Jesper Christensen

Jesper Christensen

Рождение : 1948-05-16, Copenhagen, Denmark


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Jesper Christensen (born 16 May 1948) is a Danish actor. A veteran of European cinema, he has more recently made the transition to English language projects, including The Interpreter and Revelations. He has also appeared as the mysterious villain Mr. White in the James Bond film Casino Royale and its sequel, Quantum of Solace. In his home country, Christensen has won 4 Bodil Awards, 3 for Best Actor (Hør, var der ikke en som lo?, Bænken, and Drabet) and 1 for Best Supporting Actor (Barbara). In 2006 Jesper Christensen declined when offered to receive the Knight's Cross of the Order of the Dannebrog. He thought the entire idea of monarchy is a crime to the members of the royal family and does not fit with modern ideas. Description above from the Wikipedia article Jesper Christensen, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia


Jesper Christensen
Jesper Christensen
Jesper Christensen


Dr. Daniel Jacobson
Edvard Munch was one of the most important artists in the period between the 19th and 20th centuries. His motif Skrik (The Scream), repeated in several techniques, became part of the 20th-century world subconsciousness – an image of fear and loneliness most people probably know, even if they have no idea who created it.
Гостья из космоса
После развода родителей 11-летний Аллан вместе с отцом вынуждены переехать в незнакомый городок. В поисках новых друзей мальчик знакомится с ученым соседом. Тот уверен, что инопланетяне вот-вот прилетят на Землю, и никого лучше Аллана для первого контакта не найти. Вскоре тарелка «зеленого человечка» действительно терпит крушение на местном стадионе. Из нее появляется чудная девочка. И хоть между детьми возникает крепкая дружба, Аллан дает честное землянское отправить необычную гостью домой...
Out of The Darkness
Karl Skov
This Danish movie "Out of The Darkness" ( in Danish 'De Forbandede år 2' ) is a continuation of the popular WW II drama "Into The Darkness" ( in Danish 'De forbandede år' ) and it portraits the Danish Resistance movements fight. This movie takes place after 1943 where the official politic of 'corporation' comes to an end, and the Danish Resistance movement is gaining traction. The movie follows the Skov family from 1943 to the end of WWII. The growing opposition to the occupation and the increased brutality of the Germans have fatal consequences for the family.
The Stonophone
Jørn is trying to get his father's attention and love. He loves music and this is where he finds joy and happiness, but his father struggles to see his talent. As an old man, Jørn discovers that the music can set him free from his past.
Being James Bond
Self (archive footage)
Daniel Craig candidly reflects on his 15 year adventure as James Bond. Including never-before-seen archival footage from Casino Royale to the upcoming 25th film No Time To Die, Craig shares his personal memories in conversation with 007 producers, Michael G Wilson and Barbara Broccoli.
The Butterfly Swing
The story is centered on the stubborn farmer Ernst and his wife Louise who are celebrating their 50th anniversary with a traditional Danish gold wedding for friends and family. However, the family carries several secrets and Ernest holds on to the biggest one of them all. Through one long joyous, intoxicating, surprising, gripping and melancholic night, the truths creep out and the family is put to the ultimate test.
Into the Darkness
Karl Skov
Karlskov is a self made, successful owner of a large electronics factory, has a wife and five children. They live the good, privileged upper-class life on Strandvejen north of Copenhagen when the Nazis occupy Denmark in April 1940. Karl struggles to continue production at the factory, but to protect his family and employees he reluctantly begins to produce for the German market. It brings him into a controversial collaboration with the occupying power and causes painful breaks in the family.
Пока не наступили холода
Сельская Дания середины XIX века. Большинство местных фермеров на грани разорения; кажется, только у шведов карманы полнятся деньгами. Старик Йенс за бесценок продаёт корову — но и это не гарантия от голода и бесчестья: и вот уже в церкви Йенса оттесняют с «престижных» мест вблизи пасторской кафедры. Когда исчезает последняя надежда на урожай, Йенс решает «продать» дочь — в смысле, выторговать ей выгодную партию, вопреки чувствам девушки; иначе не прокормить взятых на воспитание племянников и не выжить самим.
