Roman Skamene

Roman Skamene

Рождение : 1954-10-02, Planá u Mariánských Lázní, Czechoslovakia [now Czech Republic]


Roman Skamene
Roman Skamene
Roman Skamene


Tady hlídáme my
Shoky & Morthy: Last Big Thing
Two pranksters set out on a wild adventure to shoot a horror documentary, resurrect their dwindling fame and save their YouTube channel.
Špindl 2
Семейная пара Таня и Милан Лабатовы испытывают глубокий кризис. Они постоянно ссорятся, а их 16-летняя дочь уходит на вечеринку и пропадает без вести. В поисках дочери супруги открываются друг для друга с непредсказуемой стороны.
Боны и покой 2
Продолжение чехословацкого фильма "Боны и покой" (1988) о группе валютных спекулянтов, торговавших иностранной валютой и так называемыми "бонами" в период заката социализма в Чехословакии. Двадцать лет спустя группа мелких преступников возвращается. Они быстро адаптировались к изменившейся эпохе и теперь специализируются на ценных бумагах национального правительства и Европейского Союза. Новый молодой герой фильма, Мартин, родом из небольшого городка, как и его предшественник, и тоже переезжает в Прагу, чтобы заняться там тёмными делишками.
Jedlíci aneb Sto kilo lásky
Kožené slunce
Bivoj, rozhodčí
As the name suggests, the movie is about football. It is not about big league soccer, making huge money. It is about football, which lives just from village fans enthusiasm, from the enthusiasm of fathers and their sons and club officials. And yet on this battlefield, where the pub and silent household alternates, it is often about everything: friends, family, the meaning of life. It is about playing fair, but also about fighting below the belt. It is about winning, but also about falling into the abyss of the league wilderness.
Goblins and Good Luck 2
Mňága – Happy End
'Mnaga - Happyend' is a crazy pseudo-documentary about Mnaga&Zdorp, a real (and much loved) Czech pop-rock group. It depicts their fictitious history of being created artificially, on demand of the musical market.
Divoké pivo
Cesta peklem
Ještě větší blbec, než jsme doufali
Nahota na prodej
majitel live-show
Trhala fialky dynamitem
bratranec Pons
The Tank Battalion
major Borovička
Tankový prapor (Tank Battalion) is a Czech comedy film. It was released in 1991. The movie represented the first privately produced movie in Czech Republic. It was a blockbuster. Today, the movie is perceived as a classic, it is the most acclaimed movie of his creator, director Vit Olmer, it starred Lukáš Vaculík, a popular star of youth movies in the main role, as well as the by-then well received comedian Miroslav Donutil.
Pražákům, těm je hej
The story begins in 1984 in Prague, Czechoslovakia, few years before the end of Communist era. The band Pražský výběr (Prague's selection) has just received the news thier 5-year ban has expired and they are alowed to perform once again. This half fantasy half document about the band would draw the atmosphere of middle european late Communist era and the eufory of it's end.
Království stromů
Боны и покой
Главный герой фильма — простой парень Мартин из городка Болеслав, рабочий завода «Шкода», который со своими друзьями решил организовать самую крутую в Болеславе дискотеку. Для этого им нужна немецкая аудиоаппаратура, которую можно купить у каких-то немецких знакомых только за марки. А сами марки — только у спекулянтов бонами по тёмным углам Праги у магазинов «Тузекс». И наш мальчик отправляется менять деньги.
Džusový román
Vašek (voice)
A film about young female factory workers in Czechoslovakia.
Ať přiletí čáp, královno!
Vánoční Růženka
Co takhle svatba, princi?
zapisovatel Pravčický
The False Prince
Velitel palácovej stráze
The Sultan awaits the arrival of his son, Prince Omar, who has brought up in a distant land. The master tailor and his assistances are making clothes for the prince. Labakan, the most gifted of his assistances, craves to be a Sovereign's heir so he steals the princely garments snd poses as the Sultan's son.
O princezně Solimánské
Poslední mejdan
Letný strom radosti
Spor dramaturga Stroupežnického
Viceregent's Nephew
Pastýřská pohádka
How to Dupe a Lawyer
Attorney Horic is a specialist for cases connected with motoring. He approaches to his work unconventionally, he does not hesitate to search for evidence right in the terrain and he is willing to take various risks.
