Dolores Heredia

Dolores Heredia

Рождение : 1966-10-06, La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico


Dolores Heredia (born October 6, 1966 in La Paz, Baja California Sur) is a Mexican actress. She was born and grew up in La Paz. She's the seventh of ten children. Her mother was a photographer from Sinaloa Lusiana Kornal and her father was a seaman from Guanajuato. She studied drama at the National Autonomous University of Mexico.


Dolores Heredia


"Lluvia" showcases six stories and different characters as they navigate the streets of Mexico City, pursued by intermittent rain. Each one faces a strange, luminous, or absurd event that reveals who they are, if only for a moment.
Iguana Like the Sun
In a humble coastal tropical compound, amidst a total eclipse of the sun, an unexpected guest arouses the broken dreams of a family that has lost its guardian figure, overshadowed by the cosmic loneliness where they were left to their faith.
Northern Skies Over Empty Space
With a keen sense of how to deploy omens that herald change, Alejandra Márquez Abella portrays a period of epochal change in rural Mexico – as seen by those who are usually restricted to the role of passive supporting actor.
Daughters of Witches
A woman brings her newborn daughter to visit her family in Mexico and participates in an ancient forest ritual.
The Day of the Lord
In this horror movie, a retired priest haunted by his sins is pulled back into the darkness when a friend begs him to help his possessed daughter.
La peste del insomnio
30 actresses and actors from Latin America, seek to evoke hope in the midst of the health and economic crisis unleashed by Covid-19, through the reading of fragments from the work of Gabriel García Márquez alluding to the plague of oblivion.
Sonora: The Devil’s Highway
Doña Rosario
1931, a year of nationalisms and excesses: The Chinese are expelled from Sonora; the US deports Mexicans and closes its borders. Twelve desperate people cross the Sonoran desert in a 1929 Chrysler, hoping to find peace in Baja California. As their sojourn exposes both the best and the worst of human nature, racism, greed, and paranoia prove as deadly as the merciless landscape around them.
История о двух подростках, живущих в небольшом районе Мехико Сан-Грегорио Атлапулько. Парни мечтают вырваться из безнадежности, что царит в их городе, любой ценой, даже если им придется переступить через закон.
The bodies of two young men are found in a small town in Northern Mexico, along with a AR15 weapon, which as we will follow back in time will see where it came from, the USA.
The Hotel
A single mother named Maria unespectedly inherits an hotel from her deceased father, where she will find the truth about her past while she tries get the business going.
Eddie Reynolds y los Ángeles de Acero
They are not wild and crazy anymore, or at least they think so. Now, thanks to an offer nobody can't refuse, they will try to recapture that old rock and roll magic and give themselves a second chance.
Ana Maria Escobar
Orphans is the true story of a forbidden love affair set in the oppressive and violent atmosphere of nineteenth century Mexico. One man, Melchor Ocampo, driven by the twin passions of love and idealism, defies the stain of illegitimacy to shake off the crippling yoke of Spain and the Catholic Church. In so doing he becomes a founding figure of modern day Mexico.
Cambio de Ruta
Madre de Nicté
Nicté is the best Tourist Guide in the Riviera Maya, her tours are full of unique adventures! She takes tourists to spectacular places where nobody dares to go: swimming in cenotes, tossing for zip lines, snorkeling with turtles and trying local delicacies are some of the experiences her customers will never forget. Suddenly, the local company she works for is bought by a multinational and Nicté will be forced to start from scratch to form her own company.
Two Men in Town
Teresa Flores
A convict is released from prison in a small town in New Mexico. 18 years ago he killed a deputy. The then-and-now sheriff seeks revenge.
