Giorgio Tirabassi

Giorgio Tirabassi

Рождение : 1960-02-01, Rome, Lazio, Italy


Giorgio Tirabassi
Giorgio Tirabassi


Deer Girl
Rachele laughs at the stranger with whom she chats online. And she leads us to discover the only feeling she knows – the poisonous bond which unites her parents. In public they seem tenderly in love, but behind closed doors, it’s all possession, fear, submission and pain. Rachele wants to be different, but can she really be so, when the only form of love she knows is violence?
The First Day of my Life
In the exact moment they’re hitting rock bottom, a man, two women and a boy meet a mysterious man capable of gifting them a week of time where they’ll discover how the world would be without them. Will they find the strength to start over and fall in love with life again?
Il pataffio
An unlikely group of soldiers and courtiers led by Marcount Berlocchio and his new bride Bernarda take possession of a distant fief. But their castle is a decrepit dump and their villagers aren't willing to be ruled.
Отчаянные мстители
В оккупированном нацистами Риме 1943 года после того, как в местный цирк попала бомба, скитаются четверо артистов — повелитель насекомых Ченчо, человек-волк Фульвио, притягивающий металл карлик Марио и генерирующая электричество юная Матильда. Владелец цирка и их символический отец Израэль исчез вместе с деньгами, накопленными на бегство в Америку. Оставшись ни с чем, не вписывающиеся в нормы «фрики» вынуждены податься на услужение безумному пианисту Францу, главе роскошного берлинского цирка, не зная о его одержимости идеей собрать «фантастическую четвёрку» героев со сверхспособностями, чтобы помочь Гитлеру выиграть во второй мировой войне. Сам являясь от рождения изгоем, умеющим видеть будущее, фрустрированный злой гений вступает в захватывающую схватку с доблестными циркачами, использующими свои умения на спасение родной страны и Израэля, направляющегося вместе с другими евреями в вагоне-душегубке навстречу гибели.
Joe, Carlo, Bobo and Giacomo have always been friends, each with their own life and problems, but united by an authentic bond and the passion that brought them together: music. The Boys, the band's name, had had lightning-fast success in the 1970s. In their routine - between love and personal affairs - a possibility bursts that takes them on a new journey: they will have to deal with the dreams and ambitions of the past and the world of today, but even more they will discover the meaning of their friendship. .
Despite the Fog
According to Interpol, over ten thousand refugees of minors without parental care are wandering today in Europe, half of which are on Italian roads. "Despite the Fog" is a movie story about one of them. In short: Ali-Musa Sarhan, a refugee whose parents drowned while traveling by rubber boat on the Italian coast in search of a better life, is accepted by family, husband and wife who have lost a child. They are trying to find solace in little Arab and a sort of replacement for their early deceased son, Mark. Valeria (Donatella Finokjaro) and Paolo (Giorgio Tirabasi) are increasingly confronted with resistance from the environment and their own family, who do not accept their decision to keep Muhammad - It is also a story of a world that is increasingly sinking into xenophobic fog.
Se c’è un aldilà sono fottuto - Vita e cinema di Claudio Caligari
Нэлло и Руфетто - давние друзья и неудачливые грабители. Они уже успели отсидеть в тюрьме и к 50 годам остаться без гроша в кармане на попечении у друзей и родственников. Поняв, что такая жизнь их не устраивает, парочка решает действовать наверняка.
Нэлло и Руфетто - давние друзья и неудачливые грабители. Они уже успели отсидеть в тюрьме и к 50 годам остаться без гроша в кармане на попечении у друзей и родственников. Поняв, что такая жизнь их не устраивает, парочка решает действовать наверняка.
Нэлло и Руфетто - давние друзья и неудачливые грабители. Они уже успели отсидеть в тюрьме и к 50 годам остаться без гроша в кармане на попечении у друзей и родственников. Поняв, что такая жизнь их не устраивает, парочка решает действовать наверняка.
