Guilaine Londez

Guilaine Londez

Рождение : 1965-03-14, Saint-Gilles, Gard, France


Guilaine Londez


Icon of French Cinema
Judith Godrèche, who plays her fictional alter ego, returns to Paris after ten years of exile in Hollywood with the intention of making a comeback. Haunted by her past, Judith must confront the realities of her personal ambition and maternal angst with humor and disillusionment.
Lie with Me
Gaëlle Flamand
Upon agreeing to be the brand ambassador for a famous cognac celebrating their bicentennial, novelist Stéphane Belcourt returns to his hometown for the first time in many years. Once there, he meets his first love’s son, Lucas. Memories come rushing back to him: irrepressible attraction, bodies becoming one in the heat of desire, a passion that can never be revealed… His first love’s name was Thomas. They were 17.
Oh My Goodness!
Soeur Béatrice
Five nuns set their sights on winning the cash prize in a major cycling race to raise money to renovate a dilapidated hospice. The only hitch is that none of them can ride a bicycle.
L'histoire d'Annette Zelman
Kaïla Zelman
Paris in 1942. Annette is 20 years old, Jean is barely older, they love each other and the future is bright for them. But the deportation of the Jews of France will change their destiny. Upset at the idea of their only son marrying a Jewish woman, Jean Jausion's parents decide to keep young Annette Zelman away from them... and denounce her to the Gestapo. The machine was launched, but it was too late. Annette was deported to Auschwitz on June 22, 1942.
Sami works in a children's home which is set to be closed. The young man is an enthusiastic stadium usher and has convinced the president of the Olympique de Marseille football club to help them keep it open.
What's Wrong with My Family?
Céline and Mathieu, a couple in their thirties who are farmers, are fighting relentlessly to adopt a child without any progress in their file. One day, they meet Darius and Julien, a homosexual couple who have started the process of GPA in Canada. The idea made its way, why not them? They ask themselves many questions, they hesitate. But despite their family's hostility to surrogate motherhood, they decided to go ahead.
Миссис Харрис едет в Париж
Madame Avallon
Лондон, 1950 год. Ада Харрис, горничная богатой столичной семьи, решает купить платье от Christian Dior, чтобы присутствовать на следующей коронации королевы. Ада месяцами экономила на своей скудной зарплате и, наконец, смогла собрать необходимую сумму, чтобы купить платье, о котором мечтала. Наконец она отправляется в Париж, где узнаёт, что купить эксклюзивное произведение кутюрье несколько сложнее, чем просто выложить деньги. По пути к своей цели Ада Харрис преодолевает множество преград и поездка в Париж превращается в настоящее приключение. Экранизация романа Пола Гэллико «Миссис Эррис едет в Париж».
Кровавые апельсины
Mademoiselle Mi
В одно и то же время во Франции происходят следующие истории: пара обремененных долгами пенсионеров пытается победить в танцевальном конкурсе, министра подозревают в уклонении от уплаты налогов, девочка-подросток встречает сексуального маньяка. Наступает долгая ночь. Собаки спущены с цепи.
L'ami qui n'existe pas
Docteur Casteran
Since his father's death, Martin, 11, has said hardly a word. His mother, Camille, is worried. Then, one day, Martin talks about his new friend Jeff who has made life worth living again. But after one night at Jeff's, Martin disappears. Then Camille learns that there's no pupil called Jeff.
Soeur Jacopa
Италия, начало XVII века. Монахиню Бенедетту, которую ещё в детстве определили в обитель города Пеша, посещают религиозные видения. Когда в монастыре появляется новая послушница Бартоломея и начинает проявлять к Бенедетте недвусмысленный интерес, видения становятся всё более реалистичными, а у монахини на руках и ступнях проявляются стигматы.
Just Like a Woman
Eleonore Berthier, 34 years old, keeps living as a teenager, collecting odd jobs and one night stands. Following a burnout, her mother and sister decide to take action to help her make a fresh start.
Холостяк на свадьбе
La mère d'Adrien
Заядлого холостяка Адриана родственники просят подготовить торжественный тост к скорой свадьбе сестры. Адриана охватывает паника. Он не любит выступать на публике, но еще больше ненавидит свадьбы. Убежденному браконенавистнику предстоит настоящее испытание, и самое сложное в нем — не превратить свадьбу сестры в семейную разборку, где может достаться всем!
