Ricardo Aronovich

Ricardo Aronovich

Рождение : 1930-01-04, Buenos Aires, Argentina


Ricardo Aronovich (born January 3, 1930 in Buenos Aires) is an award-winning Argentinean cinematographer known for his work for directors such as Hugo Santiago, Costa-Gavras, Ettore Scola and Raúl Ruiz. Source: Article "Ricardo Aronovich" from Wikipedia in English, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0.


Ricardo Aronovich


Cortázar y Antín: cartas iluminadas
In the 60s and thanks to the epistolary exchange, the young filmmaker Manuel Antín and the famous writer Julio Cortázar devised four films. An ocean away, a fruitful collaboration and genuine friendship are born.
A Closed Book
Director of Photography
Jane appears to be ideal: attractive, intelligent, unruffled by her employer's abrupt eccentricities. But, gradually, we come aware that Jane has another agenda. Incrementally, Sir Paul's familiar surroundings are altered. His housekeeper is diverted away, strange things happen around the house and he becomes increasingly dependent on his new assistant.
Person is a documentary about the life and work of filmmaker Luiz Sérgio Person. The documentary brings the reconstruction of the history of the São Paulo filmmaker through the personal journey of his daughter, Marina. Through interviews with friends, family, and people who worked with Person, she seeks to discover more than dates and biographical data.
Москва zero
Director of Photography
В мрачных тоннелях московской подземки без вести пропадает иностранный археолог. На его поиски прибывает близкий друг, который обнаруживает, что в подземных коммуникациях огромного города обитают не только бомжи и уголовники...
Director of Photography
История австрийского художника Густава Климта, чьи отличающиеся эротизмом работы стали олицетворением модерна.
Director of Photography
Их ремесло древнее, как сама жизнь, оно вечно манит людей, подобно запретному плоду в райских кущах. За разумную плату жрицы любви исполнят любую прихоть своего клиента, и даже самые экзотические желания для них - лишь пикантная изюминка на сладкое. Только скажите - и они будут вульгарны или застенчивы, просты или загадочны, жестоки или нежны. Лишь знают, как за краткий миг страсти стать женщиной вашей мечты, но вам никогда не удастся заглянуть в душу самой откровенной шлюхи, ведь на корриде любви её сердце всегда заковано прочные латы… Что заставит рабынь страсти рассказать всю правду о себе? В основу этой псевдо документальной картины, положен бестселлер Изабель Пизано о древнейшей в мире профессии – проституции. Откровения десятков жриц любви, приехавших в Мадрид со всего мира, и вся правда о том, почему женщины начинают брать деньги за секс, а мужчины платить…
Romy Schneider, étrange étrangère
Star at 17 years with the series of Sissi, Romy Schneider leaves Austria and glory for the love of Alain Delon. From Luchino Visconti to Otto Preminger, through Zulawski and Costa Gravas, she turned with the greatest. The directors interview those who knew her, who loved her, go back to the filming locations, make archive images speak for themselves... and try to detect the part of mystery that Romy Schneider conceals for ever.
The Tragedy of Hamlet
Director of Photography
Peter Brook presents a new interpretation of the classic in a setting is vaguely eastern rather than Scandinavian, with a multi-ethnic cast .
Марсианская одиссея
Director of Photography
Аварийная посадка на поверхности Марса прерывает сенсационную экспедицию, призванную раскрыть удивительные тайны красной планеты. Оказавшись в разбитом корабле среди бескрайней каменной пустыни, астронавты понимают, что теперь они могут надеяться только на своё мужество и изобретательность. В отчаянной попытке выжить и не сойти с ума, марсианские пленники отправляются на разведку к странному объекту в гигантском ущелье. Они еще не знают, что впереди их ждет поразительное открытие, о котором не могли мечтать даже самые смелые фантасты.
Обретенное время
Director of Photography
Фильм рассказывает историю жизни Марселя Пруста, в чьем сознании перед смертью пробуждаются воспоминания из прошлого.
Le radeau de la Méduse
Director of Photography
Iranian Iradj Azimi directed this French historical drama re-creating events depicted in the famous 1819 painting The Raft of the Medusa by Jean Louis Andre Theodore Gericault (1791-1824). The ill-fated voyage of the frigate Medusa begins when it departs Rochefort for Senegal in 1816. After striking a sandbar off the African coast, 150 civilians row safely to shore, but Captain Chaumareys (Jean Yanne) orders 140 soldiers and sailors onto a raft (minus supplies) and has it cut loose. Only 14 survive from the 140, creating a scandal back in France. Gericault (Laurent Terzieff) later talks to three of the survivors while researching his painting. Work on this film began in 1987, but sets destroyed by Hurricane Hugo caused delays, so the film was not completed until 1990. However, it then remained undistributed until an incident in which writer-director Azimi slashed his wrists in front of French Ministry of Culture officials.
