Gerd Hegnell

Gerd Hegnell


Gerd Hegnell


A Thousand Times Stronger
Mat tanten
The arrival of a new girl causes a stir in classroom social structure.
Dolly, a 67-year-old cleaning woman, gets mad at the Coop Supermarket. She thinks they're only pretending to be environmental because they still shrink-wrap their vegetables in plastic. She calls Coop and gets put through to Majken. Meeting Majken changes Dolly's life. You can't shut people down forever.
A Swedish IT-company gets a new boss, who turns out to be a soulless hatchet man in Schildt's dark satire on the evils of the corporate world. He's opposed by Daniel, one of his employees, and eventually comes crashing down, impaled on his own hubris. So Daniel gets given the poisoned chalice of leadership in his place, just to end up as amoral and platitudinous as the man and values he initially stood up against.
As Seen On Tv
Alexander is a talk show host on TV and a partying bachelor privately with an awful love life even though he dreams of settling down. One day his old friend Ralf brings him a manuscript for a book that he can't get published and asks Alexander to put his name on it for some more publicity. Alexander agrees without reading and finds himself in trouble when the book comes out and the views expressed in it are opposite to his own.
Anyway, He's Definitely Dead
Rolf's Mother
Two men meet in a detached house in the Stockholm archipelago to write a play, hunt roe dear and relax in a sauna. But a tabloid got a news story about the authors and sends a journalist to take photographs and bug their conversations.
Rika barn leka bäst
Six women get fired from a bank while the director gets a huge raise.
Kalle Blomkvist Lives Dangerously
Fru Karlsson
The story is about a boy named Kalle Blomkvist who with his friends solves crimes. But also play the battle between the red rose and the white rose with his rival friends. But everything changes when Kalle Blomkvists friend finds a dead man in a cabin and then must his friends and he find the murdurer.
Christmas Oratorio
The 1930s. Sidner's mother Solveig dies in a very unfortunate bicycle accident involving some cows. Sidner, his sister and his father Aron move to Sunne to work at a hotel. Aron tries hard to leave the sweet memories of his wife behind him but that isn't made easier by the fact that he always meets her ghost. Aron gets himself a pen friend, a young girl in New Zealand called Tessa. He starts to dream of beginning a new life on the other side of the world. Will his dreams come true and can they help him to cure his regret over the death of his wife?
One in a Million
Torsten Södergren lives in a normal house with his normal family in a completely normal city. Every morning he greets his normal neighbours before getting into his normal car and drives the usual way to his ordinary work at an ordinary bank. But one day he is fired from his work after twenty years of loyal service. Now he is prepared to do anything to get it back...
Damen i handskdisken
A tragicomic story about the middle-aged Agneta who is a clerk at the big department store. She is dreaming of a perfect and happy family life but is in fact lonely and oppressed by her mother. The women at work do not see through Agneta but enviously admire her happiness.
Mrs. Hansson
A forty something man, Bosse, perpetually down on his luck but always optimistic, hopes to impress his new girlfriend by accepting a job as headwaiter at a remote boardinghouse.
Svidande affärer eller Historien om de fuktskadade gitarrerna
A young man has big dreams and hurry to realize them. Obviously, he is willing to take risks in both business and love to reach where he wants.
Signe Frid
"The Bump" - A factory worker get a sharp bump on his head after having collided with a lamppost. This incident causes him to leave his square daily life for spontaneous escapades and whims.
Kurt Olsson - filmen om mitt liv som mej själv
Miss Larsson
Hur blev Kurt den han blev? Varför blev han aldrig vald till klassens ordningsman? När kom Arne in bilden? Och vad hände när detta radarpar gjorde lumpen? Och Gudrun, vem tycker hon mest om - egentligen? Svaren får du i filmen om Kurtan. Kurtan tycks ha sina fingrar med i allt... från varvskrisen till högertrafikomläggningen... och på något himla sätt verkar allt gå snett...
Lethal Film
The real horror is worse than - than a horror film, worse than - than the worst horror film. A story about some who are producing horror and special effects.
The Mozart Brothers
Hat check girl
This is a comedy about people who work in the theater, live for the theater, think of nothing but the theater. The director seems crazy, the art director has idiotic ideas, and the acting coach is eccentric: they even look like brothers, related by their common obsession for the theater, linked as one with the actors. The new project is Mozart's Don Giovanni, in which the director insists to give it a brand new interpretation and an avant-garde treatment. Now, he has to deal with the violent objection from the actors, the musicians, the singing coach, the stage manager, and even the cafe bar attendants and the cleaners. The situation is further complicated as the director is such a womanizer like Don Juan... and his lovers and kids keep bugging him throughout the rehearsal...
Flickan som inte kunde säga nej
Signe is past 30 and not even divorced, which worries her mother. Signe helps her neighbours instead and listens to opera while day dreaming about Vilhelm, who works in the same office as her
Kärlek på turné
"Love on Tour" - A traveling theatre company has arrived at an outdoor stage. They are ready for the rehearsal. But one of the actors is missing.