Matías Lojo


Agarren la pala
Edu and Santi are two old friends who are about to lose their home. Desperate, they decide to get married and adopt a child to prevent eviction. An alien will help them by pretending to be their daughter.
Ópera villera
In several popular neighborhoods of Buenos Aires, opera seduces young people to revitalize themselves with new talents. Mailen is a music teacher who intends to add children and adolescents to the world of music and particularly to the lyrical genre. She thus strives every day to help young people discover a new universe and overcome the enormous obstacles in which they are immersed in their daily lives, while breaking social myths around opera. A story of overcoming through art.
Una tumba para tres
Víctor, Juan, and Manuel, three petty thugs who work for Roselli, a local mobster, are sent to find the architect of a robbery who escaped with the loot. The task seems simple enough, but they find a twist in their plans, caused by a violent and fatal mistake of theirs. Now, with Roselli breathing down their necks and his attempts to remedy the irreparable, they cause a riot with eccentric and violent characters who cross paths in what was the lair of their initial objective, added to the greed for hot money, experimental drugs and shootings, which will become a grave for three.
Я токсичный
2101 год. Всё южное полушарие планеты Земля превратилось в мировую свалку отходов. Человек без имени бороздит пустоши некогда процветающей цивилизации, пока не натыкается на группу мародёров, которые обманным путем завлекают его к себе в лагерь, а затем берут в плен и подвергают чудовищным пыткам…
Alguien más en quien confiar
More than 40 years ago, when neither heavy metal nor democracy existed, the first heavy rock band in the country emerged from the west of Buenos Aires. Twin guitars, the strong personality of its singer, harmonies, counterpoints, sharp keyboards and a rabid double bass drum racked the skulls of those who ventured to listen to them live. Without diffusion or support of any kind, they created a mystique and managed to fill clubs, theaters and stadiums, and at the least expected moment, at the peak of their career, they separated. This is the story of El Reloj and its music. Of the innumerable circumstances and problems that got in the way of their different returns, and how they came out on each occasion inspiring several generations of musicians.
Born to Die
Camera Operator
Almost all the employees of a spicy sauce factory are slaughtered. Responsible for this drama: hitman Victor Patibulo, notorious for sucking on a pacifier ever since his favorite poodle got killed. One body is absent among the dead: big boss Heraclito, who had just created a revolutionary new sauce. Is there a connection? There’s only one man who’ll be able to find out: the handsome, strong and clever Marcello Risk, star of the anti-terrorism unit K.K.D.B.B. Together with his sidekick, Guadalajara Man, big fan of martial arts and bananas, he’ll try to solve the mystery. But there are many weird and wonderful enemies on their path, their boss is mind-bogglingly dumb and their residential science genius hasn’t eaten in weeks. Cutbacks, you know!
El hada buena - Una fábula peronista
In a popular auction that matches the sinister and colorful of a circus of phenomena, a couple adopts children in exchange for their belongings. The children there acquired, usually mutilated, are in their new home in order to prepare for access to the Peronist education program taught in only 10 state institutes.
Two stooges in Mar del Plata
Pablo and Matías are two friends who decide to travel to Mar del Plata; the first to recover his girlfriend, and the second to find a treasure that he believes hidden in La Feliz. Once there they must deal with Pablo's former father-in-law, an elite group of the American Army, and an extraterrestrial conspiracy
Two stooges in Mar del Plata
Pablo and Matías are two friends who decide to travel to Mar del Plata; the first to recover his girlfriend, and the second to find a treasure that he believes hidden in La Feliz. Once there they must deal with Pablo's former father-in-law, an elite group of the American Army, and an extraterrestrial conspiracy
Two stooges in Mar del Plata
Pablo and Matías are two friends who decide to travel to Mar del Plata; the first to recover his girlfriend, and the second to find a treasure that he believes hidden in La Feliz. Once there they must deal with Pablo's former father-in-law, an elite group of the American Army, and an extraterrestrial conspiracy
Masacre Marcial IVX
The young Propoleo watches the killing of his parents and he grows up training martial arts to take his revenge.
Masacre Marcial IVX
The young Propoleo watches the killing of his parents and he grows up training martial arts to take his revenge.
Masacre Marcial IVX
The young Propoleo watches the killing of his parents and he grows up training martial arts to take his revenge.
Masacre Marcial IVX
The young Propoleo watches the killing of his parents and he grows up training martial arts to take his revenge.
Masacre Marcial IVX
The young Propoleo watches the killing of his parents and he grows up training martial arts to take his revenge.