
The Burning Chicken
Director of Photography
Desperate for companionship, Keenan is befriended by two teenage boys who believe he has money to fund their weekend partying. They quickly realize that he is broke, and struggle to shake him off as they spend a week together on the streets of London attempting to navigate an adult world.
Director of Photography
Stuck in a lonely and unforgiving city, a Bus Canvasser waits for an opportunity to migrate to create a better future for his family. Migrating means making sacrifices, but sometimes the reasons to stay outweigh the reasons to leave.
Director of Photography
The film centers on an outcast in a rural English community who draws the attention of a vengeful mother after a chance encounter with her two young boys.
The Death of Don Quixote
Focus Puller
London, 1968. Director Alphonse attempts to complete his greatest cinematic work yet, entitled “The Death of Don Quixote.” But his aging star, Patrick, is seriously ill, so it is unclear what will die first: his vision, Patrick or Don Quixote.