Ralph E. Portillo


Ночь анимационных мертвецов
Брат и сестра Джонни и Барбара посещают могилу своего отца на отдаленном кладбище в Пенсильвании, когда на них внезапно нападают зомби. Барбара убегает и находит убежище в заброшенном фермерском доме вместе с застрявшим автомобилистом Беном и четырьмя местными выжившими, которых нашли прячущимися в подвале. Вместе группа должна бороться, чтобы выстоять против надвигающейся орды зомби, а также противостоять своим собственным страхам и предрассудкам.
Главное событие
Он следующая новая суперзвезда мирового реслинг и компании WWE. Он милый и мечтательный паренек, который обожает реслинг, но совсем непохож на тех, кто выходит на ринг, чтобы удивить зрителей. Нередко Лео достается от школьных хулиганов, поэтому он мечтает быть отважнее и сильнее. И однажды этот день настает. Мальчик находит магическую маску, которая наделяет его суперсилой. Надевая ее он становится ловким, быстрым и обладает невероятной силой. Теперь он может не только дать отпор драчунам в школе, но и попытаться стать участником соревнований WWE. При поддержке своей понимающей бабушки Лео сделает все возможное, чтобы выиграть чемпионат по реслингу. Но сможет ли ребенок победить всех грозных противников, которые претендуют на титул лучшего? Скорее всего да, ведь у него есть волшебная маска!
Борьба с моей семьей
В центре сюжета семья Бевис: бывший рестлер Патрик, его жена Джулия и их дети Зак и Сарайя. Они устраивают живые выступления на маленьких площадках, разъезжая по стране. Зак и Сарайя мечтают стать известными и попасть в международную ассоциацию рестлинга.
Морской Пехотинец 6: Ближний Бой
Джейк Картер и его бывший коллега-морпех Люк Трэппер объединяют усилия, чтобы спасти похищенную девушку от банды международных преступников во главе с Мэдди Хейс.
Морпех 5 Поле битвы
Джейк Картер, работник скорой помощи, отвечает на экстренный вызов. Теперь он вынужден защищать подозреваемого, за которым охотится безжалостная банда байкеров.
My Many Sons
The life story of legendary basketball coach Don Meyer.
Christmas on Salvation Street
One day, one moment, one idea can change lives. Noah Davis is a Pastor in an affluent community. Depressed after losing his wife to illness, he is contacted by an old friend who has opened a mission in a rough inner city neighborhood. With Christmas approaching, he packs up and together with his two daughters, moves into Salvation Street Mission. Now the family must struggle with the challenges they face in the crime ridden community. Noah's inspiration guides his daughters, the mission and the neighborhood by bringing them the greatest gift of all, hope.
Christmas on Salvation Street
One day, one moment, one idea can change lives. Noah Davis is a Pastor in an affluent community. Depressed after losing his wife to illness, he is contacted by an old friend who has opened a mission in a rough inner city neighborhood. With Christmas approaching, he packs up and together with his two daughters, moves into Salvation Street Mission. Now the family must struggle with the challenges they face in the crime ridden community. Noah's inspiration guides his daughters, the mission and the neighborhood by bringing them the greatest gift of all, hope.
Set Apart
Four troubled, inner city kids get a western-style shot at redemption when a cowboy pastor invites them to his country ranch and offers them a chance to put their lives in perspective. Korina, Rey, Anthony, and Marcus all grew up on the streets. Every decision they make in that volatile environment could affect the rest of their lives. Pastor John Gunn (John Schneider) runs the Power Company Kids' ministry, an organization dedicated to giving at-risk kids the tools they need to build brighter futures. He's convinced that the four teens would benefit from going back to the basics and experiencing the cowboy lifestyle, and with a little help from ranch owners Randy and Heidi Gunn, Pastor Gunn shows the kids that there's much more to life than hustling on the streets. Though reluctant to participate at first, the kids quickly adjust to their new surroundings as their eyes are opened to a whole new world of opportunity.