Recently emigrated and with few local words, Maja feels disconnected from her classmates. But the strangeness of new surroundings soon become familiar when she finds a diversion.
В лесу находят раненую женщину, и она утверждает, что стала свидетелем убийства. Полиция начинает расследование, но не находит никаких доказательств её показаниям. А женщина убеждена, что станет следующей жертвой убийцы, поэтому она начинает собственное расследование.
Der Andere - eine Familiengeschichte
Nama, a teenager from Mali, has crossed desert and sea for his freedom. When Nama is injured in a fight, an old man named Willi lets him move into the house that he used to share with his son Stefan. The father and son have not spoken for years and the three men may have little in common, yet what binds them together is their search for a home where their wounds from present and past can heal.
Выбор короля
Executive Producer
On 9 April 1940, German soldiers arrive in the city of Oslo. The King of Norway faces a choice that will change his country forever. The King's Choice is a story about the three most dramatic days in Norway's history, the royal family's escape and King Haakon's difficult choice after Nazi Germany's invasion of Norway.
Выбор короля
King Haakon VII of Norway
On 9 April 1940, German soldiers arrive in the city of Oslo. The King of Norway faces a choice that will change his country forever. The King's Choice is a story about the three most dramatic days in Norway's history, the royal family's escape and King Haakon's difficult choice after Nazi Germany's invasion of Norway.
007: Спектр
Mr. White
Таинственное послание из прошлого Бонда выведет его к зловещей террористической организации «Спектр». Пока М участвует в политических баталиях, отстаивая интересы MI6, Бонд приоткрывает завесу лжи, чтобы раскрыть ужасную правду, скрываемую «Спектром».
Я и Камински
Manuel Kaminski
Молодой журналист Себастьян Зольнер пишет статью о художнике Мануэле Камински. Зольнер надеется на скорую смерть Камински, чтобы заработать денег на своей статье.
Нимфоманка: Часть 1
Jerôme's Uncle
Это светлая и поэтичная история эротических переживаний женщины от рождения до пятидесятилетия, рассказанная от лица главной героини, женщины по имени Джо, поставившей себе диагноз — нимфомания. Холодным зимним утром Селигман, немолодой одинокий холостяк, натыкается в переулке на Джо, избитую и находящуюся в полубессознательном состоянии. Доставив женщину домой, он рассматривает ее раны и задается вопросом, как дошла она до такой жизни. Джо рассказывает Селигману историю своей насыщенной молодости, изобилующую параллельными сюжетами и неожиданными отступлениями.
Спис и Глиструп. Секс, наркотики и налогообложение
Dommer Bergsøe
Первый — магнат-мультимиллиардер, второй — юрист, способный найти лазейку в любом контракте и правовом кодексе. Спис — плейбой, гедонист, либертин, принимавший журналистов в окружении обнаженных юниц и способный зайти в клетку с разъяренной гориллой без штанов, с эрегированным членом наперевес. Глиструп — одутловатый зануда, равнодушный к вечеринкам и всю долгую жизнь хранивший верность жене. С его помощью в 1965-м году Спис провернул грандиозную авантюрную сделку, став единственным владельцем турагентства и авиакомпании, демократизировавшей перелеты. Эта сделка положила начало и многолетней дружбе двух полярных созданий, чьи выходки провоцировали общество на протяжении трех десятилетий.
Onkel Rolle
The happening of a ceremonial robing of the youngest daughter as a novice in a Swabian convent screws up the values of a modern family. As if life wasn't complicated enough anyway. And how are you supposed to be happy without new clothes?
Леди исчезает
The Doctor
Римейк фильма Альфреда Хичкока 1938 года. Действие фильма происходит накануне второй Мировой Войны. В поезде, едущем из Тироля в Лондон, загадочным образом исчезает пожилая леди. Ее попутчица начинает расследовать это происшествие вместе с молодым человеком. Постепенно они вместе с остальными пассажирами оказываются втянутыми в шпионскую интригу.
