Adrian Kays


Sounding the Alarm
This is a story of the resilience, perseverance, and ingenuity of the American people. Ever hopeful, they collectively take on a common enemy. As the young, Navajo solar visionary Brett Issac insists, "We've got to turn this train around before it's too late."
A troubled young man searches for his past. Set in the Deep South, Stillwater explores the experiences of Andrew Morrison, a recent college graduate struggling to discover his familial roots while dealing with the shocking discovery of his own adoption. Stillwater deftly examines a dark and seductive southern landscape that surrounds a young man's journey into a past that haunts his existence, a reality that proves to be both raw and deeply disturbing. Written by Adrian Kays
A troubled young man searches for his past. Set in the Deep South, Stillwater explores the experiences of Andrew Morrison, a recent college graduate struggling to discover his familial roots while dealing with the shocking discovery of his own adoption. Stillwater deftly examines a dark and seductive southern landscape that surrounds a young man's journey into a past that haunts his existence, a reality that proves to be both raw and deeply disturbing. Written by Adrian Kays
A troubled young man searches for his past. Set in the Deep South, Stillwater explores the experiences of Andrew Morrison, a recent college graduate struggling to discover his familial roots while dealing with the shocking discovery of his own adoption. Stillwater deftly examines a dark and seductive southern landscape that surrounds a young man's journey into a past that haunts his existence, a reality that proves to be both raw and deeply disturbing. Written by Adrian Kays
A troubled young man searches for his past. Set in the Deep South, Stillwater explores the experiences of Andrew Morrison, a recent college graduate struggling to discover his familial roots while dealing with the shocking discovery of his own adoption. Stillwater deftly examines a dark and seductive southern landscape that surrounds a young man's journey into a past that haunts his existence, a reality that proves to be both raw and deeply disturbing. Written by Adrian Kays
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В недалеком будущем семье профессора Джона Робинсона предстоит первой поселиться на другой планете. Пилотируемый Доном Уэстом космический корабль «Юпитер-2» стартует на Альфу-Прим, единственную пригодную для жизни планету в другой звездной системе. Но во время полета на корабле произошел сбой систем, из-за чего корабль сильно отклонился от курса, и теперь его экипажу предстоит напрячь все силы, чтобы завершить свою миссию и спастись от смерти в далеком космосе...