Little Baby Jesus
Charming 60-something José returns to Prague after 30 years living in Mexico, though he was convinced that he would never see his hometown again. He was persuaded by his deeply religious Mexican wife Dolores, who is convinced that only a miracle that might be fulfilled by Prague’s famous Infant Jesus can help their daughter Penelopé get pregnant. And the ideal time for this is Christmas. And when Ruda, his friend from Prague, also insists, José agrees to return to the places he used to know and to the memories that they bring back – including his former Prague love. And it becomes evident that the Infant Jesus is not the only one capable of making miracles come true in Prague. Penelopé’s longed-for conception is definitely not the only one…
Благослови меня, Ультима
Экранизация одноименной книги Рудольфо Анайи, в которой рассказывается об отношениях семилетнего мальчика Антонио и женщины-целительницы по имени Ультима. События картины разворачиваются в Нью-Мексико в начале 1940-х годов. В то время как весь мир погружен в войну, маленький Антонио сталкивается с неоднозначными событиями, происходящими вокруг него. Его жизнь навсегда резко меняется после внезапного прибытия Ультимы, женщины со сверхъестественными способностями, которая несет миссию добра. В то время как Ультима вдохновляет Антонио интересоваться окружающим его миром с совсем иной точки зрения, мальчик становится свидетелем невозможных на вид событий, которые оказывают глубокое влияние на его понятие богословия и на всю его дальнейшую судьбу.
El Santos vs la Tetona Mendoza
Poquianchis 2 (voice)
Santos, a fighter finished pacheco overweight and suffers from his recent divorce with Busty Mendoza, a voluptuous and wild woman fighter. To get out of your depression, Santos begins a campaign to help Sahuayo Zombies (gray and harmless characters with which fully identifies). However, his philanthropic campaign soon becomes a very profitable business that leverages Santos for their benefit. The population becomes a zombie plague and Busty Santos threatens to dispose of them. However, the Peyote Murderer (rivals Santos) who gets rid of the zombies. But the world without zombies turns out to be worse than anyone could have imagined and the only chance to save the nation is that the Saints and the Peyote work together to return to repopulate the world Sahuayo zombies.
«Весёлые» каникулы
Kid's Mother
Мел Гибсон играет мелкого преступника, похитившего большую сумму денег, после чего попавшего в мексиканскую тюрьму, где и начнётся основное действие картины. В тюрьме царят вполне демократические порядки — можно носить оружие и употреблять героин. Также есть традиция брать у новичков кровь, дабы найти донора для спасения печени местного авторитета. Десятилетний мальчик, который впоследствии окажется спасен Гибсоном, — очередной кандидат в доноры. Попутно придется вернуть отобранные при аресте деньги и отомстить кое-кому, оставшемуся на свободе.
La Revolución De Juan Escopeta
Carmen (voice)
Mexico 1914. During the Revolution, a raid by the army in a small mining town leaves Gapo, 11, orphaned. Taken captive to be turned into a child soldier he escapes with the help of Juan Escopeta, a gunman for hire. Together they travel through a country absorbed in civil war in search of Gapo’s older and only brother: a famed revolutionary outlaw.
Лучшая жизнь
Трогательная, проникновенная история о том, как далеко может зайти человек, чтобы вырвать у судьбы шанс на лучшую жизнь для своих близких. Иммиграционные агенты и бандитские группировки — все против него. Но в борьбе за судьбу ребенка любящий родитель готов пройти через невозможное… Ему слишком хорошо известно, как легко в этом городе потерять все и сразу.
Days of Grace
Mexico City. 2002, 2006, 2010. A cop. A hostage. A wife. Corruption, violence, vengeance. Three destinies, during 30 days, during three Soccer World Cups. Three ways to fight in order to survive.
The Cinema Hold Up
The story of four teenagers: Negus, Chale, Sapo and Chata. Childhood friends living in public housing in a rundown area of Mexico City, search to trump idleness. They toy with the idea of robbing a movie theatre. Afflicted by their past and present stance, each find the motivation to complete the deed. The adventure pushes them to face their own realities and jeopardizes the only valuable possession: friendship
File of Attempted Murder
Tells the story behind an assassination attempt perpetrated in 1897, by a dipsomaniac man, against the President of the Mexican Republic, General Porfirio Diaz.
Rock Marí
An 11 year old girl who has just lost her mother is at the same time fighting to fulfill her greatest dream: to become a great singer and for her music to be heard by millions of people. Throughout this great adventure, Rock Mari is accompanied by her faithful squire Baqueta, as they travel together in search of her destiny.
