Anthony Fox


When Anton O'Neill returns home after five years at sea, he finds that 1970's Ireland is a radically different place to the one he left behind. Northern Ireland is in flames, and civil unrest has spilled south of the border to his beloved home in County Cavan. Blinded by hatred and misguided patriotism 'Anton' is led into an illicit world of violence and is forced to choose between his family and his country. Hunted and on the run, Anton is drawn into a battle of wills with the law and his former accomplices, ending in a showdown in which he must risk everything to protect the woman he loves.
When Anton O'Neill returns home after five years at sea, he finds that 1970's Ireland is a radically different place to the one he left behind. Northern Ireland is in flames, and civil unrest has spilled south of the border to his beloved home in County Cavan. Blinded by hatred and misguided patriotism 'Anton' is led into an illicit world of violence and is forced to choose between his family and his country. Hunted and on the run, Anton is drawn into a battle of wills with the law and his former accomplices, ending in a showdown in which he must risk everything to protect the woman he loves.
When Anton O'Neill returns home after five years at sea, he finds that 1970's Ireland is a radically different place to the one he left behind. Northern Ireland is in flames, and civil unrest has spilled south of the border to his beloved home in County Cavan. Blinded by hatred and misguided patriotism 'Anton' is led into an illicit world of violence and is forced to choose between his family and his country. Hunted and on the run, Anton is drawn into a battle of wills with the law and his former accomplices, ending in a showdown in which he must risk everything to protect the woman he loves.
Garda 3
Мартин Кэхилл был одним из самых известных людей в Ирландии. Под его окнами дежурили полицейские машины, за ним охотились фоторепортеры, фанаты носили его на руках. Мартин был профессиональным вором. За 20 лет он нажил 60 миллионов, ограбил одну из крупнейших британских ювелирных компаний и вывез несколько десятков картин из музея в Рассборо. Несмотря на то, что 90 полицейских вели круглосуточное наблюдение за всеми членами его банды, властям так ни разу и не удалось доказать его виновность. За непревзойденный талант в планировании операций и несгибаемую волю его прозвали Генералом