Репутация мёртвого человека
Torgny Segerstedt
Торгни Сегерстедт, главный редактор одной из ведущих газет Швеции отправился в свой одиночный Крестовый поход против нацизма и "политики умиротворения" Гитлера, которую вела его страна. В Швеции, зажатой между нацистской Германией и сталинистской Совдепией, элита страны выбрала политику нейтралитета и соглашательства, и лишь немногие осмеливались говорить об окружающем Зле. Среди тех, кто не молчал, никто не был таким громогласным и бескомпромиссным, как Сегерстедт, один из самых известных шведских журналистов 20-го века. В глазах многих его соотечественников, его перо было разящим, чем нацистский меч...
Verschollen am Kap
Henk Leeven
Miss Julie
Julie is a young tennis star who falls in love with his trainer - because she yearns for love and because she wants to liberate themselves from the ambitions which the father has on her behalf. Birgitte Hjort Sørensen has a conflict and fragile Juliet, and Rolf Hansen is the coach who tries to keep Julie from life. Other actors, Jesper Christensen as ambitious and indebted father, Trine Appel as the coach's disdain fiance and Niels Skousen as a nightclub owner. "Julie" is a modern update of August Strindberg's "Miss Julie".
Little Father
События фильма разворачиваются в дни, которые предшествуют катастрофе. Первая часть посвящена свадьбе Жюстин, которая быстро охладевает к торжеству, чем вызывает непонимание близких и гостей. Героиней второй части является Клэр, сестра Жюстин. Вначале Клэр ухаживает за впавшей в клиническую депрессию Жюстин и одновременно страшится сообщений о приближении таинственной планеты Меланхолия. Постепенно, по мере приближения планеты, Жюстин и Клэр меняются ролями. Теперь паникующая Клэр нуждается в заботе. В отчаянии она с сестрой и сыном готовится принять неизбежное.
A Family
Rikard Rheinwald
Ditte owns a gallery, has a loving boyfriend and her dream job in New York is within reach. But Ditte is also the youngest generation of the famous bakery dynasty, Rheinwald, and when her beloved, but dominating father comes down with a serious illness, Ditte is faced with the grueling decision: To pursue her own dreams, or to continue the legacy of her family.
Tigers and Tattoos
Lygtemand (voice)
Maj lives with her uncle Sonny and loves to sit with him when he “draws” on the tough women and hard-boiled men who frequent his tattoo shop. One day, a particularly large and scary customer dozes off and Maj ends up tattooing all over his huge back with her childish designs. Fearing the man's rage, Sonny and Maj make a hasty escape on Sonny's motorcycle—the start of an exciting adventure.
Dieter Vogel
1965 год. Трем спец агентам "Массада" было поручено найти и доставь живым бывшего фашистского хирурга. Этот псих до сих пор пытает людей. И его жертвами стлали более 1000 человек. Команда разрабатывает план и захватывает маньяка. Операция пошла не так. Но все же спец агенты выполнили задания. а через 30 лет их выполненная миссия встает под вопросом. И теперь одному из члена отреда предстоит расследовать это дело. Вспоминая весь ужас, что они пережили той ночью.
This Is Love
Set in Vietnam and Germany, This Is Love centers on Chris and the nine-year-old Jenjira on the run from the mafia. Together with his friend Holger, Chris bought the young Vietnamese girl's freedom from human traffickers – without actually being able to pay. Meanwhile, the female detective Maggie learns after 16 years why her husband up and left her without a word. These two worlds come together when Chris is accused of murder and Maggie is charged with interrogating him.....
Anthony Weber
Hannah Maynard, a prosecutor of Hague's Tribunal for war crimes in former Yugoslavia, charges a Serbian commander for killing Bosniaks. However, her main witness might be lying, so the court sends a team to Bosnia to investigate.
Молодая Виктория
Baron Stockmar
Отец Виктории, герцог Кентский, умер, когда дочери не было и года. В 11 лет она осознала, что ей предначертано стать королевой Британской империи. Еще совсем юная, она сумела добиться уважения и любви своего народа.Виктория пробыла на троне более 63 лет — больше, чем любой другой британский монарх. Викторианская эпоха совпала с периодом наибольшего расцвета Британской империи. Но для нее самые счастливые годы — те, что она любила и была любима.