Set Apart
Four troubled, inner city kids get a western-style shot at redemption when a cowboy pastor invites them to his country ranch and offers them a chance to put their lives in perspective. Korina, Rey, Anthony, and Marcus all grew up on the streets. Every decision they make in that volatile environment could affect the rest of their lives. Pastor John Gunn (John Schneider) runs the Power Company Kids' ministry, an organization dedicated to giving at-risk kids the tools they need to build brighter futures. He's convinced that the four teens would benefit from going back to the basics and experiencing the cowboy lifestyle, and with a little help from ranch owners Randy and Heidi Gunn, Pastor Gunn shows the kids that there's much more to life than hustling on the streets. Though reluctant to participate at first, the kids quickly adjust to their new surroundings as their eyes are opened to a whole new world of opportunity.
Becoming Jesse Tate
Jesse Tate is a vivacious thirteen year-old girl trying to cope with life while keeping a family secret. She struggles to be part of the "in crowd" and the weird new feeling that boys really aren't that dumb. It's a lot for anyone to handle. Now, the secret threatens her friendships and family. She must search for the things that are really important to her.
A film based on the true story of Ed Kemper, a serial killer who murdered ten in Santa Cruz, CA during the late sixties and early seventies.
Diary of a Serial Killer
Tormented by the serial killer who took her Mother’s life, Journalist Laura Nelson investigates the only clue he ever leaves behind at his crime scenes; his diary pages. References in the blood soaked pages to Richard Ramirez, Jeffrey Dahmer and Ed Gein lead Laura to learn more than she ever wanted to know about the sick minds of these monsters.
Любой путешественник, устав от длинной дороги, хочет отдохнуть, перекусить и устроиться где-нибудь на ночлег. Для этого и существуют придорожные семейные гостиницы, с нетерпением ожидающие уставших путников. Однако в одном из таких домашних заведений орудует семейка мошенников. На первый взгляд все пристойно, уютно и комфортно, но заглянувшим сюда постояльцам не следует расслабляться. Милые приветливые хозяева — очаровательная красотка, ее инфантильный братец и прожженный аферист-отец не гнушаются ничем, будь это просто кража или целый спектакль. Гостей приветливо встретят, оценят с первого взгляда и обведут вокруг пальца. Компания отпетых мошенников не выпустит ни одного клиента, попавшего к ним в сети. А уж сети расставлять они большие мастера…
Любой путешественник, устав от длинной дороги, хочет отдохнуть, перекусить и устроиться где-нибудь на ночлег. Для этого и существуют придорожные семейные гостиницы, с нетерпением ожидающие уставших путников. Однако в одном из таких домашних заведений орудует семейка мошенников. На первый взгляд все пристойно, уютно и комфортно, но заглянувшим сюда постояльцам не следует расслабляться. Милые приветливые хозяева — очаровательная красотка, ее инфантильный братец и прожженный аферист-отец не гнушаются ничем, будь это просто кража или целый спектакль. Гостей приветливо встретят, оценят с первого взгляда и обведут вокруг пальца. Компания отпетых мошенников не выпустит ни одного клиента, попавшего к ним в сети. А уж сети расставлять они большие мастера…
Undercover Kids
Nicole and Nelson are twins with psychic powers. On the first day of school everyone is talking about the recent vandalism at school. Nicole and Nelson decide to go undercover to find the culprit. The twins get child genius George & his high tech gadgets to help them solve the mystery. With the clock ticking, the kids race to break the case open before the big school board meeting where they must reveal the true person responsible for the vandalism. Will the Undercover Kids solve the crime before time runs out?
One of Them
A school full of seeming good Samaritans turns out to be a front for evil in this exercise in horror. Five teenagers are enjoying a late-night ride when their car loses control, and they find themselves stranded in the middle of nowhere. The kids are taken in by the staff of the Marquez Academy, a private school not far away, but they soon discover their benefactors have a sinister side, and as they try to find out the truth about the Academy and its staff, they learn that many of the local townspeople hate and fear the academy and its students -- and with good reason.
