Franca Valeri

Franca Valeri

Рождение : 1920-07-31, Milan, Italy

Смерть : 2020-08-09


Franca Valeri


Alberto il grande
Docu-film directed by Carlo and Luca Verdone realized on 2013 in occasion of the tenth anniversary from the actor’s death happened on 24th February 2003. Through this documentary Verdone’s brothers with deep respect towards the Roman actor trace an affectionate and sincere portrait not only about an Artist but, above all, about a man with his habits, his ideas, his tics, his vices and his virtues. And for the first time Mrs Aurelia – Alberto Sordi’s sister who is dedicated the documentary – opens the doors of the beautiful house of Via Druso where the actor has lived since 1958. In this way we are led by Carlo Verdone (a sort of Virgilio whose Dante Alighieri wrote about but we are not in the Hell but in the Seven Heaven where there is the source of the Italian Cinema) and on the tips and staying in silence we can go into the rooms of this wonderful house which reveals the true, authentic character of Alberto Sordi.
Franca, la prima
Se stessa
Directed by Sabina Guzzanti
L'uomo dalla bocca storta
Vittorio D.
A documentary about Vittorio de Sica with clips of his films and testimonials from friends and family.
Lady Football
I Don't Understand You Anymore
On entering her bathroom, Luisa finds a naked man showering. She calls the police at once and the man is arrested. At the police station Alberto, a psychiatrist, recognizes the man: he is Paolo, Luisa's husband. Alberto offers to help Paolo, but when the two men arrive at his home, Paolo still in his bathrobe, Luisa hugs Alberto and calls him Paolo. The two men try everything they think of to help Luisa regain her memory until the last (but not too unexpected) surprise.
Любовь в вагоне первого класса
Signora Della Rosa
Кармело отправляется на поезде в Калабрию, со своим маленьким сыном по имени Мальком. Кармело останавливается в вагоне первого класса в купе, уже занятым супругами Делла Роза и привлекательной Беатриче. Беатриче отвечает взаимностью на ухаживания Кармело, но каждый раз, когда они пытаются предаться ласкам, им это не удается. Потеряв терпение, Кармело на первой же станции высаживает Малькома.
Tanto va la gatta al lardo...
Film in four episodes, inspired by the chronicle of the time: three mature sisters give themselves to a stranger, Maria tries to escape her husband, two Bolognese spouses quarrel and do not realize that the civil war has broken out, a Neapolitan fan scandalizes a first class compartment ..
The Rip-Off
Giovanna Bronchi
Crime Comedy starring Walter Chiari, Maurizio Arena and Ettore Manni. Directed by Luciano Ercoli in 1977, but shelved when producer Niccolo De Nora was kidnapped... ironically the theme of the movie. A band of criminals plan one final heist, to kidnap a wealthy French businessman.
Come ti rapisco il pupo
Italy is Rotten
contessa Giovanna
Two Sicilian's, Peppe Truzzoliti and Antonio Mancuso, decide, after a misadventure with some mafia drug dealers, to leave the cold and racist Turin to return to their native land. Along for the ride with them is Domenica, a beautiful girl from Veneto, who had arrived in Turin in search of work, but due to a number of setbacks, had been forced into prostitution.
Poker in Bed
Giulia Nascimbeni
A poker player on a losing streak meets a beautiful young woman. He's attracted to her, but she appears to be perfectly content with her boyfriend, a somewhat wussy writer. The gambler gets the idea that if he can get this woman into bed, it will change his luck at the gambling tables.
The Last Italian Tango
la regista
A woman feeds her husband with scraps and gives the best food to her lover, whom she hides in the attic. The husband abandons her and goes and lives with a young girl who drags him into a sadomasochistic relationship.
Hector the Mighty
A pimp named Horny Hector operates a brothel on property coveted by Cardinal Giove. The Cardinal comes up with a plan to force Hector into selling him the land by kidnapping Helen, triggering a small gang war.
Basta guardarla
Pola Prima
Nel giorno del signore
Vedova Anticoli
Margherita nicknamed Fornarina is Raphael's mistress. Beatrice, a noblewoman who is also in love with the famous painter tries to get her out of the way, by having her wrongly accused of the murder of a loan shark, whom she has in reality killed herself. Fornarina is sentenced to death. Will Raphael manage to prove her innocent?
In all of his work, Bussotti makes frequent reference to the body, to sexuality. This to remind musicians — especially classically trained ones — that they are not body-less angels, that they are not just their musical thoughts, that they are still, in the last analysis, flesh and bones. Thus the erotic is not for shocking, but to stress that making music involves the body in a very direct way.