Three young women live, suffer and enjoy themselves in Ciudad Juárez. They are alike in terms of their origin, they all come from the lower classes, however, Chuya, Cata and "La Güera" have their own environments, their own families and their own personalities. This triangular story shows some crucial moments in their lives: their first love, their first sexual encounter, their first pregnancy, their first disappointment, which take place in a reality that is sordid, but always vital.
Sucedió en un día
La pantera negra
Dishevelled private eye Nico Beamonte's latest case comes from God himself ... possibly. He wants Nico to find the mysterious Black Panther. But who, or what, is the Black Panther? And what has this got to do with a cryogenically frozen Mariachi singer and a 1950s flying saucer? Surrealism, Mexican-style - as if film noir had collided with props left over from a Ray Harryhausen film.
Conozca la cabeza de Juan Pérez
Juan Perez is a wizard who begins to remember how he lost his head, after an economic crisis in the Circus where he works, he promises to mount a spectacular act of beheading that it could again return it to its glory years. But without any fifth in the bag and with time running out to build a machine is forced to rob a real guillotine without this weighs a terrible curse.
Enemigos íntimos
Tells the stories of eight characters suffering from different ailments: a doctor who does not acknowledge his homosexuality, a woman who refuses to accept that she is growing old, a mute nurse, a failed writer, an autistic child, a young pregnant woman and an adolescent in a coma, who are linked together by the fact that one of them, Guillermo is diagnosed with a malignant tumor in his kidney.
The Kiln
At her young age, Juana has two great responsibilities: preventing her older sister from fleeing the house and passing on the secret of making bricks to her younger sister.
Рудо и Курси
Согласитесь, нигде так не любят футбол, как в Мексике. Два брата — простые деревенские мексиканские парни — страстные игроки местной команды. Тато — дерзкий форвард, а Бето — беспроигрышный вратарь. Однажды на деревенский футбольный матч приезжает агент столичной команды, который разыскивает по стране талантливых игроков. Он в восторге от игры братьев, но в сборную он может взять лишь одного из них. Но кого? Все решает серия пенальти, в которых побеждает Тато.
Teo's Journey
Separated from his father after illegally crossing the Mexico-U.S. border, young Teo and his new friend, Chuy, set off on a dangerous quest across the desert to find his dad in this touching tale of courage, adventure and friendship.
The Desert Within
Maria Dolores
To redeem himself from a great sin, a man dedicates himself to building a church.
Точка обстрела
Во время публичного выступления на антитеррористическом форуме в Саламанке, Испания от рук экстремистов погибает президент США — так, по-крайней мере, событие выглядит на первый взгляд. Вслед за этим мощный взрыв убивает сотни людей. Случившееся показано с разных точки зрения: сотрудников спецслужб, случайных прохожих, террориста-фанатика. Только проследив за происходящим через призму восприятия каждого из этих людей, можно приблизиться к пониманию истиной сути событий, связанных с покушением.
Долги: В Бога Верую
В очень неоднозначной криминальной драме мексиканского режиссёра Поля Ледюка Питер Фонда играет роль миллионера-социопата по имени мистер Икс, живущего в Майами и получающего странное удовольствие, преследуя гуляющих женщин на своём огромном внедорожнике. Тем временем Кобрадор, бразильский шахтёр, направляется в Нью-Йорк, убивая попутно всех, кого встречает на пути.
Al final del día
Beyond the Sky
Malboro and Cucu, the starring characters, are two brothers who split after the older one, Malboro, went to prison five years. One day he is set free, willing to return to his life. Cucu is the younger brother, who has become a boxer with possible success, if only the beater he keeps somewhere inside, didn't arise in the worst moments. The relationship between the two brothers is somehow ambiguous, there's something unclear that caused Malboro's arrest. To complete the triangle is Uncle Jesus who has been like a father to them; a retired boxer who's always thinking about his past. Sara is Malboro's great love, a woman full of shame and resented after almost leaving her whole life behind to follow Malboro, but he failed in their attempt to run away because that same night, he got arrested by Rojas. Rojas is Sara's husband, a police officer who hates Malboro and will do anything to get him out of his way...
