand in the bottle, but once the sand is over he will be free to go.
Narayan (Narya)
Narya is thrown out of his village for being unlucky. Later, the villagers try to trace him as he could bring luck to his village.
Автомеханик Каран, отправляясь на заработки, оставляет свою дочь Сумам на попечение старого друга Кишена, давно уехавшего в город и ставшего преуспевающим бизнесменом. В доме Кишена Суман знакомится с его сыном Премом. Молодые люди становятся добрыми друзьями. Им интересно вместе, у них сходные взгляды на жизнь. Но окружающие не верят в чистоту их отношений. Ползут лживые слухи о любовной связи между ними. Людская молва становится причиной ссоры между Кишеном и молодыми. В это время возвращается Каран и, застав такую картину, забирает Суман обратно с собой в деревню. Молодые люди оказываются разлученными.
One night Ashok gets stuck on a giant wheel with a woman. But knowing that his suspicious wife wont believe him, he goofs up the story that he was with his friend Anthony Gonsalves.
Movie starring Laxmikant Berde, Rekha Rao, Sukanya Kulkarni directed by Shivdas Ghodke.
Nandini, an actress, is given an ultimatum by her co-star to find a commoner to star in their upcoming movie. Desperate, Nandini finds her perfect commoner in Raja, a destitute porter.
A simple man killed in his village turns into ghost and comes to the city find his long lost mother and brother and wants his brother to come along with him to revenge his killers but the killers have laid some different trap.
A police officer and a journalist team up to rid their village of crime.
Movie starring Usha Chavan, Kuldeep Pawar, Lakshmikant Berde and is directed by Usha Chavan.
Parshuram (Parshya)/Parvati (Paro)
Dhananjay makes Parshuram and Sudhir to act as his and his brothers wife as the landlady only wants married couples. What will happen when the landlady will come to know the truth and how will they all face her as she is very lovable to all.
Rama, a suspicious woman, lands herself in hilarious situations while trying to impress her husband, Madhav. Meanwhile, Dr Bagaram, a failed doctor, is in love with Ratan, Rama's sister.
Bahusaheb Salunkhe a wealthy and kind hearten person lives with his wife they are childless and hope God will bless them soon with a child.Landge manager of Bahusaheb tries to rape their maid Savitri in absence of Bahusaheb's wife.Bahusaheb gets killed while trying to save her , Bhimi daughter of Savitri sees the whole thing.Mrs Salunkhe then adopts Savitri's son Sada while Bhimi is adopted by a Dacoit and his wife.Years later Bhimi known as Bhatak Bhavani makes living by pick pocketing and is always in eyes of Hawaldar Kondiba.Sada finds from his mother how Landge took over their business and framed Savitri for murder of her husband Bahusaheb.Bhatak Bhavani falls in love with Kondiba but her only motive in life is to find Landge and revenge on him.
Kalatay Pan Valat Nah is marathi movie starring Laxmikant Berde
After Raja's poultry business suffers a huge loss, he decides to search for a job. In the process, he meets a wealthy woman and falls in love with her.
Movie starring Smita Talwalkar, Savita Prabhune and is directed Shekhar Navre.
Three young man will try all possible ways to impress Dhanajirao Wakde to approve their marriages.
Mr. Khote is a successful businessman. But he has cheated many people in business. When two young guys Dilip and his cousin Vijay wish to start a business, Vijay's father (Mr. Khote's best friend) takes them to Mr. Khote. He wants Mr. Khote to teach these young kids about business. When the training starts, Mr. Khote proves Vijay and Dilip cheating is probably the only way to succeed in business. Whereas the young boy Vijay is trying to prove that only truth would lead you to success.Mr. Khote shows Vijay how to get benefited by cheating others. Many incidences are shown where Mr. Khote proves this fact. But still Vijay is not ready to agree. To prove the sides of Truth and Lie they go for a bet whoever loses would lose 10,000 Rs. Others like Pestan, Dilip join the bet with their own share.
Two bachelors find an abandoned baby boy outside their house. They have no other option than to take care of him.
Raja Pradhan
Raja, a car enthusiast and mechanic, chances upon a four-wheeled wonder that is nothing like the other ordinary vehicles. The car is a witness to Raja's father's death years ago. It cares about Raja, protects him from goons, and punishes the culprits who murdered his father.