007: Квант милосердия
Mr. White
После предательства Веспер, агент 007 борется с желанием превратить последнее задание в личную вендетту. В поисках истины, Бонд и М допрашивают Мистера Уайта, от которого узнают, что шантажировавшая Веспер Организация намного сложнее и опаснее, чем можно было подумать.
Незабываемые моменты
Sebastian Pedersen
Швеция, 1907 год. Мария влюбляется в Зигфрида и становится его женой. Свое раздражение и недовольство жизнью грубый и агрессивный Зигфрид предпочитает вымещать на жене и детях. Тяжелая и монотонная жизнь Марии изменяется, когда у женщины появляется маленькая тайна: в благотворительной лотерее она выигрывает диковину — аппарат для фотографических снимков. Увлекшись фотографией и научившись снимать, Мария понимает, что помимо бесконечных домашних проблем существует и другой мир. Ее снимки — особенные. Горожане все чаще обращаются к ней с просьбой сделать семейные фотографии. Постепенно выясняется, что у Марии Ларссон настоящий талант фотографа! Но это совсем не нравится вернувшемуся с войны мужу…
One shot
Webcam-stripperen Sally rejser hjem for at besøge sin hippie-mor. Hun er fast besluttet på at få moren til at fortælle, hvem hendes far er. For en god ordens skyld har Sally en pistol med i tasken. Da Sally kommer frem, finder hun sin mor i seng med elskeren Lennart. Inden længe udvikler situationen mellem mor og datter i en retning, som ingen af dem havde forudset.
Пламя и Цитрон
Flames Vater
Копенгаген, 1944 год. Дания оккупирована немецкими войсками. Борцы Сопротивления Пламя и Цитрон работают под прикрытием, ликвидируя датских информаторов и занимаясь саботажем. Их объединяет ненависть к врагам свободы, но юный идеалист Пламя мечтает открыто выступить с оружием против захватчиков, а более чуткий Цитрон все больше втягивается в политические интриги.
Shaking Dream Land
When Robert (Philip Winchester, Flyboys) marries the beautiful Alice (Cloudia Swann) they are the 'perfect couple'. But the moment he learns his wife is pregnant, dark secrets from his childhood fly unbidden into the present and threaten to destroy their future. With the birth of his son he is catapulted into the abyss of losing all that he loves. Misunderstood by the people closest to him, a wall of silence grows around him. Terrified, Robert seeks help to understand what is happening to him and is forced to confront his own father (Jesper Christensen, Casino Royale), coming face to face with his childhood trauma.
Performances is about love - not only love for a partner but also for a daughter, a father or a friend. It revolves around Marko, the charismatic stage director who revolutionized Danish theatre in the 1990s. The story takes place during the rehearsals of his adaption for the stage of Venus and Adonis by William Shakespeare which will prove to be the final production at Sortedam Theatre. The process leading up to the first night becomes a life-and-death struggle and Marko for one seriously feels the consequences of his ambition.
007: Казино Рояль
Mr. White
Самый известный шпион в мире возвращается к зрителю — и к началу своей бурной деятельности на службе Ее Величества! Первая же миссия в качестве агента 007 становится его величайшим испытанием: ему выпадает сразиться с международной террористической организацией, опутавшей своей сетью всю планету. Используя богатый шпионский арсенал — от верного пистолета до навороченного спортивного авто — Джеймс Бонд вступает в поединок с ключевой фигурой сил зла, финансовым гением преступного мира Ле Шиффром.
Pure Hearts
To the mentally ill Kriss, the world is divided up into 'good and evil', just like in the old B&W melodrama, 'Pure Hearts', which Kriss and his fellow patient, Willy, spend their days repeatedly watching at the psychiatric ward. To Kriss this film is the bible. One day after a serious conflict with one of the hospital's other patients their viewing rights are retracted. Kriss is deeply frustrated by this, until he realises that Linda, the young girl in the film, actually exists in the shape of the film's star, the actress Ulla Vilstrup. Setting fire to the hospital, Kriss and Willy escape into the night, determined to find her, because life is what you make of it.