The History of the Pink Trunk
In 1945, in the train station of Bogota, Colombia, a dead girl is found in a trunk. The case is assigned to Detective Mariano Corzo, he has to deal with an inquisitive journalist Hipólito Mosquera while trying to solve the mysterious case. Nobody knows who the girl is, or who put her in the trunk. The things turn bad when Mosquera publish the news in the local newspaper. With the help of a bartender Martina Quijano, Corzo will find an answer for the question: Who killed the girl and why?
Suertuda gloria
Mexican feature film
Dark Cities
Adapted by writer/director Fernando Sariñana from the stories by Juan Madrid, Ciudades Oscuras (Dark Cities) tells a story of interwoven lives in the seedy underbelly of Mexico City. The several different story lines concern hooker Lola (Dolores Heredia); her drug addict son Fede (Diego Luna); her friend Zeze (Zaide Silvia Gutierrez); Zeze's daughter Susana (Jimena Ayala); and junkie Vicente (Roberto Sosa). Also on the scene are two corrupt cops (Alejandro Tommasi and Jesus Ochoa) and one good cop (Odiseo Bichir), while Chicken (Hector Suarez) and Casimiro (Alonso Echanove) each tell their separate stories to the same bartender (Demian Bichir). ~ Andrea LeVasseur, Rovi
After St. Jude appears in Esperanza's oven, she sets out to find her daughter, who died under mysterious circumstances. The journey forces Esperanza to challenge her own beliefs and face her fears in order to be reunited with her beloved daughter.
On the Air
Alberto is a disc-jockey at a radio station. His life is torn apart by the memories of his ex-wife and his free and careless life in the 60s. Alberto remembers, and his memories don't let him live his present life with Ana, his current girlfriend.
Two Crimes
After being falsely accused of a murder, Marcos runs away to the small and quiet town of Cuevano. There he finds that the family matters are more complicated than his.
Vagabunda is the story of young girl (Flor), well aware about her seductive skills, who arrives from an unknown place into a small town in Verazcruz where she is protected by the widowed father of a family who has two sons; one married and the other one lame. After weighting possibilities she ends up dividing the family to get the benefits of the family patrimony causing the married man to killed his pregnant wife, fact that is covered up by his father. At his sister in law's funeral, the head of the family announced his wedding with Flor which takes place before the burial. But since the now widowed son was cheating with Flor, he ends up being killed by his father as he did when killing his pregnant wife, Perla, giving this initial sensual movie a tragic end.
Не тот человек
Молодой матрос с американского судна, сделавшего остановку в мексиканском порту, с помощью местного пьяницы нашел себе юную проститутку. На одну ночь. Но, не успев приступить к главному развлечению, обнаружил, что у него пропали деньги. Прибежав к пьянице, застал его умирающим. И вот уже слышны крики соседей, звук полицейской сирены, даже стук собственного сердца. Моряк «сделал ноги», полиция — за ним. В разгар погони он спрятался в чьей-то машине, стоявшей около магазина. И через несколько минут познакомился со своими соотечественниками — супружеской парой, как раз намеревавшейся возвращаться из Мексики на родину.
Pueblo viejo
Highway Patrolman
A naïve rookie in the Mexican highway patrol must adapt in order to survive as he contends with widespread corruption, dangerous drug runners and the consequences of his often morally gray actions.
La mudanza
Between chargers, noise and improvisedly placed furniture, a couple experiences a violent marital crisis, ignoring that they are observed by many characters that will soon face them with their own demons. Inspired by a work by Vicente Leñero, Gabriel Retes orchestrates a portrait without concessions of the hell of the marriage institution and love chaos, made in video format in 1990 and completed by the filmmaker more than a decade later.
The Eclipse
El Eclipse shows the frustration and hopelessness of a family who has lost its father. Located in the south-coast of México during a total sun eclipse, the drama narrates the conflict of a family during an unexpected visit; a man rents a room in the house of the family that is conditioned as a restaurant for the few clients who visit the beach on Sundays.