Без комплексов
Bérangère Mazuret
Беатрис написала книгу о трагическом событии в семье: ее муж, Фредерик, попал в аварию. Он ослеп и, как бы, лишился фильтра: говорит все, что думает, и абсолютно непредсказуем. Тем временем все друзья семьи выискивают себя среди персонажей романа, и старые конфликты пробуждаются.
Photo de famille
Françoise, Mao's shrink
Gabrielle is a "statue" for tourists, much to the chagrin of her teenage son. Elsa is in angry at the world and desperate to become pregnant. Mao is a chronically depressed video game designer who drowns his melancholy in alcohol and psychoanalysis. They are brother and sisters but do not hang out. Ever. Their parents Pierre and Claudine, separated for a long time, have really done nothing to strengthen the bonds of the family - yet, at their grandfather's funeral, they are going to have to meet, and together answer the question: "What to do with grandma?"
The Summer House
A large and beautiful property on the French Riviera. A place that seems out of time and sheltered from the rest of the world. Anna goes there with her daughter for a few days of vacation. Amidst her family, friends and the house staff, Anna has to handle her fresh break-up with her partner and the writing of her next film.
Dirty Kids
Alex's mother
French seniors enroll in summer camp.
Ночь в Париже
Gardienne zoo du Jardin des Plantes
В атмосфере ночного Парижа переплетены любовь, интриги и опасность. Перед директором театра Луиджи, бабником и разгильдяем, стоит задача не из легких — найти деньги на громкую премьеру и живую обезьяну. И для этого ему придется использовать всю свою изобретательность, хитрость и, разумеется… недюжинное мужское обаяние, потому что в ночном Париже все решают красотки и роковые женщины.
Madame Duru
Florence is a school teacher devoted to her students. When she encounters young Sacha, a child with problems, she will do everything she can to help him, even to the point of neglecting her own children, her own life, and of questioning her vocation. Little by little Florence realizes that learning has no age limit.
Back to Mom's
At 40, Stephanie loses her job and is forced to move back in with her mother. She is welcomed with open arms to the joys of overheated apartment, Francis Cabrel playing on loop, Scrabble games and precious motherly advice on how to behave at the table and live her life.
Все еще счастливы
Mme Martin, la concierge
Okay, Marie is a little tired of the insouciance of her husband Sam, framework sup unemployed for 2 years. Agree, it is very tempted to be seduced by this beautiful stranger who made him the Court. Okay, there is also the daughter piano competition... If this balance light and crazy about standing, an unexpected event throws the family on an even crazier way.
60 Going On 12
Directeur agence bancaire
Charles and Pierrot are inseparable. When Charles takes early retirement, it seems the world is their oyster. They can spend even more time together. Their motto is simple: "Make the most of life and have fun!». They fill their days with abundant imagination, under the tender and sometimes worried gaze of the women in their lives…
Да здравствует Франция!
Tante Nanette
Музафар и Фейруз - два тихих пастуха из Табулистана, крошечной страны в Азии, неизвестной в остальном мире. Чтобы известить Мир о существовании своей страны, сын президента Табулистан решает провести террористический акт. С этой целью, он нанимает двух наших наивных пастухов для осуществления своего плана: уничтожить Эйфелеву башню! Но во Франции Музафара и Фейруза ожидает далеко не то, что они планировали ...
Клод в помощь
Infirmière réa
Томас безответственен, и потому его бросает любимая девушка. Он настолько безответственен, что только год спустя понимает насколько она ему дорога, но уже не может ничего исправить. И тут у него на руках оказывается младенец… Томас придумывает хитроумный план — он вернет свою девушку, сыграв роль ответственного «папочки»…
Добро пожаловать на борт
La pointilleuse
Изабелла — PR-менеджер крупной корпорации, однажды она делает жуткую ошибку, из-за которой она становится любовницей своего начальника. И прежде чем перейти к новому уровню отношений, ее босс решил сойти с дистанции. И через некоторое время женщина начинает встречаться с безработным мужчиной по имени Реми, который является не таким уж и плохим, как о нем думают все окружающие.
Forbidden House
Benoît and Claire want to sell their country-side house where Claire´s brother commit suicide. Both go to the house to renovate it and sell it for a better price. Since the first night they stay there Claire is convinced that they are not alone...