Han, hun og Strindberg
Peter, a theatre director, hates being out of work so much it's affecting his relationship with his girlfriend Marie, an actress. As a remedy, she suggests they stage a play by Strindberg together and bring in her famous friend Liza. Not such a good idea, it turns out. Soon, Liza is applying all her skills to steal the leading role and the director away from Maria, who is not backing down without a fight.
A college professor abandons his family and his career in order to champion his mistress, a student radical accused of killing a policeman.
Nils Lud
Переводчица случайно узнает о готовящемся убийстве главы одного африканского государства, который должен на днях посетить Генеральную ассамблею ООН. Пытаясь предотвратить покушение, она подвергает свою жизнь смертельной опасности. И пока она сама не стала жертвой, ей отчаянно нужно, чтобы кто-нибудь ей поверил и помог…
Kommer du med mig då?
"Make Believe" - A film about the love of life, love of truth and love between two people who do not understand that they love each other.
Nasty Brats
Eleven-year-old George is the new kid in the Apple Orchard housing complex. He and the other kids are terrorized by JB, the tyrannical superintendent. George starts out as an outsider, until he discovers he has a talent for leadership. Eventually, the other kids follow George in dreaming up a challenge to JB's abuse. Then, surprising events bring in the police, but the cops mess up. That's when George's gang of little rascals save the day!
Executive Producer
Sex, drugs and money are the cornerstones in the lives of these rootles young people living in a big city. Leni and Nova are sisters and they both long to find and understand love. But it is not easy when you're impulsive and irrational and don't fit in to the established society. Nova is a bit more boundary pushing than her sister and one day she takes it a step too far.
Sex, drugs and money are the cornerstones in the lives of these rootles young people living in a big city. Leni and Nova are sisters and they both long to find and understand love. But it is not easy when you're impulsive and irrational and don't fit in to the established society. Nova is a bit more boundary pushing than her sister and one day she takes it a step too far.
Holger Andersen
Четыре года назад Кристоффер покинул семейный сталелитейный бизнес и переехал в другую страну, теперь у него свой ресторан и жена актриса. Но наступает момент, когда непредвиденные обстоятельства вынуждают Кристоффера бросить все и продолжить дело своего отца.
Nete is a tough woman of 37 who runs her job, husband, and teenage daughter with a firm and efficient hand. Her father suddenly becomes ill. Seriously ill. Nete forces a doctor to tell her how much time he has left. 3 weeks, hardly any longer. Nete's father becomes bitter and introvert, but Nete insists that he come to live with her and her family the few weeks he has left. "You should die with your family." Nete's father moves in and puts even more strain on Nete's family and everyday life. They all try to cope with the situation - he has only three weeks left, and you don't argue with a dying man. Three weeks pass by. A month. Nete's father does not die, his appetite comes back, the doctors begin to have doubts as to the prognosis, and Nete has a problem.
Minor Mishaps
Minor Mishaps is the story of a family's reaction to the untimely death of their matriarch, examining the effect of the tragedy on John, her husband, who is himself ill, his daughters, Marianne and Eva, and their friends and family. When a man's wife dies in an accident, his children return home to deal with the tragedy together. The film throws a spotlight on each of their lives as they confront the changed dynamic in the family and their own lives, with some surprises, revelations and false accusations occurring along the way.
The Serbian Dane
Departementschef Svendsen
Miniseries of 3 episodes of 50 minutes based on the bestseller by Leif Davidsen. Religious fanatics put a price on the head of the controversial Anglo-Iranian writer Sara Santanda. $ 4 million. Sarah decides to come out of hiding and face in Copenhagen. The uncomfortable visit for the government of Denmark triggered a great safety device. Meanwhile, somewhere in the troubled former Yugoslavia, a young man named Vuk (Serbian sniper does not kill for money but for ideology) accepted the task of killing the famous writer during his visit to Copenhagen.
