Heinz Ritter


In Battle Against the Enemy of the World: German Volunteers in Spain
Nazi propaganda film about the Condor Legion, a unit of German "volunteers" who fought in the Spanish Civil War on the side of eventual dictator Francisco Franco against the elected government of Spain.
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Still Photographer
Польша. В 1704 году в занятом саксонцами Кракове введены новые порядки и комендантский час. Но ясный, жизнерадостный город нельзя победить. Всюду звенит музыка, люди танцуют и веселятся, не признавая новый режим. Среди этого небезопасного веселья встречаются «нищий студент Симон», который на самом деле является герцогом Польши и польская графиня Бронислава. Молодые люди находят свою большую любовь, пройдя через опасности, заговоры и интриги.
Im Photoatelier
A photographer goes on a business trip for three days. His helper (Karl Valentin) and the apprentice (Liesl Karlstadt) would prefer it to close the store during the absence of the boss. They only photograph customers reluctantly and cause all kinds of mayhem. When the boss returns, he faints after taking a look at the chaos.
A Certain Mr. Gran
Still Photographer
The Upright Sinner
Still Photographer
Leopold Pichler is a very orderly and trustworthy chief cashier who is asked by his boss to get a large sum of money from the bank which the boss urgently needs on a trip to Vienna. Due to some circumstances, getting the money takes a little longer than expected and the director leaves for Vienna without it. But Pichler sees himself as a reliable man, and so he and his assistant Wittek follow the director to Vienna with the money kept in a bag. In Vienna, the two provincials however are mistaken for guests of the director and spend an evening at a posh night club. But when it transpires that the director actually won't come to the night club that evening, Pichler and Wittek have to pay the bill with the money from the bank. And their subsequent attempts at reimbursing the money lead to situations of ever-increasing hilariousness...