The Impostor
Director of Photography
This drama is based on a novel and incomplete screenplay by the late Maria Luis Bemberg. In 1930s Argentina, wealthy Sebastian (Antonio Birabent) leaves his Buenos Aires home for the family estate on the pampas. His family, concerned for his physical and mental health, arranges for Sebastian's childhood friend Juan (Walter Quiroz) to check on Sebastian's situation. Juan finds the highly erratic Sebastian caught in a doomed relationship with the Danish daughter of religious sect members. Unfortunately, Juan also becomes obsessed with the young woman, and Sebastian's suspicions increase.
Celestial Clockwork
Director of Photography
Ana bolts from her wedding altar and flies from Venezuela to Paris to realize her dream of becoming a great opera star.
Black Light
Director of Photography
When a man's best friend is shot in cold blood by two corrupt policemen, he must track down the only eyewitnesses, who have deported to Mali.
The Drummer of Ravel's Boléro
Director of Photography
Probably no one in the public listening to the orchestra's rendition of Ravel's Bolero notices him but the drummer is a regular hero. For, although his mind is assailed by loads of unsettling thoughts and worries, he tries to keep the rhythm at any cost. He knows all too well that he falls out of time only once all the magic of the piece will vanish.
La vie de Galilée
Director of Photography
Mise-en-scène, at the Comédie-Française, of La Vie de Galilée by Bertolt Brecht. This is the last staging by Antoine Vitez.
The Man Inside
Director of Photography
Gunter Wallraff is a journalist seeking to expose the unethical journalism practiced by The Standard, a very popular and powerful German newspaper. He goes undercover, using forged identity papers and at great personal risk, to join their staff. Once there, he sees how they don't just report the news, but manufacture it to suit the personal political agenda of the paper's leaders.
Nunca estuve en Viena
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Фильм исследует жизнь Карло, от его крещения в 1906 году до его 80-й деня рождения. Фильм изучает его семейные связи: с младшим братом, с женой, и ее сестрой, которую Карло любил в дни молодости.
The Sidewalks of Saturn
Director of Photography
Hugo Santiago and writers Juan José Saer and Jorge Semprún move back and forth between Paris and the city of Aquilea in a shadowy fable about exile. The frontier between one city and the other begins to blur after Bandoneonist Rodolfo Mederos is visited by his sister, a member of a guerrilla organization.
Director of Photography
В фильме не говорят ни слова, а только флиртуют и кружатся в танце, ревнуют и мирятся. Сутенеры и фашисты, хиппи и старые девы проводят вечера в небольшом дансинге, а грохот европейской истории, изредка доносящийся с улицы, лишь на мгновения отвлекает их от вечного танца, который и есть жизнь, которая и есть танец.
Hanna K.
Director of Photography
Israeli attorney Hanna Kaufman has her beliefs challenged when she is appointed to the defense of Selim Bakri. Kaufman, who was born in the United States to survivors of the Holocaust, has always accepted Israel's right to exist. But she bears witness to some of the costs of its sovereignty when she meets Bakri, a dispossessed Palestinian man facing serious criminal charges who wants the same thing as his supposed enemies: to reclaim his family home.
Пропавший без вести
Director of Photography
Молодой американский журналист Чарли таинственно исчезает во время военного переворота в Чили. Его отец Эд Хормэн и жена отправляются на розыски. Упрямый Эд, твердо верящий в демократические ценности и непременную помощь со стороны «дяди Сэма», никак не может понять, что всякие представления о справедливости здесь надо выбросить за ненадобностью. Что американские представители здесь действуют рука об руку с военной хунтой, пришедшей к власти в результате переворота. Что на отдельного человека всем наплевать. Что Чарли давно убит, как и тысячи других…
Hugo Claus rewrote and directed Friday as the cinematic version of his original 1969 play of the same name. Just as in the play, the story begins with the theme of incest, as the father Georges (Frank Aendenboom) returns from serving his jail sentence for that crime. Unlike the earlier play, however, the film does not emphasize that aspect of the story. When Georges gets home he finds out that his wife Jeanne (Kitty Courbois) has had an illegitimate child by a younger man, Erik (Herbert Flack), and now both of them must somehow try to return to a normal life, given their only too obvious lapses in moral judgment. As the husband and wife try hard to accommodate each other's failings and start to get to know each other again, Erik comes back into the picture. Now the three of them must resolve the deep-seated conflicts that brought them to this emotionally-wrought juncture of love and betrayal.
