Alessandra Panaro

Alessandra Panaro

Рождение : 1939-12-14, Rome, Italy

Смерть : 2019-05-01


Alessandra Panaro


30 винчестеров для Дьявола
Pamela Webb
В Кэньон Сити, где хозяйничает банда Эль Диабло и царит беззаконие, в поисках работы приезжает быстрый и меткий стрелок Джефф Бенсен. Однако, время покажет, что он не так прост и заработок не является его основной целью.
Пирамида бога Солнца
Rosita Arbellez
В 1864 году в Мексике вопреки воле народа к власти пришел ставленник Наполеона III эрцгерцог Максимилиан Австрийский. Зреет революционное движение. Лидеру повстанцев Бенито Хуаресу через немецкого врача передает послание президент США Линкольн...
Сокровище ацтеков
Rosita Arbellez
Немецкий ученый Карл Стернау по поручению президента Авраама Линкольна едет в Мексику, чтобы поддержать Бенито Хуареса в борьбе против французских оккупантов. Он оказывается вовлечен в поиски легендарных сокровищ ацтеков, за которыми охотятся банда головорезов капитана Вердохи и хитроумный граф де Родриганда.
Temple of the White Elephant
Cynthia Montague
Temple of the White Elephant
Венецианский палач
Leonora Danin
Действие фильма происходит в Венеции начала 17 века, в жуткие времена Инквизиции. Идет непрекращающаяся борьба с многочисленными пиратскими кораблями, бесчинствующими на Адриатике. Смертельно больной правитель Венеции, дож Джованни Бембо открывает своему сыну Сандриго тайну его происхождения: малыш был найден им на палубе атакованного венецианцами пиратского судна… В день свадьбы Сандриго с прекрасной Леонорой его арестовывают по приказу Верховного Инквизитора, который сам домогается любви Леоноры… Бывший пират Гванери, ныне палач, состоящий в сговоре с Инквизитором, даже не догадывается о том, что ему предстоит казнить своего собственного сына...
The Conquest of Mycenae
Queen Medea
Gordon Scott plays Glaucus, the prince of Tiryns, a powerful warrior who goes undercover in Mycenae to infiltrate the evil cult of Moloch, which is exacting tribute from neighboring kingdoms in the form of attractive young hostages, both male and female. Calling himself "Hercules," Glaucus defeats Mycenae's champions and gains the favor of the voluptuous Queen Demetra (Rosalba Neri) whose son, covered in a dog's head mask, has been raised as the living embodiment of the dark god Moloch and receives sacrifices in his sprawling underground grotto.
The Secret Mark of D'Artagnan
D' Artagnan and Porthos received the order of Richelieu, which protrudes as a powerful figure of the French church, a plot against the King of France Louis XIII. uncover. Disguised as a monk enters D' Artagnan the Church, in which the conspirators act. D' Artagnan, however, exposee and can only escape with the help of Porthos . Meanwhile the Duke of Montresant tried to force his ward to overwrite all their possessions to him, so that he can support the Flemish troops. The Duchess refused and is sent with her maid to Brescon. D' Artagnan and Porthos decide to follow the women…
The Son of Captain Blood
Abigail 'Abby' McBride
The son of a notorious pirate is placed on the path of righteousness by his love for a beautiful young woman.
Ulysses Against the Son of Hercules
Ulysses offends the gods so they send Hercules to capture him and bring him to them.
Pecado de amor
Nun Belen works as a spiritual guide in a women's prison. Is a very understanding woman, possibly due to her past. At the past she was Magda, the star of the cabaret "The Mill of Twenty." She was attractive, young and admired by the public, she had it all, but three very different men end up marking her destination. A fate that is inexorably opposed to her happiness.
Mariti a congresso
The Bacchantes
The god Dionysus decides to pay a visit to the city of Thebes. Dionysus wants to be the worshiped by the masses, but the kingdom is suffering a horrific drought and the king Pentheus wants instead to sacrifice a virgin to the God Demeter.
Рокко и его братья
Ciro's Fiancee
Овдовевшая Росария Паронди и четверо её сыновей решают переехать из нищей Сицилийской деревни в Милан, где живёт пятый сын. В поисках лучшей доли и достойного заработка братья не гнушаются никакой работы. Постепенно каждый находит своё место. Но отношения в некогда сплоченной семье раскалываются: красавец Рокко вступает в противоборство со своим жестоким братом Симоном. «Яблоком раздора» становится девушка легкого поведения Надя, решившая оставить работу и выйти замуж. Именно её расположения добиваются братья. Ожесточённая вражда способна завести их слишком далеко, вплоть до убийства…
Cerasella escapes just before his marriage with Alfredo and meets Bruno, the son of a wealthy industrialist.
Nights of the Teddy Boys
An Italian drama directed by Leopoldo Savona.
Poor Millionaires
After a series of misunderstandings and other unfortunate incidents, the honeymoon of two young couples ends sooner than planned. Back at their starting point, the ensuing conflict leads to one of the couples separating. Salvatore, who moves away, is hit in the street by a car and loses his memory: he has lost his memories of his friends and family - until he meets his wife Marisa, in which he falls in love again ...