The Ghost Club
Four kids find out that a a ghost has been haunting the nearby forest. The most inventive one of them invents a contraption that will help them capture the restless ghost and thus the Ghost Club is started. One day, one of the kids finds out that her mother may lose the family business to an evil businessman, so the Ghost Club sets out to rectify the situation.
Bare Witness
Professional killer Gav Reed commits a grave mistake allowing himself to be videotaped (as she always does, for a documentary she hopes to sell to Hollywood about the real nocturnal 'eldest business' there) by Julie Spencer, one of Max 'Slim' Reuter's hookers and porn actresses, whom he had sex with before - and while making a most incriminating call about his murder attempt at a high society campaign party for mayor Garland's electoral challenger Mary Washington, where the bullet is however caught by councilor Frank Constantine, who also survives. Gav's client, businessman Ian Hunter, who was videotaped earlier, has his girl Marina shoot Gav and then Julie, later Slim who. Rough but effective police detective Killian investigates, helped by Julie's friend Carly Marsh, and unravels even more sordid connections.
Bloody Murder
Julie McConnell is one of a dozen camp counselors working to re-open a summer camp when a series of murders and disappearances begin commited by a hockey masked killer who may be the urban legend killer Trevor Moorehouse. When Julie looks into the murders by herself, she finds that she may be the killer's next target when she gets too close to some dark secrets of the camp which may lead to the killer's identity.
Bloody Murder
Julie McConnell is one of a dozen camp counselors working to re-open a summer camp when a series of murders and disappearances begin commited by a hockey masked killer who may be the urban legend killer Trevor Moorehouse. When Julie looks into the murders by herself, she finds that she may be the killer's next target when she gets too close to some dark secrets of the camp which may lead to the killer's identity.
Bare Deception
The ratings of a radio sex-talk show are dropping. But after a listener is murdered, the sexy host finds her popularity is rising again. Is she behind the killings, or is it her producer--or someone else?
Bare Deception
The ratings of a radio sex-talk show are dropping. But after a listener is murdered, the sexy host finds her popularity is rising again. Is she behind the killings, or is it her producer--or someone else?
Big Brother Trouble
Younger brother Mitch is having all kinds of problems competing with his older brother Sean over a girl that just moved in next door
Big Brother Trouble
Younger brother Mitch is having all kinds of problems competing with his older brother Sean over a girl that just moved in next door
The Last Great Ride
A kid, his new friend who's a girl, his grandmother and their old neighbor who used to work as a driver for a gangster, search for the treasure supposedly hidden nearby by the gangster long time ago, to help the neighbor keep his house.
The Last Great Ride
A kid, his new friend who's a girl, his grandmother and their old neighbor who used to work as a driver for a gangster, search for the treasure supposedly hidden nearby by the gangster long time ago, to help the neighbor keep his house.
Stolen Hearts
A psychic night club waitress and a private investigator, who may or may not be her soulmate, must find her boss' double-crossing boyfriend who robbed her before he flees the country.
Stolen Hearts
A psychic night club waitress and a private investigator, who may or may not be her soulmate, must find her boss' double-crossing boyfriend who robbed her before he flees the country.
Naked Lies
FBI agent Cara Landry is sent on an undercover assignment to gather evidence on Damian Medina, a Mexican casino owner running a counterfeiting operation for the Cali drug cartel...
Naked Lies
FBI agent Cara Landry is sent on an undercover assignment to gather evidence on Damian Medina, a Mexican casino owner running a counterfeiting operation for the Cali drug cartel...
Озеро страха
Несколько ребят решают провести уик-энд в мрачноватом доме на берегу озера и сталкиваются с обитающим в его стенах злобным духом.
Озеро страха
Несколько ребят решают провести уик-энд в мрачноватом доме на берегу озера и сталкиваются с обитающим в его стенах злобным духом.
Target of Seduction
An editor at a publishing house reads romantic manuscripts and until a mysterious psychopathic killer sends her threatening letters. Together with her hip flatmates, they try to expose the bad guy before he can strike.
