Donald Pilon

Donald Pilon

Рождение : 1941-04-12, Montreal, Quebec, Canada


Donald Pilon


Забытые цветы
Rodney Pouliot
Альберт - пчеловод, который изготавливает ценное медовое вино и опыляет крыши Монреаля, чтобы спасти пчел. Однажды к нему приходит брат Мари-Викторин, который вернулся к жизни, чтобы передать свои знания Альберту и спасти планету, находящуюся в опасности. Он не единственный, кто заботится о судьбе окружающей среды. Изменить экологическую ситуацию пытаются панк Джерри, адвокат Матильда и журналистка-активистка Лили. Все они объединяются в борьбе против коррупционной власти, отравляющей земли планеты.
The Other Side of November
Dr Serge Labonté
Who would you be today if, a few years ago, you had not chosen the path you took? Another person, in another life. Completely, definitely, irrevocably.
Kiss Me With All Your Love
Passager taxi
In 1940s Montreal, a young man wrestles with his emotions for his domineering twin sister and his best friend's girlfriend.
Красный Холм
Oswald Crerar
Бланшары - рабочая семья, живущая на Красном Холме. Для окружающих они представляются обычной рыбацкой семьёй. И лишь немногим известно, что они занимаются ещё и тайным промыслом - избавляются от трупов, сбрасывая их в реку на съедение гигантскому осётру, который по рассказам патриарха семьи Оноре является его родной матерью. Элен, единственная из семьи Бланшар, кто не живёт на Красном Холме. Она замужем за беспринципным бизнесменом Эриком Мильжо, который хочет снести все старые дома в районе, чтобы застроить его элитным жильём. Противостояние интересов получает весьма неожиданную развязку, связанную с семейной легендой.
Gilles Carle ou l'indomptable imaginaire
Gilles Carle, the prolific director of such movies as La vraie nature de Bernadette and Maria Chapdelaine, has been struggling against Parkinsons disease with dignity for about fifteen years. Based on Carles last script completed in 2000, entitled 'Mona MC Gill et son vieux père malade', Charles Binamés documentary, which took slightly over two years to film, gives us a friendly, penetrating look of a brave, lucid creator confronted with suffering and the perspective of death. Although the subject is grave, we see a stong will to live and to create. A movie shrouded in all the light and love of Chloé Ste-Marie, the famous directors companion of 25 years.
Моя прекрасная глушь
Monsieur Dupré
Жители деревни, пытаются убедить международную компанию построить завод на околице Санта-Марии-Ля-Модерн, рыбацкого поселка, где большинство обитателей — безработные. Но компания требует присутствие врача в селе. Под руководством Жермена, крестьяне делают все возможное и невозможное, чтобы привлечь молодого доктора на работу и обвести вокруг пальца всех проверяющих…
Laura Cadieux II
Oscar Blanchette
Laura Cadieux and her friends are taking a cruise on the St. Lawrence River to celebrate Laura's 50th birthday.
It's Your Turn, Laura
Oscar Blanchette
Large women with a zest for life gather weekly at a Montreal doctor's office to receive diet injections.
Angelo, Fredo et Romeo
This Canadian French language parody was universally panned by critics. The resulting controversy concerned questions of indiscriminate government funding of such obviously terrible material. Written by Francois Camirand and Pierre Plante, who also made his directorial debut with the film. The story centers on dopey, dull-witted Fredo who has inherited his late uncle's shipping company. Con artist Angelo is his racquetball partner. Angelo has doggedly been trying to convince Fredo that he is a famous film producer so Fredo will invest in his latest film. This sets Fredo to dreaming about films and these daydreams comprise the basis of the parody sketches that attempt to make fun of such genres as martial arts films, gangsters flicks, sexy Italian romances, and one scene where the filmmakers combine The Piano with Crocodile Dundee.
Wind from Wyoming
Manon, is obsessed with famous writer Chester Celine, who hails from Wyoming. Manon learns Chester is coming to town and becomes a slinky, svelte temptress
Prince Lazure
An Imaginary Tale
In this tragicomedy, Toni is the director of a staged rendition of Othello in Montreal. It is a pet project of his, financed by his loving mafia uncle. Unbeknownst to him, the audiences are also rounded up (and paid) by the same uncle. Some of them have seen every performance of this tragic play, and are understandably bored, so when the backstage romantic shenanigans of the actors result in absurd situations onstage, the audience is delighted. There are a huge number of romantic situations going on in this film at the same time. One of them involves Gaston a somewhat world-weary jazz musician, and Florence, a glamorous middle-aged woman who has been pining for him for years. Another involves to members of the musician's jazz trio. Yet another involves the play's Desdemona, Soledad, the girlfriend of the man playing Othello, who can't keep his hands off his (female) dresser.
Les tisserands du pouvoir 2 - La révolte
Mayor Rochon
Les tisserands du pouvoir
Mayor Rochon
Keeping Track
The CIA, KGB and RCMP are after a lady banker (Kidder) who has a piece of mutated microchip that engages directly with brain cells.
La guêpe
Delphis Martin
A young pilot witnesses the unintentional murder of her two sons (by a rich, drunken couple driving carelessly) and, following a court's decision not to press criminal charges, she decides to get her revenge.
Secret Weapons
Soviet high school girls are sent to the U.S. where they are taught to become secret agents and use sex to find information.
Le crime d'Ovide Plouffe
Stan Labrie