The Greatest Thing
Theatre Manager
Film based on the Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson novel "Fiskerjænten"
One-Hand Clapping
H.C. Krøyer
Svensson is a wealthy, aging blusterer who has just had a rather unusual funeral for his late wife and is now on his way to Spain with his cracker of a young mistress. But his trip is delayed when a lawyer turns up with a paternity suit. With a young undertaker as the new chauffeur at the wheel of his Jag, he sets off to confront the woman who claims to be the mother of his unknown daughter, turning his life and that of his companion upside down in the process.
Count Axel
Oberst Lejpstrup
Count Axel is a comedy that takes place somewhere in the Nordic countries in 1783. It's a classic comedy about mixed identities, with strong elements of contemporary humour and satire.
General Kruger
18 января 1943 года. Нацисты собираются раз и навсегда покончить с евреями варшавского гетто, отправив их в «последний путь» — в концлагерь Треблинка. Но их зловещие планы были разрушены: вооруженные мужчины и женщины из «Еврейской Боевой Организации» дали отпор фашистам!
Итальянский для начинающих
Olympia's Father
Жителям тихого датского городка вдруг приспичило выучить итальянский язык. С каждым днем число фанатиков растет, хотя в группе даже учителя нет — но всем по барабану: одинокие люди, испытывавшие поначалу чувство отчуждения, постепенно приходят к выводу, что счастье искать никогда не поздно. Занятия обретают неслыханную популярность. В группу для новичков зачастила даже коренная итальянка.
A woman helps a prisoner free at Rome's airport and then falls in love with him.
Кай - упрямый и очень гордый мужчина. Бывший начальник, он живет в государственной квартире. Он растратил попусту свою жизнь и теперь получает пособие по безработице и напивается в одиночестве. Внезапно в тот же дом переезжает дочь Кая, с которой он не виделся 19 лет. И с Каем происходит неожиданная перемена. Его первое желание – скрыться от дочери, но все заканчивается тем, что Кай присматривает за шестилетним внуком. Впервые в жизни Кай оказывается с кем-то: у него появляется семья, о которой нужно заботиться.
Solen er så rød
Быстрые стволы
Обычный банковский работник по имени Арвид по воле случая предотвращает ограбление в банке и становится настоящим национальным героем. Проходит время, и парень начинает винить себя в содеянном, ведь он узнает, что преступнику нужны были деньги для оплаты дорогой операции, после которой он бы смог завести долгожданного ребенка. Аврид решает найти нужную сумму денег для этого парня и просит помощи у своего брата Гаральда.
Sophie's World
Søren Aabye Kierkegaard
Sofie is an ordinary Norwegian girl. One day she recieves a video tape on which a certain Alberto Knox talks directly to her from ancient Greece. They then start to meet at different occasions and throughout the film, Alberto takes Sofie on an odyssey of the history of philosophy, from ancient Greece, over the Roman empire, the Middle ages, the renaissance, the enlightenment, the big revolutions and up to today. Throughout this journey, they start to realise that they are only fictions of a story writer's imagination and start conceiving a plan for escaping into reality. (Written by Anders E Lundin )
When Albert's best friend Egon goes missing, Albert embarks on an adventure to find him. Along the way he meets Sabrina and together they must save Egon.
Young vicar Mr. Paul arrives at the Faroe Islands to take up a benefice, and meets the young Barbara, twice married to vicars, and with both husbands laid cold in the grave. Despite the warnings of the surrounding community and his own religious scruples, he falls victim to Barbara's at once innocent and sinful charm. The appearance of the charming and gallant Andreas Heide in Thorshavn puts their love to the severest of tests.
Bror 1
Mona is a young woman, engaged to a man who never shows up. She relies strongly on her supportive friend, Anne. Mona suspects that Anne's psychologist, Dr. Lark, is acting funny towards her friend, and decides to investigate. Mona and Anne will find themselves embroiled in a strange world of psychiatry and fanaticism, in which both young women's lives will be endangered.