Target of Seduction
An editor at a publishing house reads romantic manuscripts and until a mysterious psychopathic killer sends her threatening letters. Together with her hip flatmates, they try to expose the bad guy before he can strike.
Target of Seduction
An editor at a publishing house reads romantic manuscripts and until a mysterious psychopathic killer sends her threatening letters. Together with her hip flatmates, they try to expose the bad guy before he can strike.
Prelude to Love
A modeling agency provides the perfect setting for many romantic skirmishes between a brother and sister who share its inheritance. At first the two despise each other, but soon, the fine line between love and hate is about to be crossed.
Prelude to Love
A modeling agency provides the perfect setting for many romantic skirmishes between a brother and sister who share its inheritance. At first the two despise each other, but soon, the fine line between love and hate is about to be crossed.
Midnight Temptations
April is a fashion designer who is in a design contest and is determined to win. Her main competitor is childhood acquaintance Danny. Both of them will do whatever it takes to win the contest including sleeping with influential people. When a major clothing company boss is found dead, April is the prime suspect and she must find a way to clear her name and find the real killer.
Midnight Temptations
April is a fashion designer who is in a design contest and is determined to win. Her main competitor is childhood acquaintance Danny. Both of them will do whatever it takes to win the contest including sleeping with influential people. When a major clothing company boss is found dead, April is the prime suspect and she must find a way to clear her name and find the real killer.
Hollywood Passions
A beautiful young woman travels to Hollywood to fulfill her dreams of becoming a movie star. Sequel to Hollywood Dreams (1994).
Hollywood Passions
A beautiful young woman travels to Hollywood to fulfill her dreams of becoming a movie star. Sequel to Hollywood Dreams (1994).
Hollywood Dreams
A naive young woman tries to make it in Hollywood.
Hollywood Dreams
A naive young woman tries to make it in Hollywood.
Hollywood Dreams
A naive young woman tries to make it in Hollywood.
Malibu Summer
Rhett Sinclair is Stacy, a college student who is so tired of her clerical summer job at a firm named "Fantasy Encounters" she decides to talk her friends into starting a similar business of their own. So Stacy, Jill, and Lisa team up with "Fantasy Encounters" former employee Marcia to launch "Fantasy Girls", a company that offers every man a chance to make his fantasy come true -- on a "nothing illegal, nothing kinky" term (meaning no sex involved, mind you)...
Malibu Summer
Rhett Sinclair is Stacy, a college student who is so tired of her clerical summer job at a firm named "Fantasy Encounters" she decides to talk her friends into starting a similar business of their own. So Stacy, Jill, and Lisa team up with "Fantasy Encounters" former employee Marcia to launch "Fantasy Girls", a company that offers every man a chance to make his fantasy come true -- on a "nothing illegal, nothing kinky" term (meaning no sex involved, mind you)...
Bare Exposure
When Clancy has a major problem with the mob because he can't pay a gambling debt, his friends help him out. Brittany, Megan, and Heather pull together their friends to re-decorate an old building and make plans to have a wet t-shirt contest. They have problems with parents, permits and pushy collectors, but the show must go on.
Bare Exposure
When Clancy has a major problem with the mob because he can't pay a gambling debt, his friends help him out. Brittany, Megan, and Heather pull together their friends to re-decorate an old building and make plans to have a wet t-shirt contest. They have problems with parents, permits and pushy collectors, but the show must go on.
Bare Exposure
When Clancy has a major problem with the mob because he can't pay a gambling debt, his friends help him out. Brittany, Megan, and Heather pull together their friends to re-decorate an old building and make plans to have a wet t-shirt contest. They have problems with parents, permits and pushy collectors, but the show must go on.
Broken Trust
A young woman who inherits her late father's estate and business finds others are conspiring against her.
Broken Trust
A young woman who inherits her late father's estate and business finds others are conspiring against her.
The Lords of Magick
A pair of sorcerer brothers from 10th-century England are sent to modern-day California on a quest to rescue a princess.
Río de oro
Mexican feature film