No and Me
Tante Sylvie
At thirteen-years-old, with an unusually high IQ and a knack for observing things about other people, Lou Bertignac is not only the youngest in her class at school; she is also the most unusual. Painfully shy, she has few friends, save for Lucas, whose company helps her get through each day. At home, Lou's life is also difficult: Her mother hasn't left the house in years and her father spends his days crying in the bathroom. Lou's world is dark and sad... That is, until she meets No.
Pas de politique à table
À 10 minutes de la plage
Chimène Ramirez
The Very Very Big Company
Brigitte Lamarcq
Four friends - an oyster-farmer, an accountant's assistant, a restaurateur and a blue-collar worker - decide to take on a multi-national agro-chemical company with a turnover of EUR9bn and which has been polluting their region on a large scale. Having been awarded a paltry amount of compensation, they decide to seek true justice. They have however just 30 days to uncover vital new evidence.
Смерть на острове
Виоллет Кастийон, молодая и привлекательная адвокат из Парижа, приезжает на красивый остров защищать преступницу Стани, которая узнала, что ее покойный отец Жозэ Рокка был грабителем банков. Виоллет сбита с толку, так как незадолго до встречи с подзащитной на Стани нападают в тюрьме, и она впадает в кому. А на следующий день на острове происходит убийство человека...
Перекрестный огонь
В полицейский участок на окраине города переведен новый инспектор — Винсент Дриё. И он начинает расследовать дела, на которые все давно махнули рукой. Он видит то, что никто не осмеливается замечать. Он выдвигает обвинения невзирая на чины и лица.
Pierre has prepared a surprise for his wife Brigitte's birthday. But a series of harmless incidents (like a draft and a sun beam reflected off a window) brings the young next-door girl neighbor into his bed just as Brigitte walks through the door.
А вдруг это любовь?
Люка — крупный бизнесмен, разочаровавшийся в любви. Неожиданно для себя он со всей страстью увлекается 38-летней Эльзой. Боясь потерять и голову, и собственную компанию, он нанимает детектива, чтобы выяснить, почему успешная и красивая женщина не замужем и какие проблемы могут подстерегать влюбленного в нее мужчину. Однако Эльза оказывается не только красивой, но и умной женщиной. Догадавшись о планах поклонника, она начинает собственную игру…
A bourgeois office drone whose raison d’état is the music of French rocker Johnny Hallyday awakens one day in an alternate universe where the famed musician never recorded a single song. When he’s not at the office dutifully plugging-away, Fabrice lives a deadly dull life.
Zim and Co
La juge
Because of a motorcycle accident, a young man from the poor outskirts of Paris must find a steady job in order to avoid being sent to prison. He gets into more trouble trying to do that.
L'Hiver sous la table
Raymonde, l'amie de Florence
Looking for Cheyenne
Cheyenne, a journalist, decides to leave Paris after being laid off and to settle down in the middle of nowhere, far from the society she hates. The trouble is that she leaves Sonia, her true love, behind. The latter, a teacher who loves her job, refuses to give up everything - including her comfort - to follow her. Sonia makes all the efforts in the world to forget Cheyenne, whether in the arms of Pierre, a charming anarchist, or in those of Béatrice, a gay woman who soon proves perverse and dangerous, only to realize that her heart belongs to Cheyenne and nobody else.
Quatre étoiles
Franssou, a charming Parisian English teacher, who shares part of her life with a boring middle-aged lover, dreams of another life. So, when she unexpectedly inherits 50,000 euros, she grasps the opportunity and goes to the French Riviera in order to take it easy in luxury. In the four-star hotel where she rents a room she comes across Stéphane, a strange guy who is in the process of arranging Elton John's next coming to the place. Intrigued by the noisy ostentatious fellow, she follows him until she finally comes into contact with him. She knows Stéphane is at bay and decides to take advantage of it.
Another Woman
Before Nicholas had a family and children, he was a doctor. It was 10 years ago when he left them to create a new life. Now Nicholas is Lea. When a business trip brings Lea to Paris the urge to see her children again is too great to resist, Lea pretends to be a musical journalist and interviews her daughter Emma, a pianist. Through gradual revelation the children learn the truth. Lea’s unwavering determination and spirit lead her to find reconciliation with her family no matter what the price.
Beautiful Memories
Although barely 30, Claire believes she is showing the first symptoms of Alzheimer's disease, a condition from which her mother has recently died. Her sister, Nathalie, is certain that her memory loss, caused by a lightning strike, is temporary. In the clinic where she is being treated, Claire is attracted to Philippe, a man who is still traumatized after a car accident in which his wife and child were both killed. In spite of their personal tragedies, Claire and Philippe fall in love. When Philippe recovers, Claire moves into his home. Then Claire's condition takes a turn for the worse.
