Ross MacKenzie


Mafia Junction
Cliff works as a narcotics investigator for the police and infiltrate a mafia gang. Soon it turns out that Cliff has bigger plans than just to bust bad guys.
Mafia Junction
Cliff works as a narcotics investigator for the police and infiltrate a mafia gang. Soon it turns out that Cliff has bigger plans than just to bust bad guys.
Slave Girls
Production Manager
Leader of a tribe of amazon women, Queen Kari, has vanquished a rival tribe and rules them with savage ruthlessness and cruel arrogance. A hunter stumbles onto the enclave and falls for one of the slaves, so unleashing the anger and envy of the possessive, sadistic Queen.
Распутин: Сумасшедший монах
Production Manager
Нетрадиционное прочтение истории «злого гения» последних Романовых интересно стремлением режиссера перенести на экран миф об экстрасенсорных способностях Распутина.
Дракула: Принц тьмы
Production Manager
В Карпаты приезжают четверо англичан - Чарлз Кент с женой Дианой и его брат Алан с женой Хелен. Вопреки предупреждению настоятеля местного монастыря аббата Шандора они проникают в таинственный замок, где их встречает смотритель Клоув - «слуга своего умершего хозяина графа Дракулы»...
Досье Ипкресс
Location Manager
Циничного армейского сержанта Палмера шантажируют и заставляют работать на британскую разведку. Цепь интриг, предательств, насилия и убийств.
Assistant Director
When a stranger enters a quiet, country town and is seduced by a sensuous married woman he unwittingly finds himself at the centre of a storm of sexual guilt and murder.
Мышь на Луне
Assistant Director
В крошечной стране Великого Фенвика проблема - в замке нет горячей воды. Чтобы достать деньги на замену водопровода, решено просить помощь у США для космического исследования. Русские тоже не отстают от интернационализации космоса и присылают помощь.
A Prize of Arms
Assistant Director
A criminal gang sets out to pull off the heist of a large army payroll.
Go to Blazes
Second Unit Director
A gang of aspiring bank robbers involve themselves with arsonists and purchase their very own fire truck in an attempt to create the ultimate diversion. But posing as firemen leads them to disaster.
Operation Snatch
Assistant Director
Legend has it that if the famous Barbary Apes leave the Rock of Gibraltar, it's a sign that the British will lose control of it. During World War II, a British officer is put in charge of the apes. When he detects that the animals' morale is slipping, he hatches a plan to go behind the German lines to "kidnap" a new ape for his charges to lift their spirits before the Germans find out about their condition and use it as propaganda.
No Trees in the Street
Assistant Director
Based on the play by Ted Willis, the film is set in the years just before World War II, when England hadn't completely dug itself out of the worldwide depression. Melvyn Hayes is featured as an aimless teenager, who tries to escape his squalid surroundings by entering a life of crime. He falls in with local hoodlum Herbert Lom, who holds the rest of the slum citizens in the grip of fear including Hayes' own family. No Trees in the Street chronicles Hayes' sordid progress from nickel-and-dime thefts to murder.
Small Hotel
Assistant Director
The dining room of the Jolly Fiddler has long been presided over by Albert, an aged but very shrewd waiter. A past master of the gentle art of fiddling, he extracts the maximum profit from his job while managing to endear himself to both the customers and staff. Then, there's a visit from Mr Finch, who feels it's time Albert was replaced.