Still Photographer
После раскрытия скандала с утечкой информации девушку-хакера обвиняют в убийстве. Теперь она должна скрываться от полиции и найти преступников-шантажистов.
Still Photographer
Steadicam Operator
Albert has always looked up to his aunt Tiny: this beautiful woman from Brabant can make any man’s heart skip a beat. Through Albert’s eyes Tiny’s life seems quite exciting. But why is she so furious at everyone and everything? It takes him half a lifetime to discover that his beloved aunt’s existence is a lot more complex than he had ever thought.
Second Unit Director of Photography
Святой Николас (прообраз Санта Клауса и Деда Мороза) — вовсе не добросердечный друг детей, как думают люди. На самом деле это кровожадный убийца, который открывает охоту на детей при свете луны в ночь на 5 декабря.
Camera Operator
Святой Николас (прообраз Санта Клауса и Деда Мороза) — вовсе не добросердечный друг детей, как думают люди. На самом деле это кровожадный убийца, который открывает охоту на детей при свете луны в ночь на 5 декабря.
Steadicam Operator
Youssef, a professional liar, falls in love with airhead waitress Andrea. Things get awry as she never wants to date a guy who keeps secrets or lies.
Steadicam Operator
Holland, Queen's Night. A girl and a boy put up a dogged struggle for three square metres of pavement for displaying their goods, but at sunrise they have more in common than they had expected.
Holland, Queen's Night. A girl and a boy put up a dogged struggle for three square metres of pavement for displaying their goods, but at sunrise they have more in common than they had expected.
Short film, in which three boys want to go swimming on a Sunday afternoon, but one of the three has to look after his baby sister. They decide to take her to the park. The three of them come up with fun games to play with the baby, but they are constantly presented with new problems. However, the boys know how to find an answer to everything.
Still Photographer