Извините, займемся любовью?
Юный Лалло приезжает в Милан после смерти отца, чтобы посетить его похороны. Лалло решает пойти по стопам отца и стать жиголо.
Извините, займемся любовью?
Юный Лалло приезжает в Милан после смерти отца, чтобы посетить его похороны. Лалло решает пойти по стопам отца и стать жиголо.
Извините, займемся любовью?
Юный Лалло приезжает в Милан после смерти отца, чтобы посетить его похороны. Лалло решает пойти по стопам отца и стать жиголо.
Soldier's Girl
Bice Marinetti
Anita, a free Emilian girl falls in love with Salvatore, a Neapolitan bersagliere. The two would like to get married, but he drowns while bathing in the river. From that moment the woman is unable to love anyone else because, at the most beautiful, the ghost of her fiancé appears to her who, in the end, will be able to be followed in the other world.
Я, я, я... и другие
Сандро — известный журналист, размышляющий над статьей о нравах общества сегодня и вчера. Семья, дети, любовь, равнодушие, неприязнь, война, власть, церковь и, конечно же, красавица жена Титта со своим мужем — все это попадает в поле зрения журналиста и, так или иначе, относится к теме его статьи «Я, я, я и другие»…
The Maniacs
The Wife (segment "il pezzo antico")
An anthology of brief comic sketches based on manias, mainly sexual, featuring several figures of Italian society.
I cuori infranti
Fatma Angioj (segment "La manina di Fatma")
Two surreal/satirical comedy episodes.
Gli onorevoli
Bianca Sereni
Some political candidates are determined to win the electors' preference during an election campaign in Italy.
Самый короткий день
Moglie del bersagliere alla stazione
Два простака завербовываются в итальянскую армию во время Первой Мировой войны и по чистой случайности умудряются помочь выиграть важное сражение.
Paris, My Love
Parigi O Cara is probably the most camp in the history of Italian cinema, certainly a favourite with the GLBT community who quote its lines by heart. Unique as it's the only film where Franca Valeri (now 90) is the unquestioned star, in the role of Delia, a snobbish, stingy prostitute who is moving to Paris looking for greener and more lucrative pastures. An anti-neorealist, amoral, almost abstract comedy, which anticipates Almodóvar, a ferocious, though gentle, non-moralistic portrayal of the 60's boom and its broken dreams. The dialogue between Delia and her brother (played by Fiorenzo Fiorentini), when he does (or does not) tell her he is a homosexual, is memorable, a primordial coming-out, a masterpiece of allusions. But what makes it one of the first examples of a film with a "gay point of view" is the approach: perceptive, non-conformist, caustically witty. A film ahead of its times, still unbeaten.
Paris, My Love
Delia Nesti
Parigi O Cara is probably the most camp in the history of Italian cinema, certainly a favourite with the GLBT community who quote its lines by heart. Unique as it's the only film where Franca Valeri (now 90) is the unquestioned star, in the role of Delia, a snobbish, stingy prostitute who is moving to Paris looking for greener and more lucrative pastures. An anti-neorealist, amoral, almost abstract comedy, which anticipates Almodóvar, a ferocious, though gentle, non-moralistic portrayal of the 60's boom and its broken dreams. The dialogue between Delia and her brother (played by Fiorenzo Fiorentini), when he does (or does not) tell her he is a homosexual, is memorable, a primordial coming-out, a masterpiece of allusions. But what makes it one of the first examples of a film with a "gay point of view" is the approach: perceptive, non-conformist, caustically witty. A film ahead of its times, still unbeaten.
I motorizzati
A guy is about to become the millionth citizen to buy a car in Rome. Frightened, he decides to remain pedestrian, and recalls several stories, with new car owners as protagonists. Episodic comedy.
Questi fantasmi
Leoni al sole
The endless summer of a group of thirty-something neapolitans at Positano.
Leoni al sole
The endless summer of a group of thirty-something neapolitans at Positano.
Жажда лёгких денег играет плохую шутку в судьбе незадачливых гостей Монте-Карло, случайно оказавшихся в неподходящий момент в неподходящем месте.
Mariti in pericolo
Рокко и его братья
Widow (uncredited)
Овдовевшая Росария Паронди и четверо её сыновей решают переехать из нищей Сицилийской деревни в Милан, где живёт пятый сын. В поисках лучшей доли и достойного заработка братья не гнушаются никакой работы. Постепенно каждый находит своё место. Но отношения в некогда сплоченной семье раскалываются: красавец Рокко вступает в противоборство со своим жестоким братом Симоном. «Яблоком раздора» становится девушка легкого поведения Надя, решившая оставить работу и выйти замуж. Именно её расположения добиваются братья. Ожесточённая вражда способна завести их слишком далеко, вплоть до убийства…
