Laurence Porteil

Laurence Porteil


Laurence Porteil


Глубокое влияние
The Publicist
Когда Роксана встречает Паскаля Готье, чемпиона мира по фридайвингу без ограничений, она безумно влюбляется. Вместе с ним она открывает для себя дисциплину, столь же увлекательную, сколь и опасную. От соревнований к соревнованиям, в местах для дайвинга по всему миру она расширяет свои возможности в ходе страстной истории, которая поглощает её. Как далеко эти отношения заведут их? "Глубокое влияние" вдохновлен реальной историей.
En attendant un miracle
On the morning the corpse of a man has been found in a bathing tank of the sanctuary of Lourdes.The police captain Fiona Langlois will be in charge of the murder investigation with a help of Maxime Gardette, a police investigator who recently has come to Lourdes.The victim , the doctor Adrien Delubachas received a hit in his head and was drowned in a bathing tank.The doctor was member of the International Medical Committee of Lourdes , a group of doctor who investigate cases of healing by miracle.
Prof de Maths
(S)HE is the story of a transgender child named Juju, a girl born into a boy’s body. With the onset of puberty, JuJu’s discomfort explodes. Our film follows a child’s struggle to get her parents and friends to accept her true gender, as she transitions from boy to girl. But in this tiny rural town, where everyone knows everyone else, it’s an impossible challenge. Juju will have to move in with her mother while her parents break up. Juju becomes Emma, and sings in a rock band at her new high school. With everyone seeing her as a girl, she’ starts to blossom. But as her popularity grows, social networking sit’s rekindle the nightmare she thought she’d left behind...
Princesses Do as They Please
A poetic and nightmarish dive into the deranged mind of a psychotic little girl. Nina is 9 years old but isn’t like other little girls. Nina has two secrets, she has freed Tony the Monster who lives in the magical cave and she has just killed her parents.
Laurence Ferrari (journalist)
Бывший президент Николя пытается убедить Франсуа, своего ярого оппонента и тоже главу в отставке, снова вместе баллотироваться на пост президента (-ов).
Père ou fils
I Am Therefore You Are
Our actions have a greater impact than we think.