Michael Granberry


Уэнделл и Уайлд
Lead Animator
Кукольный анимационный фильм о двух братьях-демонах, которые устраивают побег из преисподней.
Good Jubies: The Making of Bad Jubies
Behind the scenes on the set of Kirsten Lepore's Adventure Time special "Bad Jubies".
Майкл Стоун, автор книг по обслуживанию клиентов, страдает от неспособности контактировать с людьми. Однажды, в ходе очередной рабочей поездки, он встречает незнакомца, который меняет его мировосприятие.
From Beyond
An unsuspecting man falls into an otherworldly trap set by a psychotic genius in this spine-tingling animated film based on the short story by H.P.Lovecraft.
From Beyond
An unsuspecting man falls into an otherworldly trap set by a psychotic genius in this spine-tingling animated film based on the short story by H.P.Lovecraft.
From Beyond
An unsuspecting man falls into an otherworldly trap set by a psychotic genius in this spine-tingling animated film based on the short story by H.P.Lovecraft.
From Beyond
An unsuspecting man falls into an otherworldly trap set by a psychotic genius in this spine-tingling animated film based on the short story by H.P.Lovecraft.
From Beyond
An unsuspecting man falls into an otherworldly trap set by a psychotic genius in this spine-tingling animated film based on the short story by H.P.Lovecraft.
From Beyond
An unsuspecting man falls into an otherworldly trap set by a psychotic genius in this spine-tingling animated film based on the short story by H.P.Lovecraft.
Drive-In Movie Memories
A nostalgic, informative history of drive-in movie theaters, featuring extensive archival photographs and interviews with Leonard Maltin, John Bloom, Samuel Z. Arkoff, Barry Corbin and many others... Drive-In Movie Memories is a film celebration of America's greatest icon of youth, freedom and the automobile. What began as an auto parts owner's business venture to make some easy money accidentally became a magical place where romance, fun and a sense of community flourished. This film chronicles the drive-in's birth and development, its phenomenal popularity with audiences of all ages, its tragic decline, and its inevitable comeback as a classic form of Americana.
Боевая королевская школа
Hyoudo Riki / Byoudo (voice)
Рики Хёдо — обычный ученик старшей школы, но от других его отличает его невероятная сила. Он был участником клуба кунг-фу, но, победив всех в клубе, включая и своего сэнсэя, решил бросить его. Вскоре, однако, его невероятной силой героя заинтересовывается сам владыка тьмы... Как же выкрутится Рики?