Edoardo Mulargia

Edoardo Mulargia


Edoardo Mulargia


Отель Парадиз
Девушек, держат в плену в ужасающих условиях, заставляя копать изумруды. От злых тиранов их спасают революционеры…
Побег из ада
Женская тюрьма, расположенная в густых тропических джунглях. Садисты-охранники и надсмотрщики делают жизнь заключенных практически невыносимой. Малейшее нарушение распорядка карается жестоко и безжалостно. Тюремный врач с ужасом наблюдает, что творят охранники, издевающиеся над женщинами. От безысходности и бессилия помочь несчастным, доктор топит боль в алкоголе. В конце концов, больше не имеющие сил выносить зверское обращение стражников, заключенные поднимают бунт и убегают из тюрьмы…Фильм полон всяческих убийств, пыток. Пусть они и показаны не так откровенно и жестко, но всё же порадуют любителей подобного кино. Приключенческая составляющая появляется ближе к концу, когда Доктор Фарелл и девушки убегают от преследователей по непроходимым джунглям.
Побег из ада
Женская тюрьма, расположенная в густых тропических джунглях. Садисты-охранники и надсмотрщики делают жизнь заключенных практически невыносимой. Малейшее нарушение распорядка карается жестоко и безжалостно. Тюремный врач с ужасом наблюдает, что творят охранники, издевающиеся над женщинами. От безысходности и бессилия помочь несчастным, доктор топит боль в алкоголе. В конце концов, больше не имеющие сил выносить зверское обращение стражников, заключенные поднимают бунт и убегают из тюрьмы…Фильм полон всяческих убийств, пыток. Пусть они и показаны не так откровенно и жестко, но всё же порадуют любителей подобного кино. Приключенческая составляющая появляется ближе к концу, когда Доктор Фарелл и девушки убегают от преследователей по непроходимым джунглям.
La figliastra (Storia di corna e di passioni)
A long time ago in Sicilia, there was a common, unwritten law that linked the hereditary rights to unequivocal demonstrations of virility. Because of that traditional law, a middle-age widower whose wife died without begetting him a child, is about to lose an inheritance of a large sum of money. The man marries again, with Nadia, an attractive woman with a daughter from her first marriage, Daniela. But time passes, and Nadia is not getting pregnant, either. Eventually, his beautiful stepdaughter will help him solve his problem.
Тропик Рака
Фред и Грейс - супружеская пара, брак которой давно трещит по швам - прилетают в отпуск на Гаити. Здесь они встречают старого университетского приятеля Фреда, доктора Уильямса, который изобрёл новый галлюциноген, вызывающий эротические видения. За его формулой разворачивают охоту преступные авторитеты всех мастей.
Viva! Django
Django is on the trail of some renegade outlaws who raped and killed his wife. En route, he rescues a horse thief from an impromptu hanging. He discovers the man knows who committed the murder. The men team up and head west for revenge.
Brother Outlaw
A man is falsely charged with bank robbery, prompting his brother to break him out of prison. Together the pair set out to find the real culprits, and their search leads them to a gang of outlaws headed by a notorious gunfighter.
Brother Outlaw
A man is falsely charged with bank robbery, prompting his brother to break him out of prison. Together the pair set out to find the real culprits, and their search leads them to a gang of outlaws headed by a notorious gunfighter.
Challenge of the McKennas
A former priest becomes embroiled in the drama raging between a Mexican rancher, his unhappy daughter and psychotic son whilst dealing with his own issues of guilt and a loss of faith. A new relationship with the local brothel keeper seems to offer a fresh start but the rancher and his son are set on making him pay for his interference and his own inner demons are never far away.
Shango is a Texas Ranger who finds himself up against a former Confederate officer and his gang of thugs who have been terrorizing a local border town in search of gold.
Shango is a Texas Ranger who finds himself up against a former Confederate officer and his gang of thugs who have been terrorizing a local border town in search of gold.
Shango is a Texas Ranger who finds himself up against a former Confederate officer and his gang of thugs who have been terrorizing a local border town in search of gold.
Эль Пуро
Пьяный стрелок, спасаясь от пяти охотников за головами, прячется в салуне у девушки-танцовщицы. Когда его враги, узнав это, убивают девушку, он начинает мстить...