Director of Photography
Hugo Claus rewrote and directed Friday as the cinematic version of his original 1969 play of the same name. Just as in the play, the story begins with the theme of incest, as the father Georges (Frank Aendenboom) returns from serving his jail sentence for that crime. Unlike the earlier play, however, the film does not emphasize that aspect of the story. When Georges gets home he finds out that his wife Jeanne (Kitty Courbois) has had an illegitimate child by a younger man, Erik (Herbert Flack), and now both of them must somehow try to return to a normal life, given their only too obvious lapses in moral judgment. As the husband and wife try hard to accommodate each other's failings and start to get to know each other again, Erik comes back into the picture. Now the three of them must resolve the deep-seated conflicts that brought them to this emotionally-wrought juncture of love and betrayal.
Chanel Solitaire
Director of Photography
The story about the life and loves of an amazing woman-Coco Chanel- who rose from the bottom with no family or financial support and became one of the most legendary of all our creative icons.
Christmas Evil
Director of Photography
A toy factory worker, mentally scarred as a child upon learning Santa Claus is not real, suffers a nervous breakdown after being belittled at work, and embarks on a Yuletide killing spree.
The Outsider
Director of Photography
Michael Flaherty (Craig Wasson), an American Vietnam veteran of Irish descent, returns to Belfast to join the cause of his grandfather, Seamus (Sterling Hayden). Soon he finds that he is not as welcomed in his home country as he imagined he would be. Even worse, he's the target of an IRA assassination plot designed to make the British forces look bad in order to elicit financial support from wealthy Americans.
See Here My Love
Director of Photography
Young aristocrat Arnaud de Maule hires female private detective Claude Alphand to investigate a strange cult, the Church of the Final Revival, that tried to recruit his girlfriend Chloé, who then disappeared, and it now stalks him.
Свет женщины
Director of Photography
Психологическая мелодрама по мотивам романа Ромена Гари. Пожилой мужчина Мишель пытается примириться со смертью жены. Немолодая женщина Лидия скорбит в связи с кончиной любимой дочери. Оба одиноки. Они хотели бы найти общий язык друг с другом, и, может быть, их знакомство переросло бы в нечто большее, однако печаль переполняет их сердца. Печаль, порожденная утратой, а не любовь, обретенная заново…
Flesh Color
Director of Photography
This film was presented to the Cannes Film Festival in the parallel section in 1978. It is unreleased.
The Recourse to the Method
Director of Photography
Set in the early 1900s, this film charts the rule of a Latin American dictator as he moves from being a charming despot to a tyrannical ruler before he is finally ousted, only to die in obscurity in Paris. Early in his regime, the resources and agricultural products his country sells command high prices, and he is a reasonably confident, even gentle, ruler who likes to take long vacations with his daughter in Paris. After World War I, with falling prices and a number of coup attempts behind him, his rule becomes quite cruel.
Je t'aime, tu danses
Director of Photography
Cannes Film Festival 1975
Director of Photography
On the eve of his 78th birthday, the ailing, alcoholic writer Clive Langham spends a painful and sleepless night mentally composing and recomposing scenes for a novel in which characters based on his own family are shaped by his fantasies and memories, alongside his caustic commentary on their behaviour.
Surreal Estate
Director of Photography
An English novelist is lured, with disconcerting and disorienting results, into purchasing a crumbling mansion by what he imagines are the deliberately "literary" ploys of its housekeeper and two mysterious, lurking women.
Director of Photography
Sarah, an actress nearing her forties, has invited 3 friends to join her for a holiday in Provence. This is the prologue for what happened a year ago in Paris with a man Sarah had long considered a platonic friend. She had just finished a film, had also finished her relationship with the director and was about to receive an award…
The Others
Director of Photography
Spinoza, attempting to discover why his son committed suicide, meets his girlfriend and his rival for her affections.
Главное – любить
Director of Photography
Серве и Надин познакомились на съёмочной площадке. Он — фотограф, зарабатывающий на хлеб порноснимками. Она — актриса-неудачница. Желая помочь женщине, в которую влюбился с первого взгляда, Серве покупает для неё роль в новом спектакле. Надин оказывается между двумя мужчинами. Её муж был рядом много лет, но потерял вкус к жизни. Серве готов действовать ради любви, но не может выбраться из ничтожного мира, который его окружает. Судьба сама сделает выбор. Один из мужчин Надин должен уйти из жизни.
