Witold Dederko
Рождение : 1906-03-26, Siedlce, Rosja, (obecnie Polska)
Смерть : 1988-09-10
A young penniless woman comes to a small town with her newborn baby. She goes to work but because her child has no father, life is hard for her. Until she meets a carefree vagabond photographer willing to help her out.
German-Polish adaptation of Theodor Storm's novella.
A woman just out of prison gets a job in a nursing home and tries, unsuccessfully, to put her life back together.
An officer stationed in a remote Ukranian outpost at the end of the First World War is dying of consumption. Suffering from feverish dreams and hallucinations, he begins to collect religious art and attends seances.
starzec na ulicy
Set at the turn of the century it presents a story of a famous Polish athlete, Zbyszko Cyganiewicz. It begins in a small town where a traveling circus attracts a shy boy into a phony wrestling game to please the crowds. The youth, however, takes his strength seriously, eventually defeating a name wrestler in a fair match. Angered circus manager fires him; he leaves happily due to two wrestler brothers who were harassing him. The wrestler goes on to fame, performing in the world's top arenas, and one day is serenaded by a tenor from the crowd. Fame brings him women and admirers but he is uncompromising on his profession. He has his revenge on one of his tormentors defeating him in the ring. One day, attending a game in a tuxedo, he is challenged by another of the brothers and drawn into a brutal game, in course of which he kills his opponent. Thus his career ends.
Starzec z kosą
О национальном герое Польши Ярославе Домбровском (1836-1871), боевом офицере, окончившем Академию Генерального штаба в Петербурге. За активное участие в подготовке восстания 1863 года Домбровский был приговорен к смертной казни, которая была заменена пятнадцатью годами каторги. Бежав из тюрьмы, Домбровский уехал во Францию, где возглавил вооруженные силы Парижской Коммуны. Погиб на баррикадах.
A young doctor from the lower classes is helped in his career by a rich woman. When he comes back from study in Paris he takes a job at a watering spa. He comes up against the owners when he tries to help the poor.
Staruszek na karuzeli
A coming of end story about fourteen years old Yurek, his adventures during the vacations and his first love.
Old Dyer
Трое молодых людей, выпускник коммерческого училища польский шляхтич Кароль Боровецкий, еврейский биржевой маклер Мориц Вельт и немецкий коммерсант Макс Баум, решают организовать собственное дело — построить самую крупную в городе ткацкую фабрику…
Ignacy Tumanek, śpiewak ludowy
Film set during the Silesian Uprising in the 1920's. The German owners of a mine decide that it is unprofitable and want to close it by flooding it. The miners go on strike.
mężczyzna w mieszkaniu Marii (nie występuje w napisach)
University student Anna and her boyfriend Tomek use a precious photograph to trace and unveil the complex wartime and post-war past of their parents.
Sąsiad odlewający od Włodków mleko
Влодек, несостоявшийся русист, которого исключили из вуза после пятого семестра, — серый работник большого книжного магазина. Утомлённый домашней атмосферой, где в двух комнатах он живёт с женой, сыном и родителями жены, вечером он выходит из дома. Официальный предлог — купить сигарет, в действительности же убежать от шума телевизора, ворчаний тёщи, рассказов тестя и выговоров жены. Случайно попадает в общежитие «Академка», случайно знакомится с красивой студенткой полонистики Иреной. Увлечение девушкой перерастает в любовь. Но Ирена видит во Влодеке другого человека, того, кого она себе выдумала, талантливого, у которого не было ещё возможности показать себя.
Рассказ о жизни кинематографической богемы. Во время съемок на площадку не явился исполнитель главной роли. Что с ним? Куда он исчез? Кто виноват в его пропаже?
pasażer, grajek
A journalist is preparing to take a train trip, when he is confronted by the spirit of professor Ryszpans who tells what happened to him. When he boarded a train standing on a siding, he encountered trackman Wiór with a newspaper informing about the crash of the train and the death of several passengers, including professor Ryszpans. The professor is joined by engineer Zniesławski, who has also heard of the impending disaster and is interested in it from the technical side. On hearing the news of an approaching catastrophe, other passengers leave the train in panic at the next station. However, trackman Wiór manages to hypnotize several travelers who continue with the journey. Ryszpans hears a roar and sees objects crumbling around him, and then turns into a shadow. After hearing the story, the journalist resigns from his train trip.