Srirangam Brothers - Srinivasachari and Ranga - are versatile Carnatic musicians. Srinivasachari is happily married but has no children. Ranga is a widower with two children. Srirangam Brothers are the biggest music directors in Telugu film industry (Tollywood) and compose music for only traditional and classical genres. Srirangam Brothers always try to help aspiring singers in their music compositions. Surekha, a TV anchor, falls in love with Ranga and they get married.
A young fisherman loses his family while striving to protect his master's treasure. On learning about his kind gesture, the master adopts his son and leaves behind a huge share of his property.
An egotistical music teacher envious of the extraordinary talent of his prodigious young disciple.
The movie revolves around Pandit Hari Prasad, a blind flautist (played by Sarvadaman Banerjee), and a painter (Suhasini) who is mute.
Hari Prasad lives with his only sister in a village which has some tourist attraction. He earns money by playing flute and entertaining the tourists. His life changes dramatically once Jyothirmayi (Moon Moon Sen) comes there and hears his musical talent. She helps him reach high standards in classical music.
Years pass by and Hari Prasad becomes one of the greatest flutists in India; he develops ;a great love towards Jyothirmayi for whom he dedicates all his albums
Трогательная история любви молодой вдовы Лалиты и умственно отсталого деревенского парня Севайя.
Когда-то, в юности, судьба разлучила влюбленных. Она вышла замуж, а для него, талантливого юноши, мечтавшего стать танцовщиком, жизнь без любимой потеряла всякий смысл… И вот спустя много лет они, по воле случая, встретились вновь..
Naresh and Pradeep are classmates. Naresh loves Sarada but marries Kamala due to certain circumstances. To save Sarada who is pregnant by then, Pradeep marries her. Naresh, who is unable to forget the past, cannot compromise with Kamala. What happens in this situation forms the rest of the story.
A story about a 35-year-old bachelor.
Yajulu is a man who believes fiercely in customs and rituals. Without the consent of his daughter Hema, he gets her married to Gaurinatha, who in turn realises that she loves Murali.
Paparayudu gets jailed for a murder that he didn't commit. So he tries to prove his innocence and he gets rid of all his enemies too.
Assistant Camera
3008 год. Полицейский космический корабль Объединенной межгалактической федерации «Бесконечность» бороздит просторы Вселенной. Сержант Тор влюблен в очаровательного андроида Галаксину. Она не умеет говорить и только моргает большими глазами, когда Тор целует ее. Однажды корабль получает приказ отправиться на планету Альта и достать редкий горный минерал «Голубая звезда». Космонавты погружаются в криогенный сон на 27 лет, оставляя Галаксину управлять кораблем. В это время, заинтригованная вниманием со стороны человека, Галаксина перепрограммирует себя и начинает учиться говорить, чтобы быть готовой общаться с Тором, когда он проснется…
Это история гуру Шанкары Шастри, изучившего рагу Шанкарабхаранам , по названию которой поклонники и дали ему прозвище Шанкарабхаранам, и его преданной ученицы Туласи - дочери куртизанки, которая посвятить себя музыке.