Princové jsou na draka
vyslanec draka, Jiří Hlaváček
The Secret of Steel City
The film is a metaphor for the Cold War. It depicts two neighbouring nations: peace loving Fortuna and the not so peaceful land of the Steel City.
Skandál v Gri-Gri baru
House Call
Havranpírko (voice)
Third movie of the famous Czech adventure trilogy: Osada Havranů Na veliké rece Volání rodu
O vysoké věži
Muž s orlem a slepicí
On the Great River
Havranpírko (voice)
Second movie of the famous Czech adventure trilogy: Osada Havranů Na veliké rece Volání rodu
Settlement of Crows
Havranpírko (voice)
First movie of the famous Czech adventure trilogy: Osada Havranů Na veliké rece Volání rodu
Čarovné prstýnky
Jablíčko se dokoulelo
Завтра встану и обожгусь чаем
Police Officer (voice)
Группа упёртых затаившихся нацистов в далёком будущем 1997-м бандитски подкупила водителя туристической машины времени с целью вывоза в 1944-й музейного экспоната — портативной водородной бомбы — на предмет подарить Гитлеру.. водитель машины, собираясь утром на работу, подавился рогаликом и скончался скоропостижно, а его место занял добрый, но завистливый брат-близнец, о низких замыслах фашистов ничего не подозревающий…
Concert for the survivors
A picture of generational confrontations between children and parents. A young and ambitious violin virtuoso, Peter, lives in long-lasting conflicts with his father. Only after his death Peter realizes how much he had been hurting his father. Still, not even the tragedy can make a change in his shallow life in stereotype.
Panenka z vltavské tůně
Odysseus and the Stars
A group of children are investigating a chain of mysterious events during the seventies.
Fata morgana
Hotel Pacific
Set in the early 1930s, a young man finds a job as a dishwasher in a hotel and quickly works his way up the ladder. Loosely based on the novel by Henryk Worcell.
Zbraně pro Prahu
Poslední ples na rožnovské plovárně
Princ Chocholouš
The Fair Is Here
Children from the village Bystrá are awaiting a nice and thrilling weekend. On Saturday they will play the championship football match with the nonresident boys from the village Skuhrov, on Sunday there will be the funfair with merry-go-round, swings and stalls with dainties. The members of the family of the merry-go-round man are brother and sister Janek and Zaneta Mareks whom the children have known since the last year. At that time Zaneta made friends with girls and Janek, an excellent football player, has been a welcome support of the football club.
Jezdec formule risk
Javorová fujarka
Девушка на метле
Юная ведьма Саксана училась в магической школе неприлежно. Вместо вороны могла превратиться в курицу или корову. Загадочная грусть-тоска съедала ее сердце. Папа, летучая мышь, ребенком не занимался, поскольку днем спал. Четырехрукий директор школы ругал ее за неуспеваемость. И просвета в этой жизни не было, пока однажды Саксанко не узнала, что может в виде совы перенестись в мир людей и пожить там полной жизнью 44 часа – все лучше, чем ничего.
Svět otevřený náhodám
Devilish Honeymoon
Black comedy about a genius inventor and two young, smart and beautiful women. Both of them putting all their effort into getting the one man. This will inevitable lead to all sorts of mischief, crime and even a murder. This murder-comedy, shot at the dawn of normalization has intentionally broke off from any connection to the reality of its time. The director Zdeněk Podskalský has focused on creating intriguing story lines, revolving around the two endeavouring female characters who are fighting for the same man. Two competing parties are not only ready to kill the other, but also (if necessary) the potential groom. This film has enabled the members of the cast, composed mainly of the brightest stars of the Czech acting scene of that time, to show an incredible acting range, from the lightest comedy to the darkest cynical morbidity.
Odvážná slečna
The Flight
The kids were smoking secretly in a barn, set fire and fled. Feeling that the investigation closely, "sits on his tail" and soon will be declared to her parents, the protagonist escapes from home. The charred ruins of the barn, he meets a young man who is also why some carefully avoids meeting people, and tied him. According to the book Hoffmann Ota (Ota Hofman).