Maria Robaszkiewicz


The Debt
matka Basi
Based on true events, the movie tells the story of two men who want to start a scooter business but don't have the required collateral for a bank loan. Then one of them runs into a former flat neighbour who offers to lend them the money. The guy turns out to be a thug and starts to extort them. Their life goes downhill from there.
Три цвета: Белый
Woman at Funeral
Второй фильм трилогии «Три цвета» напоминает анекдот в пушкинско — гоголевской традиции. Притча о необходимости равенства между людьми во всем мире приобретает в этом фильме черты трагикомедии, саркастической истории о человеке, который теряется в цивилизованном мире — зато прекрасно чувствует себя в постсоциалистическом обществе. Лишь в финале этот сатирический набросок нравов превращается в щемящий рассказ о жажде любви…
(w napisach: M.K. Robaszkiewicz)
The film is set in 1905, in a time of feverish revolutionary underground activity in Poland partitioned between three neighbours. All the characters are committed anarchists. The bomb maker puts an invention together to place it at the disposal of young inexperienced terrorists fighting against Tsarist oppression. The story follows the passing of this bomb from anarchist to anarchist as several attempts are made on the life of Tsarist governor general, until, at the end, it is effectively and harmlessly defused by a bomb expert. The presence of the bomb has a destroying effect on all of the Polish revolutionaries, they either die or breakdown.