Damon Duncan


Хроники апокалипсиса
Истории апокалипсиса расскажут про инженера, кружащего вокруг черной дыры в капсуле, 14-летнюю девочку и ее отца на обратном пути на Землю, когда взрыв повреждает их космический корабль. Искусственный интеллект отправляется в 4-е измерение, чтобы исправить будущее человечества...
Visual Effects Supervisor
Джемма — робототехник в компании по производству игрушек. Неожиданно получив опеку над своей недавно осиротевшей племянницей, она дарит девочке экспериментальную куклу-андроид, которая вскоре в буквальном смысле понимает свою миссию защищать ребенка.
Heinz Beanz. A Can Size for Every Aussie!
3D Artist
Nobody knew where young Geoff’s obsession came from. All anyone knew was that the boy loved Beanz. In fact they were his entire life. But as is often the way, one moment, or one woman, changed everything. And that is where this story starts.
Heinz Beanz. A Can Size for Every Aussie!
Nobody knew where young Geoff’s obsession came from. All anyone knew was that the boy loved Beanz. In fact they were his entire life. But as is often the way, one moment, or one woman, changed everything. And that is where this story starts.
Eade is a fourteen year old girl who has spent her entire life on the spaceship Cradle. Eade and her dad are on the return journey to Earth when an explosion cripples the craft and seriously injures her father. As the clock counts down to self-destruction Cradle’s computer, System, assumes control of the ship and refuses to perform the life saving medical procedure that her father desperately needs. Whilst trying to outwit System to save her dad, Eade discovers the shocking truth of her existence and must face her uncertain future armed with the knowledge that her life in space is not as it seems.