Jiří Vyorálek

Jiří Vyorálek

Рождение : 1974-06-13, Trebíc, Czechoslovakia


Jiří Vyorálek
Jiří Vyorálek
Jiří Vyorálek


Za vším hledej ženu
Pan Trenér
Student short about a soccer coach.
Only for Tereza
To win back his girlfriend after an unfortunate misunderstanding, a hopeless romantic decides to recreate grand gestures from famous movies.
Хоккей навсегда
David's father
Семья 16-летнего Давида переезжает в Злин, где подросток присоединяется к новой хоккейной команде «Волки». Парень твердо намерен добиться успеха, но в команде уже есть вратарь, Мики, который не собирается уступать свою позицию. Команда настроена к новичку недружелюбно. Капитан Джерри и его приятели ведут себя, как им заблагорассудится, а остальные подчиняются законам стаи. У Давида диабет, но здесь не терпят никаких проявлений слабости. Ставший изгоем Давид пытается справиться с травлей, но издевательства лишь набирают обороты.
Divadlo Na zábradlí: Tajný agent
První akční hrdina
Film director
Watchmakerʼs Apprentice
Zvířecí muž
Urban, an orphan, serves a greedy master watchmaker as an apprentice. When Urban grows up, he falls in love with the watchmaker's daughter Laura and wants to marry her. Before this can happen, the master sends his apprentice out into the world with the task of looking for a mythical watch that can warn of death. No one knows if the watch even exists, but if Urban doesn't bring it back, Laura will never be his wife. The watchmaker's apprentice therefore sets out on a long journey full of hardships, which he must overcome with bravery, skill and a good heart.
Úhoři mají nabito
In 1964, the discovery of secret Nazi documents in the bottom of a lake in the Šumava hits the press worldwide. Years later, it is revealed that the sensational event was orchestrated by the communist regime in a campaign against West Germany, code-named Neptune. Revisiting recent political past of the Cold War in a noir pastiche, this docufiction contributes to the process of myth-making as a necessary construction of our perception of the history.
Фильм повествует о жизни Милады Гораковой. Действие происходит между 1937 и 1950 годами и рассказывает историю женщины, в чьей личности и жизни, моральные принципы были укоренены настолько сильно, что она часто в своих решениях руководствовалась совестью, чем сердцем, несмотря на угрозы жизни для своей семьи. Милада Горакова была казнена 27 июня 1950 года, несмотря на то, что тогдашний президент Чехословацкой Республики получил много просьб о помиловании. Альберт Эйнштейн, Уинстон Черчилль или Элеонора Рузвельт попросили ее помиловать. Центральными темами фильма являются свобода, борьба за демократию, правда, любовь, надежда, власть и самопожертвование, которые очень актуальны и сегодня. Цель фильма - привлечь к личности Милады Гораковой, ее жизнь и судьбе, самой широкой аудитории в Чешской Республике и за рубежом.
Ян Масарик
Konrad Henlein
Фильм о нескольких годах жизни чехословацкого государственного деятеля, Яна Масарика. События охватывают период с 1937 по 1939 годы, когда было оформлено и подписано Мюнхенское соглашение, по которому часть Чехословакии перешла во владения Германии.
Deckname Holec
Young director Honza David films the Russian invasion in in Prague in August 1968. With Eva the love of his life he tries to get out of the country. He wants to bring the explosive material to Vienna, to the director of the Austrian Television Helmut Zilk. He knows Eva very well but the Czech Secret Service even better ...
Us 2
Ema's Husband
A love story of the 21st century. Hoping for change, Ema runs away from her family and leaves her husband. She hides at the apartment of her hairdresser, a gay guy Tony, even though she barely knows him. At the beginning they are merely two strangers, connected by their mutual effort of escaping from their families. They get closer and help each other to overcome the internal, as well as external, obstacles of their lives. Their liberating friendship almost becomes a love affair, despite the fact it cannot be fulfilled. This liberation creates an intense bond between them: a new escape, a new quest. This is a love story of two people and their attempts to escape the trap of their own desires of belonging to somebody.
Ženy, které nenávidí muže
1. technik
The Messenger
Petr is a courier, a messenger as a matter of fact. He is one of those young men who believe that on their bikes they have become part and parcel of the atmosphere of modern cities. He is a non-conformist who refuses to settle into today‘s deformed society, he abhors its indolence, consumerism and lies, as well as its pseudo-truths, pseudo-feelings, pseudo-loves and pseudo-values. Petr’s untrammelled personality keeps causing more and more serious problems. And Petr is also one of those who will never admit to themselves that they might be at the end of their tether.
Long Live the Family!
Libor, a former teacher, enjoys a well-paid position as a bank manager, living in a luxurious villa outside Prague. His business partners are taken into custody and the authorities have a few questions for him to answer. Rather than wait around, he decides to take off to Moravia with his wife and two children. In the process, he pretends that everything is normal, rediscovers the value of family life, meets up with a former colleague lost in provincial obscurity, and becomes the object of a manhunt. Libor is not a criminal type, merely someone who signs cheques and is drawn into a business world failing to recognise its own criminality (he doesn’t even flee the country).
The Greatest Czechs
Film crew on the road: Director (Jaroslav Plesl), his Producer (Simona Babcáková), and their Director of Photography (Jirí Vyorálek) and Sound Arist (Johana Svarcova). Starving artists who already have a number of films to their names, Czech Lion award-winning films, excellent reviews and have been screened at numerous festivals, but they don't have audiences. Their next collaborative effort - the Director's lifetime dream - is quickly becoming oblivion because he failed to win a grant, which means it won't be made. And so the frustrated Director and his colleagues await their chance among record-holders of curious disciplines such as crawling with a squash racket or collecting four-leaf clovers. How will the collision of these two worlds end? What will the Director's next film be about?
Men in Rut
Eine kleine Jazzmusik