Дело Доминичи
Director of Photography
Джек и Анн Драммонд, сопровождаемые своей дочерью десяти лет, отправились к друзьям на Лазурный берег. Они решили провести ночь 4 августа 1952 года на берегу моря. На следующий день там были обнаружены их изуродованные тела. Подозрения пали на семью Доминичи, проживавшую неподалеку на ферме возле деревни Лурс в Провансе…
Похищение в Париже
Director of Photography
"Похищение в Париже" - политический детектив со всеми свойственными жанру неожиданностями сюжетного развития. Это попытка средствами игрового кино рассказать о реальном факте - похищении и убийстве видного арабского лидера Бен Барка (в фильме - Садиэль). Домысливая обстоятельства этого темного дела, Буассе построил сложный захватывающий сюжет, оборвав его там, где фактически и остановилось официальное расследование. В фильме были выразительно показаны обстановка и движущие пружины политической борьбы, резко очерчены характеры действующих лиц. Мужественному и непреклонному Садиэлю (Джан-Мария Волонте) противопоставлен журналист Дарьей (Жан-Луи Трентиньян), который по бесхарактерности и беспринципности становится орудием в руках агентов тайной полиции и фактически соглашается играть роль «подсадной утки». Поняв, что путь уступок и компромиссов привел его к предательству, Дарьен пытается спасти Садиэля…
Dear Louise
Director of Photography
Louise lives alone and seems to like it that way. She has been through a divorce and the recent death of her mother. Recently, she has moved to Annecy, a moderate-sized city, to take work as a schoolteacher. She encounters a much younger man, Luigi, an Italian who is down on his luck. Though he moved to France to find work, he was robbed of his money and papers and is stranded. When he helps her bury her dogs, which her neighbour has poisoned for barking, their relationship grows to a new level.
Генералы песчаных карьеров
Director of Photography
В народе их называют — «генералы песчаных карьеров». Эти парни готовы сражаться за кусок хлеба, и не позавидовать тому, кто окажется у них на пути — эти мальчишки опасны и жестки. Однако и у них есть сердца, есть желание любить и быть любимыми. Поэтому, когда беспризорники знакомятся с девушкой Дорой и ее братом, которых родственники выгнали на улицу, «капитаны песка» дают новым сиротам кров, еду и защиту. Добрая, отзывчивая и бесстрашная Дора быстро вливается в мужской коллектив, заменяя одиноким мальчишкам и сестру, и мать. Вместе они совершают немало дерзких ограблений, не подозревая, что дни их бандитской «коммуны» сочтены…
Шум в сердце
Director of Photography
Пикантная тема, которую многие склонны считать исключительно перверсией, подана здесь с таким вкусом и тактом, что кульминация доверительных отношений матери и сына выглядит слиянием не тел, а именно двух родственных душ. В результате мы становимся свидетелями не патологичной, а очень лиричной сцены — одной из самых нежных в истории кино.
Papa, the Lil' Boats
Director of Photography
In this whimsical French comedy, Cookie is a tough, sweet little rich girl, and is rather smart, too. She's smart enough and charming enough to outwit her kidnappers by setting one against the other until they have all killed each other or died trying to prove thier worth to her.
Jaune, Le Soleil
Director of Photography
The whole film takes place in a single room where representatives of the two political forces and their enemy "the Jew" are gathered. A female character establishes the dialogue between these individuals and comments on the ideology of each; Until the final scene where everyone seems to rally to a common idea.
La Quille, bon Dieu !
Director of Photography
Sweet Hunters
Director of Photography
An ornithologist goes on a field trip to a deserted island near the mainland with his wife and small son, and is joined by the wife's sister, who is getting over an abortion; later, an escaped convict is discovered. A situation which may seem naturalistic enough, but the form never is: incidents are isolated, cross-relations are oblique, emotions are unexplained.
Director of Photography
Hearing the summons from an elderly man, a volunteer troop of middle-aged men gather to defend their country from dark foreign invaders.
Los caras sucias
Director of Photography
Los taitas
Director of Photography
The Man Who Bought the World
Director of Photography
In a fictitious country, civil servant receives the greatest inheritance in history (ten trillion dollars) and is confined by authorities because he could break world economics. But he manages to escape.
The Girl from Ipanema
Camera Operator
Chronicles the life of a 17 year-old girl living in the upper-class Rio de Janeiro neighbourhood of Ipanema. Márcia lives a life of parties and spend her days among bohemians, musicians and intellectuals. While seeming happy in the outside, she's extremely anguished inside. Based on the famous song by Antonio Carlos Jobim and Vinicius de Moraes.
