Umberto Marino

Рождение : 1952-11-27, Roma, Lazio, Italy


Tutto per mio figlio
Tutto per mio figlio
Il tempio della velocità
Родиться заново
Это вдохновляющая история, основанная на реальных событиях, расскажет о пути юного спортсмена, полном боли и разочарования, но вместе с тем твердой решимости, поисков себя, любви и стремления к искуплению.
Родиться заново
Это вдохновляющая история, основанная на реальных событиях, расскажет о пути юного спортсмена, полном боли и разочарования, но вместе с тем твердой решимости, поисков себя, любви и стремления к искуплению.
Родиться заново
Это вдохновляющая история, основанная на реальных событиях, расскажет о пути юного спортсмена, полном боли и разочарования, но вместе с тем твердой решимости, поисков себя, любви и стремления к искуплению.
Enrico Piaggio: An Italian Dream
Pontedera, 1945. Enrico Piaggio's factory is in rubble. Piaggio feels the enormous responsibility that rests on his shoulders: the life of many families depends on his ability to create a new job. A project is beginning to form in his mind, a dream: to create a means of transport that is small, agile and economical, but capable of reviving mobility and boosting recovery. The road to affirmation, for Piaggio and its creature, is fraught with obstacles. An avid financier, Rocchi Battaglia, uses every means to take possession of the factory. Piaggio understands that his scooter, the Vespa, can and must become "the icon of rebirth" and so, when he learns that the American director William Wyler will shoot the film Roman Holiday (1953) in Italy, he sends Suso, a young and talented employee of the public office, to make contact with him to convince him to make the Vespa the "carriage of Cinderella" on which to make the two young and in love protagonists travel.
Al posto tuo
Two very different men have something in common: the work. When their companies are bought by a bigger one, who will take the only place of boss of the new company?
Mi rifaccio vivo
After spending most of his life being defeated by his rival Ottone, meek Biagio tries to commit suicide – but in the hereafter he's offered a chance to come back to life for a week as Dennis, Ottone's trusted business partner.
Mi rifaccio vivo
After spending most of his life being defeated by his rival Ottone, meek Biagio tries to commit suicide – but in the hereafter he's offered a chance to come back to life for a week as Dennis, Ottone's trusted business partner.
Однажды безоблачной ночью старый Джепетто замечтался, глядя в небеса на сверкающие звезды. Он загадал желание, чтобы вырезанный из дерева мальчик Пиноккио ожил и стал ему настоящим сыном, о котором он мечтал всю свою жизнь. И его желание, наконец, сбылось. Поучительную сказку про Пиноккио знают дети и взрослые всего мира. Маленький деревянный человечек заставил поверить людей в чудеса и доказал, что добро всегда побеждает, а мечты сбываются, нужно только сильно верить в это.
Любовь и война
Первая Мировая Война. В траншеях высоко в горах встречаются скромный шахтер с сержантским званием и молодая медсестра Красного Креста по имени Альбертина, дочь генерала армии. Любовь, которая возникает между ними, должна не только преодолеть препятствия войны с ее страданиями и ужасами, но и опасность, которую сеет вокруг себя вероломный капитан Авогадро. Коварный мужчина во что бы то ни стало стремится вступить в брак с Альбертиной, лишь бы спасти свое экономическое положение. Марио и Альбертина будут бороться, не теряя своей человечности, которую война безжалостно стирает из сердец всех людей. Но Марио пропадает без вести после рискованной миссии. Судьбы влюбленных, кажется, разделились навсегда…
Pilot Operation
Лед и пламень
В приемном покое больницы между бездомной женщиной и таинственным, состоятельным на вид господином вспыхивает искра любви. Чудесным образом их любовь все же крепнет, несмотря на повседневные комические недоразумения, людскую жестокость, давление семьи и их собственные застенчивость и страх. Когда эти двое становятся любовниками и скрываются от общества, они находят убежище среди процессии пилигримов, направляющейся к отдаленной святыне в горах – единственной надежде выжить в этом мире, где все, кажется, сговорилось помешать чуду настоящей любви.
Too Much Romance... It's Time for Stuffed Peppers
After a long marriage, Maria and Jeffrey are now in crisis. Trying to keep the family together, she tries to convince their children to attend the birthday of the old grandmother Assunta, owner of the beautiful house in which they live. But their children are going through a rough patch. Francesco is a writer who is ashamed of having achieved fame with a book of literary shoddy, why his wife has lost respect. Marco is a doctor and is happy with his family, but his wife is determined to throw it all away for that to become an actress. Meanwhile, Miriam, a young emancipated, discovers she is pregnant, but does not know which of her lovers is the father.
Totò Sapore e la magica storia della pizza
Naples, 18th century. Salvatore "Totò" Sapore, an unemployed minstrel, always manages to cheer up the hungry with his songs about good food, always upsetting Vesuvia, a magma witch who lives inside the Vesuvius.
