Aurélien Marra


Director of Photography
Defend Your Name
Director of Photography
Fabrice grew up fascinated by his father. His only way to get his admiration: follow in his footsteps, become the local boss and stick up for their land at all costs. But now, his wife Laetitia is urging him to move on, to break free from his father's grip. Torn by the conflict between his desire for freedom and the fear of losing his father's love, he will fall into a spiral of violence.
Hard Shell, Soft Shell
Director of Photography
Az works for an oyster farmer in Sète. He knows oysters by heart, he opens them by the hundreds. In one of them, Az decides to hide a ring, to ask his girlfriend Jess to marry him. She doesn't say yes. Fortunately, his band of friends are ready to do anything to help him get his head out of the water.
Ten Years
During Léo’s birthday party, a toy goes missing. The children look for someone to blame.
Ты и я
Director of Photography
Нина и Мадлен любят друг друга много лет. В отношениях они сохранили и страсть, и нежность. Но о том, что они вместе, не знает никто. Для окружающих они просто немолодые приятельницы, живущие в соседних квартирах. Их совместная мечта – продать жилье и провести остаток жизни в Риме, городе, где они когда-то познакомились. Решение об отъезде уже принято, но Мадлен никак не может объявить о нём своим взрослым детям – разведёной дочери с ребёнком и вечно недовольному сыну. Когда семейный разговор в очередной раз срывается, Нина теряет терпение, но тут происходит событие, которое неожиданно разлучает двух женщин и ставит между ними преграду посерьёзнее дверных замков.
Haute Cuisine
Camera Operator
Since Marie has joined the team at multi-starred chef Bruno Mercier's restaurant, all she thinks about is improving herself. But Thomas, the sous-chef who manages the kitchen on a day-to-day basis, is wary of this possible rival. During her shift, Marie cuts herself, letting a few drops of blood fall into and mix with her sauce. Bruno tastes Marie's dish and considers it perfect.
Haute Cuisine
Director of Photography
Since Marie has joined the team at multi-starred chef Bruno Mercier's restaurant, all she thinks about is improving herself. But Thomas, the sous-chef who manages the kitchen on a day-to-day basis, is wary of this possible rival. During her shift, Marie cuts herself, letting a few drops of blood fall into and mix with her sauce. Bruno tastes Marie's dish and considers it perfect.
After two years in jail, Issa is about to get out when he meets Gaëtan, a young inmate who has not served his sentence yet.
The Wake
Director of Photography
Salim comes to grieve beside his mother’s dead body. But very quickly, between religious customs he doesn’t understand and the constant comings and goings of people he doesn’t know, the young man feels uncomfortable in the small family apartment.
Director of Photography
16-летняя Нина мечтает о жизни, полной приключений. Летние каникулы она проводит в своей деревеньке на юге Франции, работает в парке аттракционов. Незадолго до знакомства с Мурадом она видит падающий на землю метеорит. Для нее это предзнаменование новой жизни.
At Dawn
During their graduation party on a beach, three teenage friends take a ride into the darkness on a stolen dinghy. They wake up the next morning, lost at sea, with no food, water or shelter.
La bête
A village far away in time and land. Nearby, in a forest thought to be haunted, a child falls into a pit. His grandfather, an old and nearly blind shepherd, tries to convince the villagers to go rescue him, facing the darkness of the night and their fears…
Director of Photography
Camera Operator
Vanessa, aged eighteen, has just come out of prison and is staying at her half-sisters that she does not know that well. Each night, captivated by the chimaeras, the noise and the fury, she is reborn.
Director of Photography
Vanessa, aged eighteen, has just come out of prison and is staying at her half-sisters that she does not know that well. Each night, captivated by the chimaeras, the noise and the fury, she is reborn.
Requiem for My Father
Through the maze of a nightmare, a young man faces his father. His trauma springs from the darkness and he gradually exorcises his bitterness.
À trois sur Marianne
Director of Photography
Erwan, Magid and Clement are seventeen years old. On the eve of the second round of presidential elections in 2002, they play football and hang out in the streets of their village. In the evening, Erwan must find Morgane.
L'échappée belle
Director of Photography
Clémence Alpharo, who, in order to get a permanent contract in the company that has just hired her, must push Henri Giffard, a sales representative at the end of his career, towards early retirement. But Giffard refuses. His work is the only thing that still gives meaning to his life. Caught between the prospect of a professional future that would allow her to escape her family history and the unexpected affection she feels for the salesman, Clémence must choose. A choice that will inexorably push Clémence and Henri to the limit.