A testa alta - Libero Grassi
Libero Grassi
In arte Nino
Biopic on one of the most prominent Italian actors: Nino Manfredi. The movie recall the period between 1939 and 1959, depicting the difficult beginnings, his passion for acting and the encounter with the love of his life, Erminia.
Il camionista
Arance & martello
Il Sindaco
A 'period' piece set in the hot summer of 2011, in the midst of the Berlusconi era. The life of a quiet corner market is shaken when the mayor decides to close it down. The only political organization people can turn to is the local section of the Democratic Party, which is separated from the market by a concrete wall, built to allow the construction of the subway.
Piazza Fontana: The Italian Conspiracy
The Professor
On December 12, 1969, a bomb kills 17 people and injures many more at a major national bank in Milan, marking the beginning of the Years of Lead. Local anarchists are scapegoated for the massacre by police and the media, but an investigator uncovers a larger subversive project made of far-right fringe groups, corrupt secret services, and other interests that seek to undermine democracy.
Boris - Il film
Glauco Benetti
A director and his crew attempt to make the transition from the small to the big screen.
Figli delle stelle
Five ordinary people disaffected with traditional politics -- a perennial temp, a docker, a university professor, a TV reporter, and a convict -- kidnap an elected politician and plan to donate the ransom money to the family of a blue-collar worker who died on the job.
La pecora nera
Nicola is a man who has spent much of his life in a mental institution, though not always as a patient. Nicola's mother suffered from mental illness, and when young Nicola grew old enough to understand some of her stranger behavior as well as the family's other dark secrets, a few of the adults around him preferred to suggest he was disturbed like his mother, and he was encouraged to visit an asylum not far from his home. As an adult, Nicola has spent enough time around people who have a tenuous connection with reality that he has a superficial resemblance to them, and has developed a strange set of imaginary friends to go along with his eccentric real-life companions and the woman he loves from afar, Marinella.
Un cane per due
Non prendere impegni stasera
A Judge of Honor
Paolo Borsellino
In 1980 Paolo Borsellino was appointed with the preliminary investigations and the task of setting up a team which would later become the famous anti-mafia pool, investigating into the criminal activities of various mafia bands, in particular the gang headed up by Totò Riina.
Ladri ma non troppo
Inspired by the work of Italian underground comic book prodigy Andrea Pazienza, Paz! is a 24-hour slice of life of a bunch of students living in a flat in Bologna during the 70's, divided between marjuana, university, girls and political activism.
Non dire gatto
A Donatello award nominated short feature that follows two elderly neighbours after one inherits a dog that kills his friend's beautiful white cat.
Non dire gatto
Suonatore di strada
A Donatello award nominated short feature that follows two elderly neighbours after one inherits a dog that kills his friend's beautiful white cat.
Non dire gatto
A Donatello award nominated short feature that follows two elderly neighbours after one inherits a dog that kills his friend's beautiful white cat.
The Scent of the Night
Roberto Salvo
A former policeman turns full-time robber and goes on a downward spiral of crime in 1970s Rome.
The Dinner
An evening at an Italian restaurant. Hosted by tolerant and relaxed Flora, various parties of middle-class people come in -- large and small, young and old, regulars and tourists, married and single -- to dine, converse, argue, celebrate, make confessions; to overhear other people's discussions, to interrupt them, to sing, listen to music, and enjoy life. The camera, just like the people, moves constantly from table to table, into the kitchen and the back room to observe the staff's petty jealousies and frustrations -- until two hours later it's time for everybody to go home.
Праздника не будет
Augusto Carbone
Вы знаете, что Новый год - смертельно опасный праздник? За несколько часов до Нового года экстравагантные обитатели роскошного дома "Остров" уже готовы праздновать: елка сверкает, стол накрыт, стареющая графиня в объятьях молодого любовника, адвокат-мазохист достал свою любимую плетку, а свечи для торта удачно заменили динамитные шашки. Но разве в такую ночь можно обойтись без сюрпризов? К ничего не подозревающим любителям пикантных забав уже подбирается шайка грабителей и безумная орда лихих футбольных фанатов. Они умеют развлекаться на всю катушку, и ничего, если полгорода взлетит на воздух, главное - встретить Новый год с огоньком!