It's Christmas Eve in Naples. Little Rocco feels increasingly jealous due to the imminent birth of a baby brother. Three bungling devils sent by Satan promise him that if he'll stop Jesus from being born—entering the Nativity scene his father built by the magic word "opopomoz" and altering the past—his brother won't be born either.
Saint Anthony: The Miracle Worker of Padua
Depiction of the life of St. Anthony, beginning with his initial calling to the priesthood as a young Portugese nobleman, and following him as he becomes a Franciscan monk and preaches across Africa and Europe.
Saint Anthony: The Miracle Worker of Padua
Depiction of the life of St. Anthony, beginning with his initial calling to the priesthood as a young Portugese nobleman, and following him as he becomes a Franciscan monk and preaches across Africa and Europe.
Аида из Арбореи
Волшебный мир разделился пополам. Злобный каменный дракон Сатам и его преспешники из города Петра объявили войну мирному древесному народу Арбореи. Прекрасная принцесса Аида, дочь арборейского короля, была похищена и стала служанкой во дворце петранцев. Там она познакомилась с Радамесом - солдатом Петры. Радамес и Аида полюбили друг друга и теперь эта ужасная война может разделить их. Сможет ли любовь и верная дружба вернуть мир в волшебную страну?
Маленькая сиротка Момо нашла кров в развалинах старого амфитеатра, где обрела новый дом и новых друзей. Но однажды она почувствовала, что вокруг нее что-то изменилось. В городе появились могущественные «Серые лорды», живущие за счет времени, украденного ими у других людей. Только Момо понимает опасность, и только она может что-то сделать: ни у кого из ее друзей уже не осталось времени! С помощью черепахи Кассиопеи и Повелителя времени Мастера Хоры Момо начинает сражение против «Серых лордов», успевших захватить ее новый дом и подчинить себе ее друзей…
Lucky and Zorba
A seagull is caught by the black tide of a sinking petrol ship. She manages to fly inland and falls down in a garden by a cat. Moribund, she asks the cat to fulfill three promises: that when she lays her egg he must not eat it; that he must take care of it until it hatches; that he would teach the newborn how to fly.
Il viaggio della sposa
17th-century noblewoman Porzia leaves the cloister she was raised in to marry, but an ambush leaves her alone with humble coachman Bartolo. While venturing into dangerous and unknown lands, the two grow increasingly close despite their opposite backgrounds.
Il viaggio della sposa
17th-century noblewoman Porzia leaves the cloister she was raised in to marry, but an ambush leaves her alone with humble coachman Bartolo. While venturing into dangerous and unknown lands, the two grow increasingly close despite their opposite backgrounds.
Finalmente soli
Finalmente soli
Как игрушки спасли Рождество
Каждый год на Рождество добрая фея Бефана дарит детям игрушки. Однажды ей решил помешать жадный и злой доктор Скарафони. Нарушить его коварные планы могут только сами игрушки.
Cuore cattivo
Cuore cattivo
Cuore cattivo
A Soul Split in Two
Store security guard Pietro spends his days catching shoplifters, his weekends visiting his children who are in custody of his ex-wife, and his nights thinking about new ways to flirt with the store's makeup consultant. His malaise psychosomatically manifests itself in nosebleeds, outbursts of anger, visions, etc. One day, he sees a young Gypsy girl steal something from the store and lets it slide: he can't explain why, but she caught his eye. Pietro and Pabe – that's her name – warily start to hang out, knowing each other more and more, until something begins to blossom in them. Could their shared dream for a new, more compassionate life finally be at their fingertips?
The Blonde
Coming back from work by night, shy watchmaker Tommaso runs over a girl with his car, luckily without serious consequences. Next day he finds her waiting for him at his door. She asks him for help, as she can't remember anything prior to the incident.
The Blonde
Coming back from work by night, shy watchmaker Tommaso runs over a girl with his car, luckily without serious consequences. Next day he finds her waiting for him at his door. She asks him for help, as she can't remember anything prior to the incident.
Cominciò tutto per caso
A middle class couple crisis. A love story between a young blue collar guy an a Philippine girl. The lives of four people get closer in nowadays Rome.
Cominciò tutto per caso
A middle class couple crisis. A love story between a young blue collar guy an a Philippine girl. The lives of four people get closer in nowadays Rome.
The Knot in the Necktie
The Station
A good-natured, albeit a bit pedantic stationmaster works at a railway station in the middle of nowhere. One night, a beautiful high-society woman enters the station to buy a ticket. Waiting for her train, the two talk and eventually grow close. However, the mood quickly changes when the woman's fiancée arrives and tries to prevent her from leaving with increasingly violent means.
The Station
Theatre Play
A good-natured, albeit a bit pedantic stationmaster works at a railway station in the middle of nowhere. One night, a beautiful high-society woman enters the station to buy a ticket. Waiting for her train, the two talk and eventually grow close. However, the mood quickly changes when the woman's fiancée arrives and tries to prevent her from leaving with increasingly violent means.
Stray Days
Italian comedy produced by Cannon featuring songs by Enrico Ruggeri.