Elvira Almiraghi
Альберто Нарди - молодой человек, полный энтузиазма, стремится к большому бизнесу, но не имеет возможностей, необходимых для его успешного осуществления. В результате своего опасного желания, Альберто часто попадает в серьезные неприятности и вынужден прибегать к помощи своей жены Эльвиры, богатой и мудрой женщины. Но однажды Эльвира, устав от безумства мужа, отказывает ему в любой помощи.
You're on Your Own
Marisa, 'Siberia'
In post war Italy during the fifties it is very difficult to find a house to rent and a family ends up living in a former brothel.
The Moralist
The newly appointed head of a censorship board uses his uncompromising stance against everything "immoral" – from nudity in movies to nightclubs – to hide a rather unseemly double life.
Non perdiamo la testa
Beatrice Clacton
A mad scientist pursues a man hoping to study his brain.
The Love Specialist
Contessa Bernardi
A Texas girl wins a trip to Italy where she meets a prince who's afraid to admit that he's flat broke (so is she). They strike up an affair, but things come to a crazy conclusion when he tries to bribe a horse to win a race at the Palio racing grounds.
Husbands in the City
In the summer, while their wives and children are away, four men try to enjoy their free time.
The Bigamist
Isolina Fornaciari
A traveling salesman is sent to prison after being accused of bigamy, while his wife and son are forced to consider leaving him permanently.
Piccola posta
Lady Eva / Filomena Cangiullo
Polish countess Lady Eva is the authoritative signature of the correspondence of an Italian women's magazine; behind the fascinating name hides a Roman girl whose advice will create a series of tangled and comic situations.
A Hero of Our Times
Vedova De Ritis
Alberto Menichetti lives with an aunt and an old housekeeper, Clotilde; he has a job in a firm and his boss is Mrs. De Ritis, a widow whose husband was killed during a wild boar hunt. She likes him but Alberto likes Marcella; she is under age and he is awaiting her birthday to declare his love. His greater traits are to be fearful of everything and to be selfish. This nature will get him into trouble..
Знак Венеры
Молодая провинциалка Чезира живет у родственников, работает в бюро машинисткой, а свободное время проводит в компании с двоюродной сестрой. Обе девушки мечтают выйти замуж. По прогнозам знакомой гадалки, в жизни Чезиры наступает период Венеры — время выбора жениха. Вот только все потенциальные женихи, с которыми Чезире удается познакомиться, увидев красавицу-сестру, мгновенно переключаются на нее.
Знак Венеры
Молодая провинциалка Чезира живет у родственников, работает в бюро машинисткой, а свободное время проводит в компании с двоюродной сестрой. Обе девушки мечтают выйти замуж. По прогнозам знакомой гадалки, в жизни Чезиры наступает период Венеры — время выбора жениха. Вот только все потенциальные женихи, с которыми Чезире удается познакомиться, увидев красавицу-сестру, мгновенно переключаются на нее.
Знак Венеры
Молодая провинциалка Чезира живет у родственников, работает в бюро машинисткой, а свободное время проводит в компании с двоюродной сестрой. Обе девушки мечтают выйти замуж. По прогнозам знакомой гадалки, в жизни Чезиры наступает период Венеры — время выбора жениха. Вот только все потенциальные женихи, с которыми Чезире удается познакомиться, увидев красавицу-сестру, мгновенно переключаются на нее.
Le signorine dello 04
The lives and loves of five Italian telephone operators. One is betrayed by her husband, one helps a student who wants to take his life, one changes her boyfriend every other day, one is a single mother and the last one tries to inflame a recent-widower accountant.
These Phantoms
Armida, la moglie di Alfredo
A young husband is persuaded to move his new bride into an old palace that is supposedly haunted.But the so called ghost is really the bride's former lover who is stalking her on the premises.
It Happened in the Park
Elvira (segment: Concorso di bellezza)
Villa Borghese, Rome's biggest urban park, is the place where everyday laughs and dramas are consumed. The movie is made of six vignettes set there.
Totó in color
Giulia Sofia
In the first Italian film to be shot in color, Totò portrays a musician named Antonio Scannagatti who strongly hopes to sell his composition, "Epopea italiana", to Tiscordi, who is one of the most important Italian impresarios.
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