Remy O'Brien

Remy O'Brien


Remy O'Brien is known for her work on Fallen Souls (2010), End of the World (2018) and This Town (2007)


Remy O'Brien
Remy O'Brien


Конец света
Солнечные бури во всем мире вызывают цунами, извержения вулканов и наводнения, и главные герои сквозь непогоду пытаются добраться до предположительно безопасных пещер за пределами города, чтобы остаться в живых.
This Town
This Town is in part a social commentary, giving us some scary insight into todays youth but also reflecting the points of view of different generations. At heart, the movie asks the viewer to decide if these characters are right or wrong in their doings. Every character has a dilemma, and they all come to terms with it in their own way. But morally, are they wrong? Or are the victims of their own surroundings? There is no clear answer, making the viewer the ultimate judge.