Adventure in Capri
A young French girl, Yvonne, having won a competition, goes to Capri for a short break. There she meets Baron Vanvutelli, an old-fashioned old man, Mario, a Roman student, who came to spend the Sunday at Capri, along with two friends, Renato and Julius.
I ragazzi dei Parioli
A tale on the Italian upper class of the '60s and their ways to kill time.
Cigarettes, Whiskey and Wild Women
Martine runs a sports center for women ,but they are short of the readies. To avoid seizure,she turns her health club into a nightclub with plenty of whiskey and wild women.
Il raccomandato di ferro
An Italian clerk has been helped to his position by a fake kickback letter from a politician who, meanwhile has become a state secretary. His colleagues thus send him to Rome to settle an important matter with the powerful character. The poor fellow goes hoping the truth will not come out.
Totò, Peppino e le fanatiche
Figlia di Vignanelli
A psychiatric-clinic medical director runs some tests on two patients, the Ragionier Antonio Vignanelli and Cavalier Peppino Caprioli, so they must retrieve some memories of family life in order to understand their mental illness.
Love and Chatter
Doddy Paseroni
Maria and Paul love them, but they are very young and, moreover, Maria is the daughter of the municipal sweeper while Paul is the lawyer Bonelli, vice mayor and head of the opposition. To complicate the story there is the reconstruction of a hermitage destroyed during the war. Reconstruction would take the view of the Paseroni villa, big industrial and political traffic. Bonelli's lawyer, a great speaker, becomes a mayor for the death of his predecessor and is bought by Paseroni, while rejecting the love of Paul and Mary for social differences and why Paul should stay behind Doddy Paseroni. At this point, Paul and Mary flee to kill, just as Bonelli has to hold a talk on the radio for the inauguration of Paseroni's villa ...
Poor Girl, Pretty Girl
Anna Maria
Romolo and Salvatore look for jobs to impress their girlfriends, but things get complicated when their old flame Giovanna reappears.
Sandra Carpella
Luciano, who studies at the university, falls in love with Sandra, a high school student, who returns his love. If her family is very rich, his family is of modest extraction; however, the difference in condition does not seem to be a problem, and Luciano's degree increases the hope of a happy future. However, following a sudden financial collapse, Sandra's family business failed: so, to help her parents, the girl accepted the kindness of a very rich childhood friend, deciding to marry him.
La trovatella di Pompei
Maria Molinaro
Maria, is a girl raised by the loving care of a poor couple but without knowing anything about her real parents. She is in love with Giorgio, a boy from a good family, who however has also aroused the interest of the intriguing Edvige who frequents bad company including jealous Roberto.
Бедные, но красивые
Друзья детства, ребята из небогатых семей Сальваторе и Ромоло, живут в одном доме на римской Пьяцца Навона, вместе ходят на работу и пропадают по ночам, ухаживая за подружками. Однажды рядом с их домом открывается ателье мужской одежды, в котором работает неотразимая Джованна.
Guardia, guardia scelta, brigadiere e maresciallo
This is the (funny) story of four agents of Roma traffic police in the '50s. Their life are crossed in affairs that often retire from mere job relationships. 'Guardia scelta' (special agent) Giuseppe tries to be a composer, he wants to write the anthem for the roman traffic police. 'Guardia'(agent) Alberto Randolfi has a too strong inclination to fine everyone and is dreaming about learning French. 'Brigadiere' (sergeant) Pietro Spaziali is busy looking at his little son Tonino and daughter Maria who is going to marry a boxer. The 'Maresciallo' (Marshal) tries to manage and solve all the troubles they often do.
Il campanile d'oro
Интриги любви и ревности в небогатом районе Рима: мирок «маленьких людей» — рабочих, парикмахеров и продавцов напитков. Молодёжь, как ей и полагается, любит похулиганить, развлечься и завести интрижки. Как говорится, бедные, но красивые. Нандо, Франко и Отелло — друзья с детства, но проблемы взрослой жизни проверят их дружбу на прочность. Нандо механик в автомастерской, но ему не хватает заработка и приходится подрабатывать съёмкой в дешёвых фотороманах, что вызывает ревность его подружки Марисы. Парикмахер Отелло безнадежно влюблён в сестру Нандо Адриану, помолвленную с Франко. Рядом находится ресторан господина Аннибале, у которого есть молодая и привлекательная жена Инес, явно симпатизирующая Франко…
The Boatman of Amalfi
"Antonio" leaves his family to live a prosperous life with Cristina. Her family live in a slum where their lives are complicated by young love and jealousy. A letter from a local priest that implicates "Antonio" in the murder of an English nobleman comes to light and soon they are all before the King.