

Stunt Coordinator
Fight Choreographer
Sound Designer
A middle-aged, narcissistic, angry, rich man is abusive to the young girl he has married, who is half his age, but then the tables turn when he is incapacitated by an accident.
Nitham Oru Vaanam
Fight Choreographer
An introverted young man with OCD, who is dejected after his fiancé leaves him, learns to find happiness and positivity in life from two couples whose stories he reads about.
A mechanical engineer has an aim of inventing unmanned car and his father manages to get money required for project, but dies in a road accident. A robbery attempt stopped by him leads him to the suspicion about his father's death.He sets out to find the truth with his unmanned car named Roger.
Fight Choreographer
A mechanical engineer has an aim of inventing unmanned car and his father manages to get money required for project, but dies in a road accident. A robbery attempt stopped by him leads him to the suspicion about his father's death.He sets out to find the truth with his unmanned car named Roger.
Stunt Coordinator
Two Koothu artistes become pawns in a political power game and are falsely implicated in a drug smuggling case. For how long can they evade a determined police hunt?
Kudukku 2025
Fight Choreographer
Fight Choreographer
A pathologist and a police commissioner try to solve a series of murders involving a prisoner. Their journey leads to shocking revelations!
Кровавая игра
Fight Choreographer
Шакти работает фельдшером в государственной больнице. Однажды он вступается в драке за одного парня, которым оказывается Мутху, сын босса мафии по имени Гандимати. Своими действиями главный герой навлекает на себя гнев со стороны одного из подручных Гандимати. В результате целой цепочки трагических событий, Мутху погибает, а Шакти решает отомстить за своего друга. Он ввязывается в большую войну между бандами, и теперь ему придётся рискнуть своей жизнью, чтобы поквитаться с теми, кто причастен к смерти Мутху.
Fight Choreographer
Юноша, который все еще не знает, в чем его страсть, поступает в инженерный колледж, где сталкивается с дисциплинарным факультетом.
Stunt Coordinator
Circle Inspector Das is so obsessed with music that he plays the game of Antakshari with anyone, anywhere; whether it be for fun with his wife or to punish the culprits he arrests. However, things take a turn for the worse when Das has to dance to the tunes of a corrupt politician and a serial killer.
Fight Choreographer
Сатьямурти, будучи честным и беспристрастным журналистом, всегда старался максимально объективно освещать события. Он пошёл по стопам отца и теперь занимается расследованием неприглядных тайн, скрываемых известными и влиятельными людьми. Жизнь главного героя меняется после того, как он начинает пристально изучать деятельность политика Пажани. Он узнаёт, что Пажани намеревается сфальсифицировать результаты предстоящих выборов. Вскоре после этого Сатьямурти и его коллега подвергаются нападению со стороны наёмных убийц. Журналисту удаётся выжить, но это событие никак не повлияло на его планы завершить расследование и опубликовать всю найденную информацию…
Stunt Coordinator
A man learns that his wife is cheating on him with his best friend. Even as he plans to kill her, four young men enter his home to rob the place!
Хвала храбрецам
Fight Choreographer
Недумааран Раджангам «Маара» стремится заставить простого человека летать и в процессе берет на себя самую капиталоемкую промышленность в мире и наживает себе врагов, которые стоят у него на пути к заветной цели.
Stunt Coordinator
ASP Walter IPS, who plays the titular role as a cop, gets the mandatory, yet routine hero introduction scene when a protest turns violent in Kumbakonam. Later, he takes up the case of a couple who seeks his help to find their newborn baby. Walter suspects foul play when he comes across similar cases, and sets out to investigate the crimes, accompanied by his subordinate Paneerselvam. Meanwhile, the ego clash between Eshwaramoorthi, a leading politician in the town, and Bala, who is considered to be his successor, intensifies. Their ego clash brings Balu's friend Arjun, who is linked to the kids who have gone missing, into the picture. How Walter faces several odds in his attempt to nab a criminal syndicate forms the rest of the story.
Fight Choreographer
Arun, a newly recruited sub-inspector, sets out in pursuit of a mysterious serial killer who targets young girls and murders them. After a series of murders, Arun confirms that it's being done by a psychopath with an anti-social disorder. The killer continues his spree, but Arun is no mood to stop his pursuit.
Stunt Coordinator
The kidnapping comes to a jolting halt when an honest police inspector decides to punish a five-member gang of youngsters who kidnap children for ransom.
Stunt Coordinator
После постоянных провалов в кинобизнесе, Арун, под давлением семьи, отказывается от мечты и становится офицером полиции.
Stunt Coordinator
A group of college students gets entangled in the scheme of a fledgling caste outfit that wants to turn into a political party.
Boomer Uncle
Fight Choreographer
Sasikumar-Thangam Saravanan Untitled
Fight Choreographer
A travel-based film that explores how a journey changes a man.
Stunt Coordinator