A sexually unsatisfied wife on the Greek island of Lesbos for a vacation meets a self-confident blonde lesbian who tries to seduce her. Her impotent husband, worried that his wife might turn gay, hires a local man to seduce his wife.
A sexually unsatisfied wife on the Greek island of Lesbos for a vacation meets a self-confident blonde lesbian who tries to seduce her. Her impotent husband, worried that his wife might turn gay, hires a local man to seduce his wife.
Pray to God and Dig Your Grave
Fernando returns home from his self chosen exile in Texas to get revenge for the death of his siblings. Instead he tries to start a revolution against the despotism of the landowners, but his relationship to his old friend Cipriano, who had turned in the meantime to a simple bandit, destroys his plans.
Don't Wait, Django… Shoot!
Django returns home to find out that his father has been killed, by local bandits, in a business deal gone wrong . He swears revenge and a mixture of lone gun men, gang members and bandits get involved with the search for a pouch of money, missing from the ill-fated deal.
Just when Cjamango has won a bag of gold in a poker game, he is attacked by the gangs of El Tigre and Don Pablo. As he recovers from the injuries caused by the attack, Cjamango becomes attached to a Mexican boy, Manuel, and to a beautiful girl, Perla. El Tigre and Pablo are meanwhile at odds with one another about the gold, and Cjamango tries to play them against themselves
Crossfire in Caracas
After escaping from a prison camp, an undercover Policeman infiltrates a Revolutionary Movement bent on stealing guns and ammo for their cause. He finds that he must combat the entire group single-handed. Larry Anderson
Go with God, Gringo
The Cris brothers kill Gringo's brother and frame Gringo and his friend, Mexico, for a murder. They are taken to jail and along with the four bandits who are the real killers, escape and reach a village in which a fair is being held. Someone recognizes them and they must leave taking a dancer, Carmen, as a hostage. Gringo tries to protect her and is left in the desert all alone. Meanwhile the bandits rob a mail-coach and kill the escorts with Gringo hot on their trail. Source: SWDB www.spaghetti-western.net
Go with God, Gringo
The Cris brothers kill Gringo's brother and frame Gringo and his friend, Mexico, for a murder. They are taken to jail and along with the four bandits who are the real killers, escape and reach a village in which a fair is being held. Someone recognizes them and they must leave taking a dancer, Carmen, as a hostage. Gringo tries to protect her and is left in the desert all alone. Meanwhile the bandits rob a mail-coach and kill the escorts with Gringo hot on their trail. Source: SWDB www.spaghetti-western.net
Go with God, Gringo
The Cris brothers kill Gringo's brother and frame Gringo and his friend, Mexico, for a murder. They are taken to jail and along with the four bandits who are the real killers, escape and reach a village in which a fair is being held. Someone recognizes them and they must leave taking a dancer, Carmen, as a hostage. Gringo tries to protect her and is left in the desert all alone. Meanwhile the bandits rob a mail-coach and kill the escorts with Gringo hot on their trail. Source: SWDB www.spaghetti-western.net
Night of Violence
Carla Pratesi, a prostitute, is killed. Her death is followed by a number of attempted murders. Carla's sister undertakes her own investigation. Police enquiries uncover a drugs trade connected to a call-girls organization but the murderer remains at large. Finally, a witness identifies the killer as a well-known actor. However, he has a strong alibi (he was shooting a film). The following night, a girl who manages to escape from the maniac's clutches swears he is a different famous actor but he turns out to have a strong alibi too! Eventually the police set a trap in the park and, with the help of Carla, kill the madman. It emerges he had been disfigured by the atomic blast at Hiroshima and went crazy because his disformed features revolted women and but them off having sex with him. He created masks reproducing the features of handsome actors just to approach prostitutes!
Зачем опять убивать?
Классический спагетти-вестерн о справедливости и мести. Главный герой возвращается домой в пограничный городок и ищет мести убийцам своего отца....
Зачем опять убивать?
Классический спагетти-вестерн о справедливости и мести. Главный герой возвращается домой в пограничный городок и ищет мести убийцам своего отца....
The Invincible Maciste Brothers
Peplum movie from 1964
Le due leggi