The White Lioness
In Cape Town, a police inspector named September color discovers that the dreaded Mabasha, hired murderer, is in talks with a right-wing organization. In Skåne, southwest of Sweden, is given to the real estate agent Louise Åkerblom by missing and the case is assigned to Inspector Wallander. Just start research supposedly empty building explodes. An unusual weapon, a transmitter Russian and index finger of a man of color are found in the wreckage of the building ...
The Ballad of the Viking King, Holger the Dane
Hemming / Loke (voice)
Danish Movie based on Danish Legend
Otto Dietrich
История непростой семейной жизни выдающегося норвежского писателя и его жены, бывшей актрисы, Марии, рассказанная на фоне политических событий конца 30-х — начала 50-х, когда Гамсун из властителя дум и гордости нации превратился в предателя и был подвергнут остракизму. Как известно, писатель симпатизировал нацистам во время войны, за что был привлечен к суду и осужден за измену родине.
Watch Me Fly
A story about friendship and sticking together through tough times. The movie shows how two young girls and their families cope with their differences, how they are brought together and torn apart and how they are changed by the injury of a racing pigeon. But when the girls take it upon themselves to heal the pigeon, its recovery can bring them all hope.
Between Summers
Torun and Mikael have been married for a few years. When vacationing on the Danish coast, their young son Melker accidentally drowns. Torun initially blames her sister, who was supposed to supervise her children. Later she turns her anger and grief against her husband. Since none of them know what to do with their feelings, they start to drift apart.
White Lies
Carl, My Childhood Symphony
Combining the exultant sweep of epic period drama with the subtle intimacy of biography in a social perspective, this is a tale of materially impoverished childhood, struggling early manhood and an unrequited first love turned into good musical fortune for Carl Nielsen, one of the great composers of the 20th century. Based on the composer's autobiography, the film itself is designed to soar like a symphony.
Русская певица
Датский дипломат Джек, работая в Москве, включается в мир политических интриг, влюбляется в русскую девушку Лилю и пока не подозревает о том, что она и есть ключевая фигура в опасной игре.
Liv Ulmann's directorial debut also had her co-authoring the screenplay (with poet Peter Poulsen) as based on a Henri Nathansen's 1932 novel about an affluent late 19th century Jewish merchant family in Copenhagen. Ulmann focuses on strong-willed daughter Sofie's progress through life: a love affair with a gentile painter, an arranged marriage , childbirth and ever more fateful challenges.
Good Evening, Mr. Wallenberg
Swedish account of Raoul Wallenberg, the man responsible for the largest rescue of Jews during World War II.
A Modern Woman
Advokat Michael Nordgreen
Donna wants to live the perfect Free Woman life. At the same time she needs the daily comfort of a close relationship to her girl-friend Britt. Britt is romantically inclined in an old-fashioned way and would rather opt for life with a wrong man than with no man at all.
The Knight of Justice
Benjamin act as a moral guardian as he saves both a female thief and a child during Christmas in a futuristic Denmark.
Bent Pedersen
Тень Эммы
Poul, Zülow's chauffeur
Emma (Line Kruse) is an eleven year-old only child from a wealthy Danish family. Emma's parents seem more interested in their own interests than in her. One evening when Emma overhears her mother talking about how tragic it must be to have your child kidnapped, Emma decides to stage her own kidnapping. She soon meets Malthe, a kind-hearted, child-like, naïve sewer cleaner who literally stumbles on to her. She convinces Malthe that she is a Russian princess whose family is being chased by Bolsheviks, so Malthe lets Emma stay with him in his very modest abode. After being "kidnapped" for a few days, Emma decides to return home. But, just as she is about to return, she overhears a couple of servants talking about how her parents don't seem to be very upset over her dilemma....
Hip Hip Hurrah!
Viggo Johansen
The life and times of the Scandinavian artists' colony who lived in Skagen on the Danish coast during the 1890s. Not so much a biographical account, rather a portrait of a way of life. The painters became famous for the way they used the light in their work, and this has also been mirrored in the cinematography.
