Продавец машин Макс очень одинок и замкнут в себе. Ему поставили страшный диагноз - рак. Он крадет крупную сумму денег и решает уехать куда глаза глядят. Отдаляясь от своего дома и от преследователей все дальше и дальше, Макс попадает на скотный двор Эммы... Эмма давно живет одна. Она занимается разведением свиней в богом забытой глуши. Заботливо ухаживай за животными, она и забивает их так же заботливо - особо щадящим методом, не пугая и не причиняя боли. Жизнь Эммы круто меняется с появлением на ее ферме неизвестного гостя...
A serial killer dispassionately discusses the nuts and bolts of his grisly avocation, as well as the youthful traumas which helped to mold him into a psychopath, in this disturbing independent drama from Germany, based on the true story of of Germany's most famous child murderer Juergen Bartsch who, between the ages of 15 and 19, abused, tortured and killed four schoolboys in the Ruhr region of Germany from 1962 to 1966.
This teenage drama deals with the emotional chaos of a high school graduate at the beginning of a new period of his life. 19-year-old Daniel is frustrated: he wants his great love Luca to be the "first" woman in his life, but she seems to be unreachable, so he is still a virgin. During his community service as a male nurse, his boss Anna falls in love with him and they finally have sex. Suddenly Luca is interested in Daniel...