Lazar Dragojević

Lazar Dragojević


Lazar Dragojević


Полная луна
Хамза, инспектор полиции, отвозит свою жену в родильное отделение. У неё отошли воды, ей срочно нужно в больницу. Хамза вынужден оставить её - на работе ему не дали отгул. В полицейском участке, похоже, сбываются народные сказки о силе полнолуния. В коридоре Хамза встречает мальчика по имени Тарик, являющегося одновременно вестником смерти и ангелом-хранителем, который будет судить его. Один за другим призраки прибывают в полицейский участок.
In a sweaty, overcrowded tram in Sarajevo, a shy teenager is beset by every imaginable impediment as he tries to capture the attention of his object of desire. Yet the overheated hero of this wild farce will not be easily defeated.
The film points to the problem of the emergence of organised prostitution within a society that culminates in periods of economic and social crisis. After gaining their wealth, some of the leaders found themselves in high positions especially in state institutions and administrative structures.
The Son
Arman is about to turn 18. He was adopted as a baby by Jasna and Senad, who were unable to have children of their own. However, four years after the adoption, Jasna gives birth to Dado. Throughout his life, Arman has had a hard time coping with being an adopted child. Full of explosive energy, he constantly gets in trouble together with his schoolmates. Despite being very intelligent, he is labelled as a problem child. The only place he feels safe and loved is with Jasna’s parents. At the same time, Arman does all he can to save Dado from self-destructing. However, despite everything he does to support his brother, his parents interpret Arman’s involvement incorrectly, and blame him for every trouble with Dado.
Отвези меня туда, где хорошо
Альма, девушка на пороге взросления, покидает материнский дом в Нидерландах и отправляется в Боснию на поиски отца, которого она никогда не видела.