Santo Stefano
The Game Bag
In late summer 1991, three Italians reach a hunting reserve in Croatia with a station wagon. They go to deer, but, unaware of what's in store for months, they do not decipher the enigmatic signs that surround them. One of the three is suddendly wounded in the knee by a bullet of unknown provenance, and they end up in a hotel targeted by snipers night and day.
La classe non è acqua
Professore col Papillon
Al centro dell'area di rigore
1942: A group of Roma fans, Carletto, Renato, Tina and Mozzicone, organize a trip to Turin to support their team in the decisive match for the Scudetto. They are joined by Roberto, Renato's brother-in-law, and Biagio, Renato's friend from Lazio. One of them has to acquire a precious document in the hands of an anti-fascist teacher.
Il Branco
In the Roman province a group of boys accepted Sola's proposal: to rape two German tourists on holiday in Italy held captive in a shack by a junkyard. The only one who pulls back from the group is Raniero, the others willingly accept to follow him. Slowly the news of the two imprisoned tourists spread like wildfire and attracts all the men of the area.
Taxista (segment "India 21")
Very rare Italian horror anthology from 1994, starring amongst many others, Asia Argento. This Italian movie is an anthology based with no linking material, only that all of the stories have a horror/suspense/surreal theme. The stories are diverse, ranging from routine stories with twist-endings to social satire. The directing styles are equally as eclectic - compare the frenetic Peter Jackson-style opening segment, Our Guys Are Coming to the surrealistic, dreamlike qualities of Outlook.
Un'altra vita
Saverio, a dentist, comes out as naive as usual while he falls in love with Alia, a Russian immigrant he met in Rome. He must now deal with issues a guy like him would never have thought to come across.
Под вечер
Oliviero Bruschi
Профессор Людовико Бруски - пожилой коммунист, желающий жить в аккуратном и социально справедливом государстве. Но беспорядок вот-вот нарушит размеренное течение его жизни, прежде всего из-за его внучки Папери, а потом и из-за матери Папери Стеллы, подруги его сына. Отношения между Оливьеро, сыном Бруски, и Стеллой закончились, вероятно, из-за того, что возлюбленные были очень молоды. Теперь Профессор Бруски обязан достигнуть соглашения с мрачной, необразованной, обиженной Стеллой, голова которой полна ложных и разрушительных идей, и которая мешает его повседневной жизни. Профессор теряет терпение, и Стелла уезжает. Он ищет ее и находит в больнице со сломанной ногой. Они становятся ближе, а затем беззаветно влюбляются друг в друга. Нога Стеллы заживает, и она уходит искать новые отношения, новые эмоции, а профессор начинает ждать её возвращения: и всё это происходит в присутствии Папери, слишком молодой, чтобы понять.
Dial: Help
A psychic finds herself tapping into the "energy" of a deceased phone operator. She also finds that her friends soon begin dying mysteriously. An investigator determines to track down the cause.
Закусочная Будапешт
Стареющий, отошедший от дел адвокат живет в свое удовольствие, но в какой-то момент и ему приходится платить по счетам. Для начала приходится класть в клинику опекаемую проститутку и пуститься на поиски денег. Так на горизонте появляется подозрительная личность по кличке «Молекула». Этот субъект скупил несколько обшарпанных отелей на побережье и собирается открыть в них игорную сеть. Адвокат ему нужен, конечно же, чтобы отмывать грязные делишки. За хорошее вознаграждение можно пойти на риск
Magic Moments
Three young friends – aspiring film director Roberto, aspiring producer Ben and aspiring comedian Cico – move to Rome looking for a career in a film industry that they discover being well past its heyday.