Two Danish youngsters see action in the USSR as volunteers in a special legion under German command in 1944-45. Returned to a camp in their native country, they go AWOL, having first killed a couple of officers. They are now being chased through a wintry Denmark by the German Army, Danish Quislings and the Danish freedom fighters. Love crosses their path when they take a Jewish girl as hostage.
Har du set Alice?
Alice does not live at home but with friends in an abandoned factory. She sells drugs to enable them to fulfill their dream of a tavern. When the police are after her, she seeks Hour switch. Here she meets Berit and helps Berit mother south on vacation. But simultaneously pursues Alice of a drug kingpin but cheating him.
Undskyld vi er her
The Thralls' Children
The last movie in the Thralls-trilogy.
It's a World Full of Children
Susanne, a journalist, and Morten, a cellist, desperately want a child, but are unsuccessful. The situation leads to desperate acts, occasional drunkenness, and solace for her with a discreet lover.
Charly & Steffen
A sequel to "Me and Charley", it starts with Steffen's graduation from a secondary school in Århus (Denmark), where he later that day bumps into Charly and their friendship continues while portraying life in Århus 1979.
Hvem myrder hvem?
Хочешь увидеть мой прекрасный пупок?
Фильм о поездке "в дни школьных каникул", датских пятнадцатилетних школьников на ферму, в шведской глуши. Сложности полового созревания, первая любовь, счастье, и ревность. Проблемы, через которые должно пройти каждое поколение. Проблемы, которые, к счастью, никогда не выходят из моды.
Did Somebody Laugh?
The late 1930s. A young enemployed, unskilled worker walks through the streets of Copenhagen, sustaining himself partly on the dole and free soup-kitchen meals and partly on day-dreams. He spends time at a cemetry studying headstone inscriptions. Mild-mannered and of poetic bent, he understands little of an intellectual friend's advice and shies away from the love of a woman who shares her bed with him.
Did Somebody Laugh?
Den arbejdsløse
The late 1930s. A young enemployed, unskilled worker walks through the streets of Copenhagen, sustaining himself partly on the dole and free soup-kitchen meals and partly on day-dreams. He spends time at a cemetry studying headstone inscriptions. Mild-mannered and of poetic bent, he understands little of an intellectual friend's advice and shies away from the love of a woman who shares her bed with him.
A drama about a group of women preparing to give birth who meet and bond at the hospital. Based on the best-selling Danish novel by Dea Trie Moerch and directed by acclaimed Danish filmmaker Astrid Henning-Jensen, "Winterborn" was considered one of the best movies of the decade in Denmark.
Based upon the novel "Hærværk" by Tom Kristensen about the self destructive person. The literary reviewer Ole Jastrau chooses to free himself from his well-ordered middle class life. He allow the seriously left-wing writer Steffensen move in with himself which soon causes disintegration of his home an marriage.
Watch Your Back, Professor!
When a boring collage professor is mistaken for his cousin, he gets into all kinds of trouble, with hilarious results.
Ung betjent
Efter et sanatorieophold pga. voldelig opførsel under en arrestation, bliver kriminalassistent Karl Jørgensen overført til bedrageriafdelingen. Her opdager Karl en sag, hvor hans ekskone og hendes nye mand er indblandet. Da Karl begynder at undersøge sagen, bliver han stoppet af politimesteren. Karl slår sig sammen med journalisten John Bullnes. De kommer efterhånden tættere på sandheden, men stoppes da en mistænkt begår selvmord. Karl bliver suspenderet og Bullnes sendes til Berlin på en opgave. Karl tager herefter sagen i egen hånd og anholder byens borgmester og en stor entreprenør. © Copyright 1997-2012, Lone Hansen & Per Kjær Fredborg
The X-Gene Project
Dr. Paul Wilson
Due to the tragic loss of his wife Karen, who died of cancer while 6 months pregnant, Dr. Simon Hamilton has dedicated his life to finding a cure for cancer, with the help of his scientists partner Dr. Paul Wilson. After many years of research, they are on the brink of a medical miracle that could change the world forever, but they are being hunted by the Pentagon and the medical industry who want control of the technology at any cost.