Ovide Plouffe has married Rita. She still tries to attract other men even after their marriage. Unhappy Ovide feels for Marie - a young French woman he had met. But his catholic background and surrounding can't let him love another woman or divorce from his wife. So Ovide finishes with Marie and plans a trip with Rita hoping for reconciliation. At the last instant he announces to Rita that he can't make the trip. She goes alone. The plane explodes, and Ovide is suspected and arrested for this horrible crime.
The Plouffe Family
Stan Labrie
The lives of the average Quebecois Plouffe family during the final years of the depression and through World War II.
In this Canadian made oddball mix of music and drama, an actress (Carole Laure) in a traveling musical revue is involved with the show's director until she meets and falls for an aging ecological activist. He too is drawn to her, and together they try to stop a factory from being built over an old-growth forest.
Город в огне
Dr. Matwick
Сюжет вращается вокруг раздраженного государственного служащего, который поджигает завод по очистке нефти, в итоге пламя охватывает весь город. Различные люди пробуют или бороться с огнём, или убежать от него, поскольку пламя распространяется по всему городу.
A Man Called Intrepid
During World War II, a wealthy Canadian uses his own money to help the Allies form an espionage network.
I Miss You, Hugs and Kisses
Charles Kruschen
Successful businessman Charles Kruschen (Donald Pilon) is accused of bludgeoning to death his beautiful but manipulative model wife Magdalene (Elke Sommer). As the trial draws to a close, Charles reflects on the events leading up to the terrible incident...
Жуткие создания
Mr. Blake (segment "Quebec Province 1975")
Уилбур Грей-ученый, специализирующийся на паранормальных явлениях. Его ранние работы были посвящены летающим тарелкам и происхождению пирамид. Но Грей убежден, что книга, которую он только что написал, имеет наиважнейшее значение. В ней высказывается мысль, что хозяевами планеты Земля являются не люди, как принято считать, а кошки. И их терпению от тирании человека приходит конец. Издатель Грея Фрэнк Ричардс считает новую книгу по меньшей мере странной, но, тем не менее, соглашается издать ее, если Грей предоставит убедительные доказательства. Он должен написать три рассказа, основанные на реальных событиях, доказывающих кошачий заговор…
A beautiful stripper hires renowned criminals to exact revenge on those who raped her in her motel room.
Love Child
A restless woman seems unable to leave her husband or her lover.
Peanut Galarneau
The Heavenly Bodies
A pimp and his seven working girls move to a small conservative mining town in northern Quebec to establish a brothel.
Dt. Sgt. Pierre Paquette
Детектив полиции Монреаля Джим Хендерсон расследует странную смерть проститутки-наркоманки Элизабет, упавшей с балкона высотного дома. Вскоре Хендерсон приходит к выводу, что смерть была не несчастным случаем, а Элизабет столкнули вниз. Мало того, Элизабет была членом общества сатанистов, исповедующего кровавые культовые ритуалы…
The True Nature of Bernadette
Bernadette has a yen to chuck it all and go back to nature, in this French-language Canadian film. That's just what she does after carefully leaving her wedding ring where her affluent husband, a lawyer, can see it. She has bought a farm, complete with a run-down farmhouse and a live-in cranky old man. Soon, because of the wonderful effects that her sympathy and her outsider's perspective have, her neighbors perceive great improvements in their lives. They attribute these changes to something miraculous (perhaps taking a cue from her name), and hordes of needy people descend on her farm.
The Wise Guys
In this French Canadian film, when the provincial government tries to move two young farmers from their land to make way for development, the two fight back, accidentally killing a policeman and becoming outlaws in the process.
Master Cats
Raymond Ducharme
An example of 1970's Maple Syrup cinema from Quebec, this whimsical and sexy tale revolves around two trickster roommates and the women in their lives who want to see them settle down.
Les mâles
Non-Quebecois may find this French language comedy somewhat inscrutable, as it contains many local references and in-jokes. The story concerns two incredibly primitive backwoods types. These men have just been released from prison for kidnapping the local police chief's daughter but still have a hankering for a woman. When they return to their campsite, they discover a woodland nymph whom they both bed and who drives them wild. Jealousy nearly destroys their relationship, but after they have come to blows over her, they discover she has left. This film is mildly pornographic, as it has nudity and depicts sexual situations.
Two Women In Gold
Bob Lamoureux
Two bored Montreal housewives (Monique Mercure & Louise Turcot), with inattentive husbands (Marcel Sabourin & Donald Pilon), and lots of time on their hands, amuse themselves by paying the local tradesmen something extra to give them amorous attention. Their entertainment leads to frantic confusion, however, when one of the visiting gentlemen - shall we say - 'expires'. The housewives deal with their unpleasant situation quite energetically.
Red the Half Breed
Bill Sullivan
A half-cast used cars salesman wants anything from the white society and is ready to do anything to get it. But when he is accused of murdering his half-sister who was killed with his rifle, he flees to an indian village. He doesn't feel any more at home there than in the white city. He decides to go back to find and punish the killer.
The Rape of a Sweet Young Girl
When a sexually promiscuous young woman finds herself pregnant and unmarried her three brothers vow to find the man responsible and punish him for what they consider the rape of their sister.