The Girl from Ipanema
Director of Photography
Chronicles the life of a 17 year-old girl living in the upper-class Rio de Janeiro neighbourhood of Ipanema. Márcia lives a life of parties and spend her days among bohemians, musicians and intellectuals. While seeming happy in the outside, she's extremely anguished inside. Based on the famous song by Antonio Carlos Jobim and Vinicius de Moraes.
As Cariocas
Director of Photography
Buenos días, Buenos Aires
Documentary that describes the awakening of the city and its daily movement.
Villa Delicia, playa de estacionamiento, música ambiental
Director of Photography
Toda Donzela Tem Um Pai Que é Uma Fera
Director of Photography
General's daughter, who lives with her boyfriend without being married, gets in trouble when her conservative father decides to visit her. A friend decides to help them, but things only get worse.
Orden de matar
Director of Photography
Upon learning of the murder of a friend, a police inspector sets out to take justice on his own. This attitude, contrary to his usual convictions, will gradually destroy him.
Psique y Sexo
A movie in four parts. A frustrated woman finds love with a painter ("La estrella del destino"). A woman tries to seduce her subordinate when she takes him to her apartment ("La buscona"). A woman who killed her husband falls in love with the gravedigger ("La necrófila"). The sexual awakening of two teenagers and the reaction of their parents ("Chicos jugando al deseo") .
El reñidero
Director of Photography
When a gangster is murdered, the victim's daughter sets out to track down her father's killer. She soon suspects her friend and her own mother may have been involved in the murder plot, in this heavy-handed and tragic crime drama.
The Obsessed of Catulé
Director of Photography
In the Brazilian countryside, poor sharecroppers join a messianic group led by Joaquim, who believes he is the reincarnation of Jesus Christ. Gaining power over the peasants, he begins to persecute those who do not pay absolute obeisance.
El bombero está triste y llora
Director of Photography
Bossa Nova Beach
Director of Photography
São Paulo, S.A.
Camera Operator
Carlos is a young man from the São Paulo middle class who works for a big company during a time when foreign automobile industries were settling in Brazil. Shortly after, he accepts a job at a factory that makes automobile parts, where he becomes manager. To a certain extent, he is a family man who works hard, earns well and lives unsatisfied. Without any prospects in his life to change the condition he rejects, his last resort is escaping.
São Paulo, S.A.
Director of Photography
Carlos is a young man from the São Paulo middle class who works for a big company during a time when foreign automobile industries were settling in Brazil. Shortly after, he accepts a job at a factory that makes automobile parts, where he becomes manager. To a certain extent, he is a family man who works hard, earns well and lives unsatisfied. Without any prospects in his life to change the condition he rejects, his last resort is escaping.
Director of Photography
В крайне бедном районе на северо-востоке Бразилии группа солдат пытается удержать местное население от разворовывания запасов пищи
The Venerable Ones
Director of Photography
Ismael, the weakest and most unstable member of a supposed group of conspirators with power aspirations, constantly suffers ridicule and contempt for his leader and his other companions. Everything changes when a woman with whom Ismael is in love begins to delve into the macabre logic of the group.
El televisor
Director of Photography
With the expansion of television in Argentina people changed their customs and schedules. This is the story of a family father who refuses to change his own, but who suffers after having acquired a television set.
The Old Young People
Director of Photography
The frustrations felt by certain middle class youth in Argentina, under the presidency of Arturo Frondizi during the sixties.
Director of Photography
A construction worker has some terrible thoughts on his break time.
Three Times Ana
Director of Photography
Three different love-related stories -all starring María Vaner as different "Anas". In "The Earth," Ana is a young and idealistic woman on the verge of adulthood when her first relationship with a clerk shatters her dreams of a romantic life. In "The Air," Ana is a rebellious, easy-living type among some beach bums whose sexual leanings tend to tip the scale at active promiscuity. In "The Cloud," Ana only exists in the imagination of an introverted man, who dreams of his ideal woman.
Director of Photography
The images connect the workings of a slaughterhouse with a city that is also divided between executioners and dead people.
Los de la Mesa 10
Director of Photography
The film refers to the romance between a young mechanic of humble working background and a university student from a well-to-do family of professionals who face the difficulties originated in their different social origins.
En Buenos Aires, hoy
Director of Photography
Luz, cámara, acción
Director of Photography
El negoción
Director of Photography