Albertine Monot
39 years old Jacques Monot is tired from the same vacation he and his family have every year so he decides to buy a boat.
L'Art (délicat) de la séduction
Real estate agent
The film follows Etienne, a 40-year-old car designer, who takes time off from work to study sexual mastery from a Zen master and several prostitutes, in the hopes of having the sexual skill to impress Laure. Laure, a blonde who was introduced to him by his friend Jacques, told Etienne on January 1 that she will not have sex with him until May 27 that year at precisely 9 PM.
Шкура человека, сердце зверя
Действие разворачивается в деревне, куда за неуравновешенность и склонность к насилию отправляют в принудительный отпуск инспектора полиции Пюжоля, где его (не) ждут две дочери, мать и младший брат, прислуживающий местным бандитам. Его приезд совпадает с появлением третьего брата, беззвестно пропадавшего 15 лет, пришедшего в родной дом пешком, встречающего бывших знакомых с вымученной улыбкой и огоньком безумия в глазах. Два старших брата разнесут мирную идиллию, но о мотивах их действий можно только догадываться, потому что никаких флэшбэков в прошлое не будет.
Brigitte Doradée
The Virgin Mary appears to Mario, a provincial barber who dreams of becoming a successful singer. He introduces her to his parents who decide to adopt her and give her a room in their house. The presence of the Holy Mother will soon break the monotony of the household. Teresa, Mario’s mother, starts to talk to a chandelier. Carolina, his sister, thinks she has become invulnerable and begins to hit her teacher. As for Mario, he thinks he has been invested with a special mission, to tell the truth at all times to everyone he meets. It soon turns out the Virgin is not what she pretends to be…
Retour à Fonteyne
Rivalries divide the sons of the owner of a wine estate in Cognac.
Une journée de merde!
This is an important day for Marc Chanois, an insurance advisor heading toward middle age: it's his fiancée Sabine's birthday, her parents arrive in Paris and Marc will meet them for dinner to announce the engagement (her father can't stand him), he's bought Sabine a Spitfire, and his most important client is to sign a policy. But, as the day wears on, he's vexed by an incompetent secretary, the unexpected return of a girlfriend he hasn't seen in five years, squatters who use his office at night, the jealous former lover of a flight attendant who lives in the building, and his boss's unexpected return from a Swiss clinic. Will he reach Sabine in one piece?
Любовь в лугах
Zig Thivart
Месье Жеже — хозяин фабрики сантехники в небольшом французском городке. Любимое занятие его рабочих — периодически бастовать, его дочери и жены-мещанки — вытягивать из него деньги и донимать капризами, а местная налоговая инспекция желает получить с него несколько сот тысяч франков, что окончательно разорит предприятие. Но вот по телевидению в передаче «Найди меня» женщина показывает фотографию исчезнувшего 26 лет назад мужа. Это — двойник Жеже! Доведённый до отчаяния герой признаёт себя пропавшим, который изображён на фотографии, и начинает новую и на удивление счастливую жизнь: настоящий муж, оказывается, был весьма состоятельным человеком. Только вот куда и почему он исчез?..
La vie parisienne
On a Saturday evening in Paris, Juliette, Héloïse and Marianne each get their first separate experience of "Parisian life".
When a woman fed-up with life in general commits suicide, what's left ? In the same vein, a lover, a mother, a friend, a few buddies, all orphans, all well-to-do, but mainly lost at sea without a ship. The lover : Paul, a lone wolf who tries to escape from his memories through drink or by chasing women as though they were the cure to everything. The best friend : Lucie, coming and going, suitcase in hand , as though she were carrying a corpse or a time bomb, ready to flee at the drop of a hat with her suitcase of course. The mother : Marthe. Between shovel and incinerator, she counts her dead, cat and husband included. And then, there is Lucien, madly running after Lucie, screeching guitar in hand. And the others, always running.
Night and Day
Jack and Julie live in a bare flat in Paris. At night, Jack drives a taxi while Julie wanders around the city, and in the day they make love. One day Julie meets Joseph, the daytime driver of the taxi, and soon Julie is spending her nights with Joseph and her days with Jack.
Les Enchantés